photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Just you and me again.
It’s been a long day for me. Unfortunately, Imogen is away overnight, so despite my feeling tired, there’s no real pull to get into an empty bed.
At least Albert is keeping me company.
And RF.
Morning RF.
LOL Morning or should I say evening Keres!!!
Nearly “Good night,” actually. As it’s about ten minutes to ten pm.
I never can keep up with the time difference. LOL
How are you feeling this morning?
I feel fine this am. Neither my back or head hurts at all. I have been up for a couple of hours and doing some design work and a little blogging. LOL
I’m glad you are feeling okay but I hope you won’t let that stop you from getting checked out.
Yes, Mama Andi. LOL I will still get checked out. Today is my first day back at work and I have to leave early for one doctor’s appointment but have a meeting tonight in Austin so will not get home till late that is if I go to the meeting. LOL I am going to see John Edwards in San Antonio tomorrow evening.
Time for me to get ready for work. I will check in later today if I get a chance. Have a great day everyone and sweet dreams Keres.
I read what happened in yesterday’s cafe. I hope you’re okay! That’s really scary!
Sorry for the empty bed. When I travel that’s the thing I’m most aware of — that sense of lack will often me wake up during the night.
But it’s good to have a snuggle bunny (or a snuggle pyr)
I find it very hard to fall asleep in an empty bed, and usually stay up until I’m feeling very tired in order to improve my chances.
Albert, alas, is not much for being snuggled, unless he’s cold and wants to suck your heat.
Luna likes a good snuggle, but is not allowed on the bed, and I really don’t enjoy sleeping on the floor.
Besides, it looks like it will be clear tonight and I’m hoping she will choose to sleep outside and keep an eye (ear?) on the critters. I don’t mind her sleeping in when it’s raining, as all the neighborhood dogs tend to do likewise, but I prefer her on guard at all other times.
Sniff is an excellent snuggler. He likes to sleep in the crook of my legs, which I find oddly comforting (in addition to being nicely warming).
LOL The Diva Dogs always sleep with me. Reba culs up near my feet till I am asleep and then moves up to my right side, Bette sleeps in the crook of my legs or against my back. LOL
Imogen is alergic to dogs, although not terribly so to Luna. Oily coats, like labs, are her true nemesis. She’s also alergic to cats (hence the house rabbit) and to horses.
To keep Imogens allergies to a minimum, Luna is generally not allowed in our bedroom. When Imogen is away, I sometimes let Luna sleep on the floor next to the bed, and then vacuum in the morning.
I used to have Pyrs that snuck onto the bed at night, but they had a tendancy to spread out and take up all the room. It’s hard to enjoy sleeping with a dog when you end up on the floor.
That problem is why so far the only dogs that sleep with us have been under 40 pounds.
Good plan.
Albert’s had his meds, and I’ve had mine, so I’ll try falling asleep now.
Good night.
See you on the flip side.
Good morning Andi, RF, and olivia!
Great picture selection today, andi and olivia!
RF, have a great day back at work. And I know it will sound like an echo, but you get yourself checked out by the doctor this week.
It is WAAAY too cold here today.
It was -44F w/ windchill here this am when I left the house … brrrrrrrrr! Looks like it’s warmed up to -36F w/c though … 😉
It was 7 degrees here this morning. That’s fahrenheit. And there were high winds. And yet January was one of the warmest on record. Weather anomalies abound.
it was ass-cold here this morning too. Not so much now though. Snow tomorrow.
I just peeped in to say peep because it didn’t seem right to come in and say “boo!”