Who would ever think that marriage fraud, immigration violations and drug trafficking would be considered Terrorist Activities?  Well it seems the Department of Justice was so involved in keeping the Terror Alert alive and well for the Bush Regime and also to keep their own funding, they cooked the books.  

associated press

  Audit finds U.S. anti-terror statistics inflated
Marriage fraud, other non-terror issues counted in numbers since 9/11

WASHINGTON – Federal prosecutors counted immigration violations, marriage fraud and drug trafficking among anti-terror cases in the four years after 9/11 even though no evidence linked them to terror activity, a Justice Department audit said Tuesday.

Overall, nearly all of the terrorism-related statistics on investigations, referrals and cases examined by department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine were either diminished or inflated. Only two of 26 sets of department data reported between 2001 and 2005 were accurate, the audit found.

Responding, a Justice spokesman pointed to figures showing that prosecutors in the department’s headquarters for the most part either accurately or under reported their data — underscoring what he called efforts to avoid pumping up federal terror statistics.

The numbers, used to monitor the department’s progress in battling terrorists, are reported to Congress and the public and help, in part, shape the department’s budget.

“For these and other reasons, it is essential that the department report accurate terrorism-related statistics,” the audit concluded.

Fine’s office took care to say the flawed data appear to be the result of “decentralized and haphazard” methods of collection or disagreement over how the numbers are reported, and do not appear to be intentional.

Still, the errors led Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., to question whether the department had exaggerated the number of terror cases.

Audit finds U.S. anti-terror statistics inflated

Does this sound typical of the Bush Regime and every department of the United States Government since Bush came to power?  How many more inflated numbers are out there or should I say out and out Lies used to mislead Americans and the rest of the World?  While the story goes on to say they don’t think it was intentional to add all these inflated numbers, it is hard to believe that with all the other lies and propaganda the Bush Regime has used in it’s never ending struggle to control public opinion and use Fear as a way to govern.