Month: February 2007

The Al Sharpton enigma

Why does Al Sharpton have any credibility? No, let me rephrase that. Does Al Sharpton have any credibility and, if so, why? Just what has he accomplished other than a vanity presidential run and an extremely sordid episode...

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Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb-Bomb Iran

The deployment of two aircraft carrier task forces to the Persian Gulf is a direct and deliberate challenge to Iran.  As newly minted Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said recently:the addition of another aircraft carrier...

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Conservative Think Tank Launches Anti-Iran Ads

Here’s the ad the neoconservative think tank American Foreign Policy Council began running in the Washington DC area recently: Just thought you should know what everyone inside the Beltway is seeing on their televisions...

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The Nation is Failing its Mentally Wounded

Promoted by Steven D. It sends them into emotional danger, then disdains their injuries. This Op Ed at the Star Tribune could have been extended and filled the whole paper on what this Nation does, and has done throughout...

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