My first impression of Dubya was, still is, and probably will always continue to be that he is so fucking stupid and ideologically driven that he has in the past, continues now, and will continue in the future to fuck up America’s standing in the world and to existentially put us at risk.  But what if he is doing it on purpose.

The ties between the Saudi royal family and the Bush family are well documented and we even have tape of  Dubya’s hand-holding walks with some of his desert princes.  And so, despite our national interest to find a solution to the Bush created fiasco in Iraq, Bush and Cheney are now rattling the sabres they both refused to pick up in their youth and pointing them at Iran.   Any rational human must ask, “what the fuck?”

Who benefits?  Only one country benefits from the increasing tension between the U.S. and Iran, and that is the Bush-puppet-master kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  I used to think that if Bush was talking, we had to look to make sure we could see both of Cheney’s hands, thereby assuring that one of them was not up Bush’s ass a’ la Howdy Doody.  Now I think the hands we need to locationally verify are coming out of a Saudi robe.

So what are the facts that would lead me to think that either our President Bush likes a hand up his ass or that he is a puppet of the Saudis.  And no, I’m not going to make a crack about the press credentials of one “male escort” making all sorts of visits to the White House.

  1.  The United States is attacked by 19 al Qaeda terrorists, 15 of which are Saudi citizens.  Bush responds by putting the invasion of Iraq into motion almost immediately after this attack.  And by letting members of the bin Laden family fly out of the country when all other domesitc flights are grounded.  Hmmm, what neighboring country had the most to fear from Iraq and has princes that like to hold hands with our President?
  2.  In order to go after the Afghan bases of the terrorists who attacked us on the cheap, Bush converts Pakistan from terrorist state to ally.  When Islamic terrorists get nuclear material, the most likely source will be this Bush ally, not Iran.
  3.  Once Bush completely screwed the pooch in Iraq by not listening to our competent military leaders’ assessments on required troop levels and by having absolutely no plan for following up a military victory with a reconstruction plan other than fattening the wallets of his campaign contributors, our ignorant President disbands the Iraqi army creating a vacuum filled by Shi’ite militia thereby ceding an enormous amount of prestige and influence to Iran.
  4.  The attacks against American forces in Iraq are not coming from these Shia militia, but from Sunni forces who are the driving force behind the violence in Iraq.  These Sunni forces are proxies of Saudi Arabia who is seeking to limit Iranian influence in the region.  Rather than target these Sunni death squads, Bush’s policy is to go after Shia militia in Baghdad.  Huh?
  5.  Now that things are completely FUBAR in Iraq, now that our President, virtually unaided, has created the conditions for increasing Iranian influence in Iraq, and with a few deft manipulations of some Saudi hidden hand, Bush rattles his sword at Iran.  Having created this chance for Iran to expand its influence in the region through unmitigated incompetence, Bush now “confronts” the threat he himself brought into being.  

We certainly don’t benefit from isolating Iran.  American interests, in Iraq in particular and from a security standpoint in general, would be best advanced through constructive engagement with Iran.  But that would diminish Saudi influence in particular and Sunni influence in wider Islam.  

I can only imagine how much better off the world would be if only little George had summoned up the courage to actually serve his country in his youth rather than let his Daddy get him into the Air National Guard so that he could play at being a pilot and then not even make it through that token service.  The world suffers while little George deals with his personal cowardice as an adult with our precous sons and daughters by sending them to do something he and Cheney vigorously avoided in their youth.

By I digress…..just look for those Saudi hands.  Whenever Bush speaks, they are hard to find.

This, in The New Yorker, is a must read on this subject.