Fighting Donk Harry Reid comes out swinging:
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV), MAJORITY LEADER: This war is a serious situation. It involves the worst foreign policy mistake in the history of this country. So we should take everything serious. We find ourselves in a very deep hole. We need to find a way to dig out of it.
BLITZER: So maybe I misheard you, but you are saying this is the worst foreign policy blunder in American history?
REID: That’s what I said.
BLITZER: Worse than Vietnam?
REID: Yes.
Cheney, I hear, wet himself in terror, seeing that Harry was finally gonna strap on his Everlast boxing shorts (why am I certain that the waistband will be pulled up all the way to his tits?) and REALLY let them have it. Why, I bet George crawled right under Laura’s skirt and started sucking his thumb! What do Harry and the other Donks have planned?
Senate Democrats pledged renewed efforts Sunday to curtail the Iraq war, suggesting they will seek to limit a 2002 measure authorizing President Bush’s use of force against Saddam Hussein.
Wow, the White House must be REELING now! They’re going to go back and change a word or two on the BLANK CHECK they wrote an imperialist oil man back in 2002 (and who better to trust with a boundless death warrant than a rich oil man with delusions that he talks to his Imaginary Friend?)!
This comes after a week where they hemmed and hawed about a toothless resolution, one which failed to pass, and after Harry, who insists that the Iraq War is “worse than Vietnam”, decided to lick his wounds and let everyone go home for the holiday weekend. That’s showing them, Harry!
So, the Head Donklephant in the US Senate once again talks big, (well, as big as you can in that halting, breathless, wimpy way that he does) while being VERY careful to do absolutely nothing. There is a monstrous, illegal, inhuman CRIME going on, the “worst foreign policy blunder in American history”, and he goes on Wolf Blitzer and tosses the voters a bone (“I feel your dismay, I really do!”) and will come back to the nation’s capitol sometime next week and do …
… nothing …
… nada …
… bupkis …
Oh, he’ll “work” with Levin and Biden to, ummmmmmm, reword an old resolution.
Six years of supine enabling, six years during which the Donklephants and their now-Majority Invalid couldn’t bring themselves to launch ANY kind of opposition, and now we’re supposed to believe that will change? The Republicans are back in the minority for only a couple of months, and they’ve already tied the Senate in knots, including threatened filibusters (remember those?).
Now, don’t get me wrong, this ongoing disaster is really, really terrible, but it is of a piece with so many crimes and disasters in the past. Vietnam, yes, but what about the other imperial wars? What makes this one so especially bad, Senator, is it just that we’re LOSING? Is it just that the war-profiteering and theft this time is so blatant AND inept, or is it just that YOU and YOUR CRONIES aren’t getting a big enough cut? If it IS so bad, Senator Pugilist, WHY AREN’T YOU DOING ANYTHING? No, sir, posturing doesn’t count as “doing something”. Carefully choosing your words and focus-grouping them doesn’t count as doing something.
Just retire, take your lifetime pension and LEAVE. Get the hell out of the way. You say that this war is terrible? Then DO SOMETHING. Quit marginalizing Senator Feingold in favor of embracing Republicans like Warner & Biden (well, he may as well be). Do something or retire, or fall ill and stay away, or SOMETHING. Stop showing up with fauning reporters to talk about how you used to box and about how your daddy blew his brains out. Right now there are men and women getting their brains blown out for oil and imperialism. Right now there are men and women returning home in despair, choosing that same course themselves to escape the pain. Right now there are families being torn apart both here and in Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Iran, by the war you enabled. Right now there are tragic stories playing out in drowned and bombed cities while you do nothing to help those in need, while you babble and reminisce and whine that the Republicans are mean.
Go away, you hack, you fraud … I don’t care if you finally adjusted your meds enough to see just how fucked up everything has become. Go away. Slink back to the casinos, to the fake city skylines and bad shows and fake pre-packaged culture in Nevada. Just … go … away.
Oh, and speaking of worthless Donk “leaders”, it pays to rubber-stamp imperial war and attack women’s autonomy, as it seems that the rightwing conspirators who pursued her and her husband have decided that she’s not so bad after all:
Back when Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was first lady, no one better embodied what she once called the “vast right-wing conspiracy” than Richard Mellon Scaife.
Mr. Scaife, reclusive heir to the Mellon banking fortune, spent more than $2 million investigating and publicizing accusations about the supposed involvement of Mrs. Clinton and former President Bill Clinton in corrupt land deals, sexual affairs, drug running and murder.
But now, as Mrs. Clinton is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, Mr. Scaife’s checkbook is staying in his pocket.
Christopher Ruddy, who once worked full-time for Mr. Scaife investigating the Clintons and now runs a conservative online publication he co-owns with Mr. Scaife, said, “Both of us have had a rethinking.”
“Clinton wasn’t such a bad president,” Mr. Ruddy said. “In fact, he was a pretty good president in a lot of ways, and Dick feels that way today.”
As for the conservative response to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, Mr. Ruddy said, “The level of intensity and anger toward Hillary is not getting to the level that it was toward Bill Clinton when he was president.” He added, “She has moderated and developed a separate image.”
Cozying up to Murdoch and attacking those to her left has really paid off, yes?
Reid, Clinton and the rest … beyond worthless.
Reid is a hack, and his party betrays the people who vote for it. Walk away from them. Now.
Oh what a bad Reid and what a good READ, madman.
Nice job.
Dig that Hillary dishonorable mention as well. She deserves bushels full of the fruits of her poison tree dumped here, there, and in those town halls everywhere… well, in the handful of states where deMOCKracy is allowed a peep out of the box for an insta-quick moment or two.
How RICH – Clintons no longer chafe the Scaife, eh? Why am I not surprised? Well, when Murdoch hosts her a fundraising breakfast this past summer, after which she runs to lock arms and sing anti-ceasefire songs with the Israel Lobby in front of the Israel Mission to encourage the (joint, US + Israel) military mission to bomb and bomb and bomb Lebanon, I must say, I am just a tad NOT surprised.
Again, mighty fine work, MM. (I’m dreaming, just a little, of multiple occasions of such fighting words in the flesh too, in town halls in NH … and maybe even Iowa, for fuck’s sake!)
Fighting words like this, shown on Democracy Now!: Clinton v Real Live Tough Questioners on Iraq/Iran in NH
(In honor of Harry Reid) snipple … 😉
Ms Miller also confronted Obama at a deli stop re defunding the war NOW.
Good on you, Anne Miller, and all concerned citizens/activists who are going to these candidate events and attempting to not keep, but start to MAKE it REAL… Chapeaux!
Lovely image that, pulling his shorts up to his ancient nipples. Now I’ll go and try to have breakfast.
What a picture(shudder) eh..I think I’ve found a new diet aid..putting that picture in my head precludes wanting to eat. Of course to be fair, I could go through the whole senate with a different one every day pulling up their tighty whities…after 50 days of that I’d be model thin.(or dead) This is kinda like Jon Stewarts naked Supreme Court Justices..
That was my first thought yesterday when I read what Reid had said: It’s the worst foreign policy blunder in US history, and instead of debating what to do about it, the Senate needs a week of vacation?
Way to address the urgency of the situation, Harry.
I guess the Nucu-lar option is off the table.
I have one request of the Democratic Party. It’s what I had in mind during the recent elections.
Can it get any clearer than that? The executive branch’s job is to carry out the laws passed by the legislative branch. If Congress passes a binding resolution requiring the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, either the President brings our men and women home, or he can be removed and replaced by someone who will. (The sequence can, of course, be reversed: Congress certainly has grounds to remove the president for the simple reason that he is not competent to carry out his duties.)
Note that I did not say, “Try to find a way to end the war without appearing weak.” I did not say, “Make sure we send the right message.” I sure as shit did not say, “Make sure you don’t jeopardize your electability.”
I’m sick and tired of hearing our congresscretins moaning about the “messages” and “signals” we’re sending to “the terrorists.” Newsflash, you bloated oligarchs: you were not elected to vote on the basis of what “the terrorists” will think about it. They don’t get to vote for or against your worthless, spineless, cowardly asses. We do. And if you vote to END THE FUCKING WAR, those of us who voted for you to achieve that goal will, by God, vote for you again. And the terrorists still can’t do anything about it.
The same goes for all foreigners, generally. In any case, nothing we can do is going to do any further damage to “our standing in the world.” You craven Congressional dipshits, haven’t you heard that, thanks to your failure to do your jobs, we don’t have any standing in the world. END THE FUCKING WAR and we might get some of it back.
I’ve been plastering:
all over everything.
I like “END THE FUCKING WAR” much better.
Great diary, great comments. If it weren’t for knowing all you good folk were here, I think I’d go mad with grief, rage and frustration. At least I’m not alone.
Ah Thanks Harry, your manly gumption in face of Wolfies ‘mishearing’ you brings a real tear to my eye. Give em hell Harry and oh yeah then take the week off..gezz louise that was hard hard work saying that. I bet all those troops in Iraq(and elsewhere) are high fiving each other right now cause you’re the man Harry, yeeeeeeeehaw. They know you’ll be bringing them home next week right. Oh sorry they didn’t know you’d be taking the week off cause senatoring is a tough’s so tough all those congresscritters know just how you boys and girls feel in the trenches, yes sireee.
All those slings and arrows the big bad rethuglicans send the dems way makes them feel just like they are being shot at just like you boys/girls..they feel your pain don’t ya know.
I’ve got some words for you Harry….call back the senators and back up your ah manly talk with some goddamn action….no need for much talk, just do it, pass a law, pass a resolution(binding) whatever the fuck it takes to bring the troops home now. All it would take is the guts to do it.
yeppers madman, it’s all about the money, and staying tight with the right (circle) that is ; )