Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomers and Lurkers welcome and join the fun.
All drinks are on us!
All drinks are on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Drink are free and plenty of company. Come on in.
Thank goodness someone could get it to work. I finally got one to work and then saw this one so deleted it.
Who’s around?
me. LOL
Hi RF.
I saw your comment about errors and that happens to me all the time. Sometimes when you cut and paste, you loose something in the process. Notice I haven’t changed my happy hour graphic in awhile. 🙂
and I have to try and change it every other time. LOL
Hey I like your graphics. It just takes time.
How’s your day been?
Great day but a long one. I have been cleared to return to work next tuesday!!!!
That’s great news RF. I’m sure you’re itching to get back to work. 🙂
It will be nice to get back into a real routine.
Yep if I get thrown off my routine, it takes forever to get back.
well, I have been out since jan 23rd so it has been a while. LOL
I hadn’t realized it had been that long.
seems like forever. LOL
Only one drink to a customer.
Served in buckets!!
Well, it’s almost noon.
My morning has thus far consisted of letting the dog out to lie in the drizzle, waiting for said dog to get wet enough to ask to come in the house where it’s dry, letting her in and toweling her off, listening to her snore until she wakes up and asks to go out again. Repeat endlessly, or at least three times thus far.
Good dog, Luna!!!! LOL
Hi keres.
Am I so happy that George hates to get wet. Well that is until bathtime.
If it’s really raining, Luna would rather be under cover, but a little rain or drizzle takes awhile to penetrate her coat.
As for baths, she’s a huge wuss, and nearly always embarasses me at the dog wash by digging in all four feet and doing her best anchor imitation at the doorway.
You must have a heck of a time dragging her in. 🙂
There’s no use getting into a pulling contest with a big dog. They have four feet versus our two, a much lower center of gravity, and are basically designed to pull backwards.
The best response is to let the lead go slack, give them a firm command to “come” followed by a short and strong pop on the leash until the the dog moves forward. With lots of praise, of course, when they do what they are told.
As I’ve said for decades now, you have to be smarter than your pets.
We’re eating late, so I have to fix dinner.
See ya’ll later.
Luna doesn’t smell that bad.
Besides what’s a little wet dog smell between friends?
I’ll just have to amuse myself then.
Chicken Police.
Very short and should load up quickly for dial-up users.
Oooo. Look at all the lovely rain.
That’s hysterical. I love the stare down…
Rabbit fights snake. Rabbit wins.
Just perusing my pootie pix, this is one of my favorites. What I would give to be this relaxed at the end of a workday at my most recent ‘ultra-stressful with nut-case boss’ job. Today I went out and bought a plant and two miniature tranquility fountains for my office and installed a crystal in the window. Plus lots of deep breathing of course.
Hi MM. That’s a great photo. I too would like to know a purely animal level of just about an state-of-being – rest, especially.
Ah, cat consciousness!
They actually move their weight about the board to stay with the break of the wave.
And I thought it took special skills. LOL!
Apparently all I needed was mouse’s sense of balance.
My surfing days are far, far behind me now. Although, Tasmania’s got a few beaches that get surfable waves, and they’re small enough that I probably won’t get pile driven into the beach again.
Alas, at the moment I look like a black version of the Michellin Tire Man when stuffed into a wet suit.
Plays as well as I ever did.