There’s a show on ABC at 10 tonight about the head injuries that soldiers in Iraq get, and how hard it is for them to get care when they return. See here:
Traumatic Brain Injury is one of several Veteran’s issues that Sen Patty Murray has in focus. She put SecDef Gates on the spot today in the hearing, asking him to provide the numbers of soldiers with this injury, saying this has been refused to her in the past. He replied that he would try to do that; when she asked for a set date – he agreed to a week.
Legendary pirate radio DJ Dave Rabbit, creater of Radio First Termer Vietnam (1971) and Radio First Termer Iraq (2006), in an intimate, wide-ranging discussion with Jane Fonda about her involvement with the GI Movement and Sir! No Sir!, along with her life in film.
There’s a show on ABC at 10 tonight about the head injuries that soldiers in Iraq get, and how hard it is for them to get care when they return. See here:
The sad part is that this only gets into the news when a newsperson gets injured. I guess the pain and misery of mere soldiers isn’t newsworthy enough
Traumatic Brain Injury is one of several Veteran’s issues that Sen Patty Murray has in focus. She put SecDef Gates on the spot today in the hearing, asking him to provide the numbers of soldiers with this injury, saying this has been refused to her in the past. He replied that he would try to do that; when she asked for a set date – he agreed to a week.
It’s at the intersection of Almeda and Cleburne, where 59 goes over Almed in Houston. Interesting, the home of the parents of the pRez…
Found over at AfterDowningStreet, Thanks Dave!
Legendary pirate radio DJ Dave Rabbit, creater of Radio First Termer Vietnam (1971) and Radio First Termer Iraq (2006), in an intimate, wide-ranging discussion with Jane Fonda about her involvement with the GI Movement and Sir! No Sir!, along with her life in film.
Click here to listen now!
Sending Warm though of Love and Healing!!!!
…and a hearty “fuck the fucking Yankees.”
I wouldn’t say that for just anybody.