We haven’t been feeling that well either. FMom has been having dizzy spells which means I have to have a look out all the time. Thanks goodness if she comes out of her room George will start yapping and I’ll know she up.
George seems to be feeling better, bt not very energetic. I’m almost done with all the antibiotics and if this keeps up, I’ll have to take him to the vet again.
I’ve just been feeling blah. Nothing specific, but no energy what so ever.
You think I’d remember that, but I thought being in southern IN it might be a few weeks earlier than in Cle, but apparently not. We’re consistently in the 60s now – my favorite weather.
There might be a week or two difference but that’s all. Also, the woods always lag behind the nearby towns — I guess the mass of the buildings retain enough additional heat to make things sprout earlier.
Just a quick fly by and I will check back later. Today was a weird day. I fell in the shower and knocked myself out. When I cam to, I was okay except for having wrenched my back. I missed Lobby Day today but am feeling much better. I have been in bed most of the day and am heading out to get some fast for for dinner as I do not feel up to cooking.
Shit – glad you came to eventually. That’s what always scared me about being alone. You should get checked out, though just to be sure nothing else is wrong.
Nope — I can’t figure out what would have planetary system models, alligators in the sewer and squirrels eating coins. Oh and dinosaurs. But clearly — only in Noo Yawk.
Can’t resist this one, though I’m so late to the party it’s ridiculous. I so rarely have any answers to pressing questions.
These are at Union Square station, NYC.
Now I shall scroll down & find my moment of triumph absolutely moot ..
Nope. Actually I’ve been running all day. Believe it or not, it felt pretty good to be bust all day, Of course I would’nt want to make a habit of it. 🙂
Hello & a gracious good night/good morning to one & all! Hope you’re all taking good care of yourselves. I’m about to take my own advice & head to bed, here in the windy north woods, as springtime lurks just beneath the snowy ground.
See y’all soon, I hope!
for happy hour, but what the heck…
Anybody still awake?
Thanks for putting up the happy hour, froggybottom – I’ve been feeling yucky. 🙁
I think I’ll just have some ginger ale.
How about a Shirley Temple, young lady?
Hi SN.
Sorry you’ve been felling yucky. You know 27 beers will make you feel better for awhile. It’s tomorrow you would have to pay though.
Hope you get to feeling better.
I think I’ll have to pass on the beers. What’s up with you and FMom and George?
We haven’t been feeling that well either. FMom has been having dizzy spells which means I have to have a look out all the time. Thanks goodness if she comes out of her room George will start yapping and I’ll know she up.
George seems to be feeling better, bt not very energetic. I’m almost done with all the antibiotics and if this keeps up, I’ll have to take him to the vet again.
I’ve just been feeling blah. Nothing specific, but no energy what so ever.
Other than that we’ve all been doing fine. 🙂
sounds like you have the Cleveland Crud – about a thousand miles too far south. Hope you all start to feel better.
are you unguested?
I am sort of unguested – though lovely daughter showed up unannounced at the same time as the stomach flu. Coincidence?
You can’t count Ryan as a guest till she graduates from college. Any virus she brings home with her, however, can be counted as a guest.
I was sort of looking forward to dropping off my sister and the airport and then napping the day away. 🙂
Has spring sprung yet in your woods?
Nothing is stopping you from napping — remember Ryan is not a guest and you have no obligations to be her host.
Spring won’t start to show till early to mid April.
You think I’d remember that, but I thought being in southern IN it might be a few weeks earlier than in Cle, but apparently not. We’re consistently in the 60s now – my favorite weather.
There might be a week or two difference but that’s all. Also, the woods always lag behind the nearby towns — I guess the mass of the buildings retain enough additional heat to make things sprout earlier.
Have you read The curious incident of the dog in the night-time?
Just a quick fly by and I will check back later. Today was a weird day. I fell in the shower and knocked myself out. When I cam to, I was okay except for having wrenched my back. I missed Lobby Day today but am feeling much better. I have been in bed most of the day and am heading out to get some fast for for dinner as I do not feel up to cooking.
Shit – glad you came to eventually. That’s what always scared me about being alone. You should get checked out, though just to be sure nothing else is wrong.
That’s scary. I’m with SN — you should get checked out.
Take care of yourself, refinish.
I’m with everybody. Get yourself checked out.
Thanks everyone. I will get checked out at the clinic at work tomorrow.
and this one too:
It looks like it’s in someone’s basement but I’m guessing it’s not. 🙂
What SN said.
…and that squirrel(?) has my belly.
I think it was supposed to be a rat…and my belly looks like that too.
Well, it was underground…keep guessing. 🙂
Some sort of bank vault like Andi said.
I’d love it if it was the Federal Reserve but that doesn’t seem very likely.
But Darth Cheney wasn’t home:

Now that looks like some sort of science exhibit.
Can you guess yet? 🙂
Nope — I can’t figure out what would have planetary system models, alligators in the sewer and squirrels eating coins. Oh and dinosaurs. But clearly — only in Noo Yawk.
Yep…AMNH. (Although the rats and alligators were on the subway platform.)
It’s the new Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History in NYC.
I’m a spoiler, but then it’s 12:19 AM!
Can’t resist this one, though I’m so late to the party it’s ridiculous. I so rarely have any answers to pressing questions.
These are at Union Square station, NYC.
Now I shall scroll down & find my moment of triumph absolutely moot ..
Very close dear, very close. . .
14th St and 8th Ave Station of the A,C,E,L subway trains in Manhattan. I pass them about 10 times a week.
This one reminds me of the dinosaur from Toy Story:

(either that or my pharmacokinetics professor, not sure which)
Reminds me of the scene in Jurassic Park where the velociraptor snorts on the kitchen window while they’re hiding in the cabinet.
I thought I would post one of FMom B’day presents. It’s a large T-shirt for sleeping. My niece knows her well. 🙂
What’s the book title?
Bedtime stories. 🙂
Well of course, duh. Did you and she take some cat naps today?
Nope. Actually I’ve been running all day. Believe it or not, it felt pretty good to be bust all day, Of course I would’nt want to make a habit of it. 🙂
That would be completely unslackerly. I think I’m going to go to bed super early tonight. Like maybe NOW!
Night, everyone.
Night SN.
Pleasant dreams.
Bedtime stories
I thought it was cool and fit FMom to a tee.
Looks like it would be a good one for you to. LOL
Yep but I’d like someting more like a blood hound. I think they stay asleep more than cats. 🙂
LOL I will have to design one for you
I appreciate it, but I wouldn’t be able to afford one. The only thing I could do is copy it and make a picture for framing.
Is tomorrow the day you return to work, or was it today?
Tomorrow. I will still do a design later this week for you
Thanks RF.
Are you looking forward to getting back to work?
Yes, Very much so!!!!
That’s a good thing. I’m happy to hear it.
sweet dreams!!!!
Night Andi.
Pleasant dreams.
I think I’ll call it a night also.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
sweet dreams FamilyMan!!!!
Hello & a gracious good night/good morning to one & all! Hope you’re all taking good care of yourselves. I’m about to take my own advice & head to bed, here in the windy north woods, as springtime lurks just beneath the snowy ground.
See y’all soon, I hope!
Armando, or Big Tent Democrat, posted a GBCW diary at DailyKos, and it is presently on the Recommended List.