It’s interesting to see how far ahead Rudy Guiliani is in the race for the Republican nomination.
On the Republican side, Giuliani crushes McCain, 44-21. Without Gingrich, he leads by a whopping 53-23. There isn’t a single national poll where Giuliani doesn’t hold a strong lead right now, and all of the trend lines favor him. And just in case anyone had any lingering doubts as to whether or not conservative, white evangelicals are actually issue voters:
The principal reason was a shift among white evangelical Protestants, who now clearly favor Giuliani over McCain. Giuliani gained among this group of Americans despite his support of abortion rights and gay rights, two issues of great importance to religious conservatives. McCain opposes abortion rights.
They love the guy who disagrees with them. I have to second what Matt wrote on this one:
Like a lot of us, he thinks that Republicans base their political judgment on issues, ie. gay rights, abortion, national defense, taxes, etc. He makes the same mistake that a lot of Democrats make, assuming that conservatives think the way that we do. They don’t. They are authoritarians. Gay marriage, abortion, taxes, national security, none of it really matters to them. What they are looking for is an authoritarian to look like he’s taking charge, and the way an authoritarian takes charge is to attack liberals and stomp on people who aren’t like them. Giuliani did this in New York, so he’s a rock star in Alabama.
That sounds about right to me. Of course, considering Clinton’s lead among war opponents, many Democrats might not be all that different.
Most people don’t know anything about Rudy Guiliani except that he was the mayor of New York City on 9/11. It’s hard to estimate how much that helps him, but considering the scared-rabbit behavior of our President that day, the contrast of an extremely able and reassuring Guiliani must count for a tremendous amount. I know it counts for a lot with me. Guiliani knows how to keep his head, and we already know that about him. We don’t know that about any of the other candidates.
Does that mean that people are drawn to authoritarians? That might be a little strong. People are drawn to leaders that know how to handle authority. After the catastrophic incompetence of the Bush administration, the ability to handle a crisis, like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina, is an important consideration for the electorate.
It will be interesting to see how Rudy fares when people become more familiar with his positions on social issues and his checkered personal life. But, personally, I’d be encouraged if Republicans were willing to put aside their xenophobia, homophobia, and paternalism and select someone like Guiliani. It would mean that the hold of evangelicanism over the party is grossly exaggerated.
Having said that, Guiliani would be a dreadful President. But so would the entire rest of the Republican field.
Here’s a video I’m pretty sure Rudy wish he hadn’t made….Presidential? Judge for yourself–
For those thinking the Religious Right will veto a Giuliani nomination, you are sadly mistaken. The Religious Right has been moving to Giuliani, because they have no place else to go. They will compromise their principles (once again) for power. They won’t abandon the GOP. A Guiliani run may not hype up the base like Bush did in 2000 and 2004, but its the best the GOP has right now.
When you see his ex-wife in a swiftboat political ad defaming his character, it is doubtful that his poll numbers will stand up. It was a highly contentious, New York Daily News rag paper type divorce.
it’s way early in the game. And can he sustain?
My comment in today’s Newsbucket … Go check this Zogby Poll Early reading and too many months to go:
Hillary Holds On; Giuliani Expands Lead in National Primary Tests
Obama advances, but McCain fades in partisan contests; Obama, Giuliani do best in general election match-ups
Rich friends who can buy the ex-wife’s silence.
All conventional analyses of Giuliani’s potential to succeed or fail as a candidate omit the one crucial element: what do the ruling class of the United States (at least those who control the major media, especially television) want?
If they think that Giuliani is their It Boy, then by Jove they will move heaven and earth to get him into the White House.
But if not…then another t’will serve.
Remember Bush, ala 1999? The idiot son of a failed former President? Everybody talked about Bush Junior’s chances as if the US held fair, free elections monitored by an independent media.
Naw. If the US had those things, Bush wouldn’t have become President.
US elections are partly (not completely) rigged, many candidates are knocked out before the game begins because they are unwilling or unable to beg $100 million from their would-be masters, and as for the media…do I need to explain what’s wrong there?
I would say that the ruling class would not be comfortable with Giuliani because he doesn’t do “warm and fuzzy” (that setting is broken on his politician dial). I think Mitt Romney is more to the ruling class’ tastes, but really, Hillary or Obama would do as they are told just as well.
Know what happens to a President who defies the will of the ruling class? Well, we haven’t had one since FDR, so it’s really hard to say…
I’d say Giuliani would do as well as any of the others in cleaning up Junior’s mess.
At any rate, the only thing the future holds for most people in the United States is declining wages and the spectre of perpetual war. Sort of like “1984” without the cool two-way telly screens.
Sheesh, I was disappointed to hear about his utility bill, makes my favorite hero and the last hope of freedom look like a hypocrite. What’s up with that?
<<sinking heart>> 🙁
Gore often has staff members working out of his home and there’s lots of computers and other energy-sucking devices there.
That’s one explanation I’ve heard.
Another explanation is that Gore got a Wii for a Christmas gift and plays with it. A LOT.
Olberman had a nice little piece about that right wing attack story concerning Gore’s electric bill.(which started on the Drudge Report) Gore buys green credits which incorporates I believe solar and wind power which is more expensive thus making his electric bill more expensive. So he is actually being very environmentally conscious and paying more money to do so. How many people attacking him are doing this do you suppose? I’d bet zero.
On a bunch of levels.
Go here, read this post I made a couple of weeks ago for more.
Why Giuliani Doesn’t Have A Snowball’s Chance In Hell To Become President
You write:
That was a MANUFACTURED IMAGE, Booman.
Pure spin.
Pure political theater.
Pure self aggrandizement and self-interest.
I was here…I watched from up close and threatened.
It will all come out, the true story, as he gets closer to the brass ring.
His nasty spirited divorce, his thug cops…Kerik wasn’t the only one…his treatment of the firefighters in exactly the same way ButchCo treats the troops.
He is Dewey redux, and I hope to GOD that he is the Ratpub nominee.
He will cave under pressure. The mean spirited little hustler that is his true persona will come out.
No class whatsoever.
Bet on it.
The US has elections riddled with massive fraud.
The US has a corporate-owned media uninterested in its Constitutional role as watchdog against the wolves.
The US has a corrupt “pay for play” political system in which truly progressive candidates are excluded from the process by the need to raise tens of millions of dollars. These are candidates for whom the voters will never get to cast their ballots. You might say that the only votes that count are in the “money primary”, and it’s the rich who decide that.
Arthur Gilroy, like so many others, proceeds from a false fundamental premise: that the elections are not skewed and fixed in so many ways that prognosticating on whether or not Giuliani can “win” the election is futile.
If the corporate-owned media and the big money elite decide that Giuliani is their best bet for reinforcing the status quo (which favours…guess!…that’s right, the big money elite!), then Giuliani will be President.
If the United States political system operated the way a democracy is supposed to, Bush Junior would not have become President and would not have even been considered a serious candidate. A failed businessman, unreformed drug addict, mental midget…not exactly the resume of the Leader of the Free World.
Actually, the elite wanted President Cheney and that’s what they got–with Bush to put an “ordinary guy” face on the darkness that is the Cheney presidency.
But please, spare me all the blather about how so-and-so can’t possibly win. I heard it with Bush Junior in 1999 and 2000 and we all know how that turned out.
I think that the wild card in this fixed game is that now a large enough number of the marks are AWARE of the fix, and thus will be able to have some serious impact on the results.
I mean…why was the 2006 election such a big change?
Answer…because the opposition has been pounding away.
Pound pound pounding away.
On Bush.
On Cheney.
On this war.
On the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of crooked Ratpub hustlers.
On the interface between Enron-like kleptobusiness and BushCo-like kleptopolitics.
My point…Giuliani is EMINENTLY poundable.
If you want to give up and go skulk away somewhere until Armageddon comes…feel free.
I think that the PermaGov has just about shot its load. It got over with this weakling Bush because of his connection to his father plus Cheney’s presence.
Giuliani’s performance during 9/11?
Not enough to carry him through.
Not if we all pound away at HIS failings.
And I will NOT give up.
This country still has a soul left.
Until that soul is totally gone…I will keep the faith.
The faith of my forefathers and mothers who moved here with a dream.
No matter HOW badly it turned nightmare.
Ya gotta believe.
Or…ya gotta leave.
One or the other, once you realize what’s really up here.
One or the other.
Or a third…go underground and start to fight.
Because once you know…there’s no turning back.
You can’t go home again.
There IS no forgetting. Not about this kind of shit.
Make your choice.
I’ve made mine.
But please…spare me all the blather about how hopeless things have become.
I know.
Jump off of the cliff in the full belief that you will fall UP.
It is the only way to win.
Bet on it.
There is only one scenario under which a Republican could win the presidential election in 2008. And that is if Hillary were the Democratic nominee.
As Harry Truman said, when a Democrat runs as a Republican, the Republican always wins.
I remember way back during Iran-contra days that Giuliani was a federal prosecutor and he did a lot of looking the other way. It may have been during Iran-contra itself, might have been BCCI. Sorry, I threw away the scorecard for that one, but it seems that going back and checking his career in law should be revealing.
I do not see it that way.
She is a master politician.
She has triangulated herself into a GOOD position, electorally speaking.
Yes, she has largely ignored the so-called “left”.
Eminently ignorable, by the numbers.
You know the Yeats poem? Slouching towards Bethlehem ?
The opening? (Emphasis mine.)
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
She is trying to hold the center, in her own way.
So that anarchy is NOT loosed upon the world.
Will she succeed?
Maybe not.
More likely not if continuously and reflexively attacked from the left.
Cut her a break.
She is trying.
She is accused of lacking conviction?
She has perservered for 40 years in her attempts to do the right thing.
Perservered through a rocky marriage.
Through the demonization and ultimate destruction of everything she worked to bring about during the Clintons’ first climb to the top.
And here she is.,..trying again.
Is that not conviction?
I think it is.
Cut her some slack.
A Clinton/Obama ticket?
A potential 16 years of Democratic rule, staring you in the face.
The last time that happened?
FDR and the New Deal.
And the left hated HIS ass, too.
Check it out.
The left cannot STAND the possibility of actually winning.
It’s so…centrist!!!
Give me a break!!!