I don’t expect a response to every form letter that I send to my reps, but if I go to the trouble of composing a letter, it’s nice to know that someone read it. My senators and representative seem to have a different opinion.

Senator Richard Shelby is the most responsive of the lot. He’s very good with the email acknowledgement, and he usually follows up with a letter by snail mail. The letter is mostly talking points, but it is on topic. He doesn’t always answer. I’m still waiting for a response to my question of whether he is American first and Republican second, or vice versa. All the same, if there are applicable talking points, he does reply.

Representative Jo Bonner has a working auto response on his web site. Once or twice, he even followed up with a detailed response, even if it was nothing but talking points.

Senator Jeff Sessions is in a world unto himself. As best as I can tell, his in box goes straight to the great bit bucket in the sky. Not a single peep from him.

Which leads me to my challenge, what does it take to get a response from a mute representative? I’ve named the challenge in honor of my own resolute Senator, but I’m interested in hearing what has worked, or not worked, with any other non-responder.

(also at kos)