Thanks to DMAC we now know that Jurassicpork over at Pottersville (http://welcome-to-pottersville.blogspot.com/2007/03/fox-news-at-its-finest.html) created the following masterpiece.  If you had any lingering doubt about the propaganda and disinformation that spews forth regularly from the demon child fathered by Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, just take a look.  These are not isolated, out of context, screen shots.  These are reflective of a mindset and standard of practice that is truly evil.

As a former Fox News analyst I have some first hand experience of dealing with the beast and have the satisfcation of knowing that Rupert Murdoch had me removed from Fox air for daring to suggest that invading Iraq would be a diversion in the war on terrorism.

The time has come that every thoughtful, informed person should refuse to watch Fox, appear on Fox, or support the advertisers who enable this group of nuts.

UPDATE:  Just to be clear, the following is the work of Jurassicpork as cited above.  God bless him for good work. (LJ)

Fox News at Its Finest.

Some clues as to why the Nevada Democratic Caucus pulled out of Fox “News’s” proposed coverage of the Democratic Presidential debate: