Crossposted from Town Called Dobson
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I remain astonished the GOP is still in love with this war. Now that the Brits are showing more leadership in this war than the GOP, I can’t get over the disconnect the Republicans have.
I think the only way we are going to get out of this war is for the GOP to have to do without something. And since Iraq isn’t a producer of Brooks Brothers men’s wear, I doubt anything will discomfort them unless it is them being booted out of office.
If after five years of war, the GOP still believes this war is a good one, they have proved themselves wholly incompetent to serve in public office, in any capacity. And I am including dog catcher.
To date the repugs have proven themselves incompetent at every job except dismantling the government and enriching their donor base. Support the troops? Not this bunch.
Great cartoon!