I don’t have a full day in Bridgeport 🙂 but I don’t get home early 🙁
Takes about 90 minutes (traffic-willing) to get from Bridgeport to the Hartford airport so it’s pretty much impossible to spend a reasonable amount of time at the customer site and get home early. Anyway, if all is on time, I should be home around 9:30 p.m.
Hi Andi!!! It’s nice that you did not get snow and will be returning home to Jim and the pack today.
FamilyMan, I am so glad that George is doing better. Give the little guy6 an extra treat from the Diva Dogs and I.
Today should be fun. I am going to hear Obama at an event in Austin. They have had over 16,000 reserve seats at the function. They had to move it from one venue to a larger one with in the first couple of days. This should let the national candidates know that Texas is a state to campaign in. LOL
Oh yes, I plan to do a dairy most likely and I am taking my Camera with me as well. My camera is a small one and I am not the photographer that some of our other members are so I am not sure how great the pictures will be. LOL
Cool. All the photos I’ve taken at marches and stuff like YKos and posted here were taken with a little P&S camera, so I’m sure you’ll get some good ones.
Good morning Andi.
So I guess the end to the working wonderland is near for you today.
and I even got a little gift — it was supposed to snow between 2-4 inches and it just rained instead.
How’s George?
I’m glad you’ll be home soon. This job sounded rather unpleasant.
He’s better I guess. I’ve got up at 1:30 am with him, but he went back to sleep and as usual, I stayed awake.
Yeah, that’s the Packs best trick — except that they all go out at the same time but come back at different ones so I have to get up three times.
Must be about time for a nap, then.
Yep nap time. You know me so well. 🙂
Hope your day passes fast and you’re back home soon.
BTW, it was nice to read the new posts this week over at your place — they do a very nice job of keeping me company. 🙂
Good morning Andi and FM!
Do you have a full day in Bridegeport, or do you get to leave early?
FM, I’m glad George seems a litle better today.
Morning CabinGirl!!!
I don’t have a full day in Bridgeport 🙂 but I don’t get home early 🙁
Takes about 90 minutes (traffic-willing) to get from Bridgeport to the Hartford airport so it’s pretty much impossible to spend a reasonable amount of time at the customer site and get home early. Anyway, if all is on time, I should be home around 9:30 p.m.
I’ll bet you really wanted to know all that, eh?
Oh well, time to go.
Yuck. At least it’ll be over today and you can head home.
Have a safe trip home.
Hi Andi!!! It’s nice that you did not get snow and will be returning home to Jim and the pack today.
FamilyMan, I am so glad that George is doing better. Give the little guy6 an extra treat from the Diva Dogs and I.
Today should be fun. I am going to hear Obama at an event in Austin. They have had over 16,000 reserve seats at the function. They had to move it from one venue to a larger one with in the first couple of days. This should let the national candidates know that Texas is a state to campaign in. LOL
Good morning, refinish.
We’ll be expecting a report on Obama, you know. 🙂
Oh yes, I plan to do a dairy most likely and I am taking my Camera with me as well. My camera is a small one and I am not the photographer that some of our other members are so I am not sure how great the pictures will be. LOL
Cool. All the photos I’ve taken at marches and stuff like YKos and posted here were taken with a little P&S camera, so I’m sure you’ll get some good ones.
I’ll be looking for your diary!
I only do one thing Straight
Can You Believe?
… from last night’s brawl … er hockey game …
I’m a wee bit chagrinned to say that I love a good goaltender fight … 🙂
The Sabres will be in Ottawa tomorrow night for the big rematch.