If you could snap your fingers and make any American the President of the United States, who would you pick and why?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Me. Because I want to see all that juicy classified stuff!
Right. Not to mention make it a law that the Wolverines are always in the Rose Bowl.
Nah. I’d still want them to have to earn it.
Banning the Buckeyes from any bowl participation, OTOH…
That’d totally rock.
Especially with you as VP. 🙂
Great choice!
No one with suicidal policies across the board…
Insanity illustrated
Never mind the language – watch the video; twice!
(The guy has two cameras mounted – one at the belt; one on the helmet.)
I think I have watched it more that half a dozen times now – what an adrenaline kick!
Well you didn’t specify between living or dead so on that note I’d go with MLK..we’d be out of Iraq, bases gone and I’m damn sure New Orleans would be rebuilt as would the rest of the states still waiting to be helped. People in this country would matter again to a president.
As for someone living,-Gloria Steinem, just because.
No, Bobby Kennedy…the greatest loss of a politician in my lifetime. Not to downplay King, but think of him as secretary of state.
Must be alive? I’d love to see Obama. It’s not that he’s the best candidate to get elected right now, but I’d just love to see a guy with a nicotine patch, unpaid parking tickets and a Beyonce autograph in the White House.
On the list of people who wouldn’t take it are people like Bishop Thomas Gumbleton (just fired for decades of good work), Bono (someone who knows him says he’s a “pretty boy” but he’d sure put our priorities in the right place)…more thoughts later.
That WOlverine thing would have to be a condition prior to inauguration.
My vote is for Phillip Morris NaPier.
Heh! Well, he’d certainly never be BORING…. bet he’d tell the truth at press conferences too. What a concept.
I pick FamilyMan because there’d be nothing but slacking.
Mayan’s to cleanse site after Bush visit…
Carlos Santana.
At least the War on Drugs™ would finally meet its demise.
Josh Danson. You know it and I know it. We could just sit back and Cheney-Rove him all day and the world would be better off.
Now, that is not right. I can’t even pile on because of the spouse and whatnot.
You know something I don’t? Something up with K?
Anyone? Me just because I think I would tell a lot of them to get stuffed and try to find answers or solutions to the problems and a gay president would mortify so many of the right wing nuts. LOL
Bill Clinton. Because he’s the only guy I can think of right now that MIGHT make the world like us again. Plus, he’s a genius about politics, about policy, and we already know what his “problem” is and don’t generally care.
Also, I think I might vote for Oprah, or one of my cats at this point. It couldn’t get worse.
He’s totally up on the important issues of our time – global warming, electronic voting, and has the heart, courage, and network of experts to turn the Titanic around.
Living American: Al Gore
Dead American: RFK, without a doubt
Living: Wes Clark
Dead: Charlemagne
Hands down the best person in Congress.
A professional politician who has come up on the right side of just about EVERYTHING in his career and still managed to get re-elected time and time again. He knows how to work the machinery of American government; he knows when to schmooze and when not to do so, and he is as tough as nails when the going gets rough.
Add to that his race, and it would be a message both to the people of this country AND to the rest of the world that the American worm has finally turned.
Too old?
I think not.
He looks great.
Some people live stronger, longer than others.
And some people are just flat out smarter than others.
AND more honest.
I got yer soundbite, right HERE!!!
But…ain’t gonna happen.
Maybe Obama is paying attention to the old master.
I hope so.
I really do.
if you could snap your fingers and make any american the president of the united states, who would you pick and why?
you, dude!