Also nice that it’s not being tape-delayed for the Left Coast, so I can actually get to bed at a decent hour for once, since I’m flying out to Vegas tomorrow… 🙂
She was a fabulous movie executive and all she does for charities is beyond belief. With her connections, she can get some big dollar donors to open their wallets.
It has nothing to do with race. I just don’t think he is qualified and his speech friday and what I have heard from his campaign has not changed my mind.
Did anyone notice that the Cheney administration in in full-throttle attack on the media to again whitewash the American public that Iran is worthy of our bombing?
Notice signs for WWIII anyone????
Fuck the movies! What’s wrong with you people?????
are watching the Oscars (allegedly), and if just 10% get the message from Gore’s win that global warming is important and they change their habits because of it, we’ll have one small victory right there.
Heck, I’m still trying to find a 3-way CFL bulb that works with one of my lamps…
that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. I want to get some 3-ways but they don’t seem to sell them that the stores I frequent. (I think all but four of the regular bulbs in our house are CFL now, and all but one of those is burned out. 🙂 )
Oh, and the answer to the question “What’s wrong with you people?” is “Absolutely nothing.” A well-balanced person takes time out once in a while for a little time off. Or to put it in storytellers’ terms, even the grimmest story needs to pause once in a while for a little comic relief.
by the broadcast thus far — Ellen has had a few weak spots but overall the broadcast has been fine (other than the standard overlength). They really should allow 3-1/2 to 4 hours, for folks setting the DVRs…
The Departed is a remake of the japanese film Infernal Affairs. Since most remakes of japanese films never come close to being as good as the original, I’d suggest you good with the real deal – which I saw recently and it was very good with all the plot twists.
takes Adapted Screenplay — but after that scene from “Notes from a Scandal”, I need a cold shower… lol
Marie Antoinette
gets a minor award — always nice to see the ones that don’t get much press come through…
Sadly, I am precluded from watching, as The Entertainment Czar hath decreed that this is Disney Channel night chez Omir.
Also nice that it’s not being tape-delayed for the Left Coast, so I can actually get to bed at a decent hour for once, since I’m flying out to Vegas tomorrow… 🙂
to present the Humanitarian Award — at least there’s no couch around for him to jump on…
I was scared he might start talking about … well never mind. LOL
of separating his religion and his work — unlike the current crop of Republicans…
LOL true. he just goes nuts once in awhile.
Sherry Lansing does great work!!!!
I’m not that familiar with her — my loss…
She was a fabulous movie executive and all she does for charities is beyond belief. With her connections, she can get some big dollar donors to open their wallets.
was wearing a bra, or ABC may have had their version of the “wardrobe malfunction”…
I don’t think her’s are as big as Janet’s. LOL
has won every award it’s been nominated for…
I have to see that movie.
Will add it to the list…
Pirates amd that ugly yellow dress has got to go!!!!
on the 50th anniversary of the Oscar for Foreign Language Film
Thought for sure another “Pan” award…
Jennifer Hudson!!!!!! Dream Girls!!!!!
Take that, American Idol!!!
What’s the person she lost to doing, a supermarket opening somewhere?
Celine will be singing. I wonder if she will beat her chest through out the entire song as usual. She must have bruises after every performance.
from her Vegas show — think she’s the one on now, though I’d rather see Elton John if I had to choose between the two of them…
Short subject first, then the biggie…
The Blood of Yingsou(sp)district. This as Aids activist in china still are more likely to be arrested than assisted by the government.
He’s totally overshadowing the category…then again, I never was a fan of the TV show…
Almost wish one of those would’ve won…
Okay, let’s see if there are any surprises in store…
that most folks are very underwhelmed by the current crop of candidates, with the possible exception of Obama…
Well, I saw Obama Friday. I think he would be a good VP but not a good president.
The problem is anyone who dares suggest that is accused of saying that African-Americans aren’t qualified for the top job… grrrrrr
It has nothing to do with race. I just don’t think he is qualified and his speech friday and what I have heard from his campaign has not changed my mind.
I think it was good to have a comic as the films themselves are so deep.
I love Celnine’s voice but hate watching her sing. LOL
between seeing Celine and Sir Elton in Vegas, I’ll take Elton John… 🙂
Elton is Fabulous in concert.
Did anyone notice that the Cheney administration in in full-throttle attack on the media to again whitewash the American public that Iran is worthy of our bombing?
Notice signs for WWIII anyone????
Fuck the movies! What’s wrong with you people?????
Quit being a jerk!!! You are preaching to the choir here but we all need our moments of rest and relaxation.
are watching the Oscars (allegedly), and if just 10% get the message from Gore’s win that global warming is important and they change their habits because of it, we’ll have one small victory right there.
Heck, I’m still trying to find a 3-way CFL bulb that works with one of my lamps…
that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. I want to get some 3-ways but they don’t seem to sell them that the stores I frequent. (I think all but four of the regular bulbs in our house are CFL now, and all but one of those is burned out. 🙂 )
Oh, and the answer to the question “What’s wrong with you people?” is “Absolutely nothing.” A well-balanced person takes time out once in a while for a little time off. Or to put it in storytellers’ terms, even the grimmest story needs to pause once in a while for a little comic relief.
in several years that I wasn’t familiar with any of the scores…
Same here.
on a John Williams or other standby…
Little Miss Sunshine won best original screenplay.
In other news, both Generalissimo Francisco Franco and Anna Nicole Smith are still dead…
I take it back I do know the score from Dream Girls but that is from my knowledge of the play. LOL
will probably take one of the songs, but I’m kinda rooting for Randy Newman…
I’m rooting for Melissa. LOL
Melissa, you rock, girlfriend!!! 🙂
I love that she thanked her wife!!!!
She did it!!!!!!
one of these days…
You have never seen it? OMG you have to watch it.
Jodi Foster just keeps getting better looking as she gets older.
introducing the In Memoriam…she’s looking pretty good…
that all those folks died last year…
same here. At least there were not all the young ones we were seeing for a few years.
Best actress.
“The Queen” is also on my list of must-see movies…
same here!!!!
This dance troupe is fabulous!!!!
by the broadcast thus far — Ellen has had a few weak spots but overall the broadcast has been fine (other than the standard overlength). They really should allow 3-1/2 to 4 hours, for folks setting the DVRs…
LOL Everyone should know it always runs over.
Forrest whitacker best actor.
might take the “You’re due” award — that might be a good sign for Scorscese, as I don’t think they’d do two of those in one year…
At last… 🙂
It is about time!!!!
The Departed and I have to admot I had not heard of it till it was nominated.
The Departed is a remake of the japanese film Infernal Affairs. Since most remakes of japanese films never come close to being as good as the original, I’d suggest you good with the real deal – which I saw recently and it was very good with all the plot twists.
takes Best Picture!
Not sure I’m interested in that one, but I’m happy for the folks…
Now back to the Real World…