What did you think of Jim’s woodpecker pics? I was impressed how good they were, considering they were through a glass door and from about 30-40 feet away.
I think FSM knows one surly boy per cabin is the limit.
I always say that I was tricked into having more kids because my first was so angelic and cooperative and calm. Then came my little spitfire and all of my confidence flew out the window and I was winging it.
Had a woman in a photograph INSIST that she was 29 the other day – right up until her daughter mentioned how happy she was that passed her driver’s test the first time….
There’s a very specialized arithmetic that goes into calculating women’s ages, I think….
to go drinking, I have never in my 56 years cared how old I was or somebody thought I was but I recognize that it’s not typical. Sorry to get all serious on your ass here but so long as society keeps telling women that their entire worth is wrapped up in their looks and their ability to produce babies, a lot of women are going to be uptight about their age.
do you love me because I used phoney ids to do underage drinking or that I’m a geezer and don’t care or that I can be really pissy early in the morning? 😉
the underage drinking was probably my most conformist behavior. When I went to college, someone from my high school warning people away from me because I was one of those “wild freaks” — jeez, that made me so proud. 🙂
I quite agree with you, actually, which is why I find the entire issue utterly absurd. My editors insist that I have to ask the ages of children, and sometimes their parents get … enthusiastic. It’s an annoying company policy which no one’s ever been able to explain to me in an inoffensive manner, but it’s not a hill I’m willing to die on.
It frequently works the other way for men, btw. I traded on a receding hairline to ADD ten years for quite some time simply to catch the increased credibility it provided. I’ve quit doing that now because (sigh) I no longer need it, and have found that most people now seem to take me for about ten years YOUNGER than I am.
I’m 48 and proud of it! Though I tell my nieces and nephews (and great-nieces) that they’re not allowed to get any older… 😉
So, how is everyone today? Spouse and I are actually both showered and dressed by noon — wow! (Monday is going to be extra-surreal when he leaves here at 7am to head off for re-training.) He’s off to go to the laundromat to wash our old bedspread (it’s too big for our puny washers here) so we can drop it off at Goodwill, and he’s going to get in a good walk while it’s in the dryer. Me, I’m going to tackle one of the baskets of laundry so we can wash jeans this evening — I’m down to the last clean pair. Dinner is cooking in the slow-cooker. Ah, the joys of domesticity…
Hope all is going well — I’m off to finish my ‘Net stuff then get my butt to work…
I’m not THAT bad…I just like to joke about wondering how my kids could possibly be as old as they are, because I don’t feel any older than I did when they were born. 🙂
One of my girlfriends enjoys pretending her 16 year old is her sister, though.
Yeah. Somewhere along the line I seem to have become “sir” to people who ain’t significantly younger than I think I am, and I have to stop and readjust when I hear it..
and them AARP membership solicitations are getting not so damn funny any more. (They started when I was 23.)
They just had the “vagina monologue” high school girls (they got suspended for saying vagina at a school performance) on the Today show. Hilarious to watch the school board member try to defend the position that vagina is an inappropriate or bad word.
Hope they’ll have that clip on “Countdown” tonight (Keith’s on vacation, but Alison Stewart’s been filling in most of the week and she’s awesome!).
What, if they don’t say the word we can pretend they don’t have one till they get married? “Okay, here’s your dress, and your veil, and your vagina…” lol
Haven’t been well lately. I’m writing something up on my b about it. Basically I pulled my back again and had a migraine and FMom fell out of bed. So I was up all night sitting by her bed to make sure it didn’t happen again. I talked to the local medical supply store today and they have rails you can slide under the mattress, so I’m thinking of getting those. Now the big problem will be to talk FMom into it.
Well I’m bending as little as possible, but some is required to clean up.
39F on Sunday. That’s summer up there isn’t it. I was thinking the other day before it does get hot there you had better have you AC man come out and check the AC. Wouldn’t want you to go through another period of no AC. 🙂
That’s what they did to mine too. The procedure itself isn’t that much. The doctor told me the glue hardens in about 30 minutes. They kept me on the hospital for a night, but he said some people do it as an outpaitent procedure.
We have to stop meeting like this. 😉
help you hold on ’til spring.
Pink Calistemon.
because I am a bit tired of dull brown. The time between snow and green is really blah.
And unless we discover a convenient “local” wormhole, I think we’ll have to keep meeting like this.
Did you get any work done on the bathroom?
No, due to an achy neck I took the day off.
It’s strange here, because the rains came so late, everything is finally greening up and it looks more like winter than late summer.
Which reminds me, the Hare’s Ears Orchids are blooming, and I need to get some photos pronto – as they rarely bloom for more than a few weeks.
What did you think of Jim’s woodpecker pics? I was impressed how good they were, considering they were through a glass door and from about 30-40 feet away.
They’re great photos, especially given the glass door.
I’m jealous of all your woodpeckers. We don’t have any.
But we do have some big bugs.
to counterbalance the lack of woodpeckers, I think.
Big bugs are good, too.
Since you are up so late, I’m guessing Imogen isn’t back home yet.
Can’t you see he’s in the down-dog position and doesn’t want to be disturbed? Look at how he’s glaring at the intrusion.
It’s nice to see colours.
Howdy! Nice blue skies…I can’t wait for daffodil season. We need some color in the yard. (Thanks for the pink flowersup there, keres!)
Well, today is “Hippo Birdie to CBtY” day. I can’t believe how old he is…
and many, many more.
I can’t believe the ‘baby’ is 12…
Fortunately time has frozen his mother at 27.
CG would probably be happier if we could figure how to freeze CBtY before he becomes SurlyBoy II.
I think FSM knows one surly boy per cabin is the limit.
I always say that I was tricked into having more kids because my first was so angelic and cooperative and calm. Then came my little spitfire and all of my confidence flew out the window and I was winging it.
It’s FSM vs. hormones — guess we’ll see just how power the FSM is.
So how come Ryan didn’t prevent Colin and Ben?
I can’t answer that. Maybe it was to prove again that I was a passable mother and not the twit that Ryan thought I was.
She was here the other day and here’s an illustration of what she does…Ry, can you hand me that pen? It’s a PENCIL not a pen!
Did he (a doc) call in a prescription? Ryan: “She!”
I love her already; I’ll probably be unable to contain my infatuation if I get to meet her in person.
I’m getting smarter and more hip the older she gets, but clearly I still have a long way to go!
Hah. I got my tough one first, so I was blissfully unaware that things could be easier until the arrival of CBtY.
Nothing gets by you, does it? 🙂
Had a woman in a photograph INSIST that she was 29 the other day – right up until her daughter mentioned how happy she was that passed her driver’s test the first time….
There’s a very specialized arithmetic that goes into calculating women’s ages, I think….
to go drinking, I have never in my 56 years cared how old I was or somebody thought I was but I recognize that it’s not typical. Sorry to get all serious on your ass here but so long as society keeps telling women that their entire worth is wrapped up in their looks and their ability to produce babies, a lot of women are going to be uptight about their age.
I love about you … 🙂
do you love me because I used phoney ids to do underage drinking or that I’m a geezer and don’t care or that I can be really pissy early in the morning? 😉
but since you don’t do the first anymore, I appreciate it as more of an example of your nonconformist nature at an early age … 🙂
the underage drinking was probably my most conformist behavior. When I went to college, someone from my high school warning people away from me because I was one of those “wild freaks” — jeez, that made me so proud. 🙂
There’s another … wild freaks r kewl … 🙂
I quite agree with you, actually, which is why I find the entire issue utterly absurd. My editors insist that I have to ask the ages of children, and sometimes their parents get … enthusiastic. It’s an annoying company policy which no one’s ever been able to explain to me in an inoffensive manner, but it’s not a hill I’m willing to die on.
It frequently works the other way for men, btw. I traded on a receding hairline to ADD ten years for quite some time simply to catch the increased credibility it provided. I’ve quit doing that now because (sigh) I no longer need it, and have found that most people now seem to take me for about ten years YOUNGER than I am.
The mind boggles.
I’m 48 and proud of it! Though I tell my nieces and nephews (and great-nieces) that they’re not allowed to get any older… 😉
So, how is everyone today? Spouse and I are actually both showered and dressed by noon — wow! (Monday is going to be extra-surreal when he leaves here at 7am to head off for re-training.) He’s off to go to the laundromat to wash our old bedspread (it’s too big for our puny washers here) so we can drop it off at Goodwill, and he’s going to get in a good walk while it’s in the dryer. Me, I’m going to tackle one of the baskets of laundry so we can wash jeans this evening — I’m down to the last clean pair. Dinner is cooking in the slow-cooker. Ah, the joys of domesticity…
Hope all is going well — I’m off to finish my ‘Net stuff then get my butt to work…
Too funny.
I’m not THAT bad…I just like to joke about wondering how my kids could possibly be as old as they are, because I don’t feel any older than I did when they were born. 🙂
One of my girlfriends enjoys pretending her 16 year old is her sister, though.
Yeah. Somewhere along the line I seem to have become “sir” to people who ain’t significantly younger than I think I am, and I have to stop and readjust when I hear it..
and them AARP membership solicitations are getting not so damn funny any more. (They started when I was 23.)
I had a teenage cashier at the grocery ask me TWO DAYS IN A ROW if I wanted the senior discount! Gaaaaa!
Smile blankly and say “why, yes, child, and thank you for asking.”
There’s pride, and then there’s money.
(there’s my Scots ancestry coming out for ya…)
They just had the “vagina monologue” high school girls (they got suspended for saying vagina at a school performance) on the Today show. Hilarious to watch the school board member try to defend the position that vagina is an inappropriate or bad word.
Hope they’ll have that clip on “Countdown” tonight (Keith’s on vacation, but Alison Stewart’s been filling in most of the week and she’s awesome!).
What, if they don’t say the word we can pretend they don’t have one till they get married? “Okay, here’s your dress, and your veil, and your vagina…” lol
Other way..
“Yes, Ma’am, here’s your dress and your veil and, Sir, here’s your vagina. Don’t let it run off or read or it’ll start getting uppity…”
LOL-ing here in my chair!
I’ve been gone for a few days and I’m behind on the local gossip.
Anyone around?
Good to see you … 🙂

Hi Olivia.
How have you been doing lately? I saw something on the news about a big snow storm up in Toronto and wondered if any of it had hit you.
We got that snow storm … which is still on the ground. It’s been chilly lately.
How’s the FFamily?
Haven’t been well lately. I’m writing something up on my b about it. Basically I pulled my back again and had a migraine and FMom fell out of bed. So I was up all night sitting by her bed to make sure it didn’t happen again. I talked to the local medical supply store today and they have rails you can slide under the mattress, so I’m thinking of getting those. Now the big problem will be to talk FMom into it.
That sounds like a grand slam of problems!
By pulling your back, do you mean the fracture?
Have you contacted your doctor … I;ll wait for your b post.
Nope haven’t called the doctor. It seem to be getting better on its own. Right now I just have a problem bending and hopefully that will clear up.
So did you get snowed in and not have to go to work, or the power go out. During the afternoon here it’s still shorts and t-shirt weather. 🙂
you’re doing a lot of bending?
I did work at home one afternoon b/c the weather was so bad. Power only out briefly.
Well, we’re going up to 39°F on Sunday, so I’ll be in my shorts and T-shirt too … 😉
Well I’m bending as little as possible, but some is required to clean up.
39F on Sunday. That’s summer up there isn’t it. I was thinking the other day before it does get hot there you had better have you AC man come out and check the AC. Wouldn’t want you to go through another period of no AC. 🙂
I hope that you and FMom are better soon, FM. We have missed you.
Hi Boran and thanks.
It seems there’s always something going wrong here, but sooner or later it gets better.
Hope you and the Boran Family are doing fine too.
Thanks, we’re okay now that it’s gone above 7 degrees here. 😉
Never understood people living up North complaining about the cold. Well then again, I complain about the heat during the summer down here.
I think all the places that have perfect weather are already taken up.
If it doesn’t respond to rest, get thee to the doctor ASAP…
Hi Cali and thanks.
Don’t worry I will. After what I went through with the fractured vertebrae, I don’t intend to let it get worse.
My MIL is getting hers superglued next week. Vertebrae that is. I guess at 83 that’s what they do.
That’s what they did to mine too. The procedure itself isn’t that much. The doctor told me the glue hardens in about 30 minutes. They kept me on the hospital for a night, but he said some people do it as an outpaitent procedure.
the lounge is open.