(Originally posted as a comment on Booman’s joyous post Libby Convicted!!! [I understand. I really do, Booman.])

Are you familiar with this old Irish proverb?

There is many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip.


Not yet it ain’t.

If ever.

Not until Cheney is indicted.

What do we have here?

We have a bagman, a patsy who has been adjudged guilty by a jury.

Nothing more.

Not even a sentence yet.

There is many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip.

There are SO many ways for them to spin out of this.

Plus…WHATEVER the sentence, a pardon is already in the works. Bet on it. The Lame Fuck has only two years left in office. So Libby has at MOST two years to serve in prison unless he can be convinced that Bush won’t last that long and thus will not be able to come through on a guaranteed…guaranteed, friends…Presidential pardon just before he steps down and retires to go fuck up the weeds on his ranch in the same way that he has fucked up the United States of America over the last 6 years.

Convince little Libby of THAT…and all bets are off if he gets a real, solid sentence from the court. He will turn rat in a minute.

Best way to get that through his little gofer head?

Articles of impeachment.

Do not hold your breath.

That would be bad for business.

Read on for more.

That would be bad for business.

And we all know for whom the Democrats’ bell REALLY tolls, don’t we?

It tolls for those who pay the bills.

This is one bell that does not toll for thee.


The ring toll is too high for you and me to be able to pay for even a single peal.

This verdict is just another small step.

Until these monsters are:

1-Defeated at the polls in some sort of definitive manner


2-At the very LEAST exposed for all the world to see as war criminals

There should be very little rejoicing in Mudville.

People are dying all over the world because we allowed these criminals to ascend to power in the first place. Thousands of people. Daily. Bet on it. Not just in Iraq or Afghanistan. In Africa, in the Americas (INCLUDING the U.S.), in Asia…

Children, old people, everybody.

People dying of starvation.

Of disease.

Of despair.

Rotting in jail cells.

Smell the blood, and…remember yourselves.

The bell may not toll for thee, but rest assured that every knife cuts two ways.

And that he who profits by the sword loses by the sword.

Taken any profits recently?

Betcha you have.

I can hear it now. “Ohhh…just a little bit. Why…not much at all!!!”

Compared to whom?

People living off of the junk heaps of the Third World?


WE have done this.

Not “them”. US. We are ALL complicit to greater or lesser degrees in this shame. Unless you….we…took to the mountains Castro style once we saw the evil that is afoot here (Say…after the Warren Commission, for starters.), then to the degree that we have accepted the largesse of this system and allowed ourselves to be bought off, to that degree do we have blood on our hands as well.

Remember yourself, sitting all comfy and slightly overweight in your snug little condo or your mortgaged-up-the-yin-yang home.

Remember yourself and weep, because PAYBACK IS GOING TO BE A BITCH.

Even if we were to stop this administration in its tracks…right now, this instant….we would be paying for what has happened for a generation or more.

Bet on it.

Before THIS World War is over…and make no mistake, on one level or another we are now involved in a World War…we will have to rebuild just the same as did Germany and Japan after W.W. II.

Back to Libby.

The War Criminal Party…a bipartisan employer, you must remember…is an equal opportunity killer. And it works on huge levels.

Convicting this gofer?

One small step on a long, LONG path.

As any street person would tell you…he ain’t shit.

Until you get to the bosses of all bosses…you’ve just taken down another soldier.

Another soldier in the War On People.

Bet on it.

In terms of real crimes? Of lives lost through direct action, of billions successfully stolen?

He ain’t shit.

Remember it.

What did he do, again?

He was part of a conspiracy to out a CIA operative.

The CIA is the secret police of the Permanent Government.

A PermaGov that is presently split against itself in terms of tactics.

The side that is winning now? The one that won the 2006 election? That won this verdict?

What it really wants is simply a kinder, gentler War On People. One that is easier to spin. Less expensive to win on a tactical level.

That’s the only difference between the two sides.

Remember this.


Not in my house.

I no longer believe in Santa Claus.

ESPECIALLY since I was informed that he is a lawyer.



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