Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
April 28th is gearing up to be a National Day of Action for Impeachment. Click the link for info on events in LA, San Diego, the Bay Area, New Orleans, Atlanta, Miami, Boston, Minneapolis, New York City, Greensboro, Cleveland, Allentown, Bryn Mawr (alot of places, you get the picture). 😉
“Commander ‘N Thief”- Explosive new documentary presents evidence of fraud in 2004 election
By Press Release
Explosive New Documentary Presents Evidence of Fraud in 2004 Ohio Presidential Election
Investigative journalist Greg Palast, author of the current best-selling Armed Madhouse and of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, introduces the documentary and also provides staggering information in the body of the film about the RNC’s purposeful and targeted strategies for disenfranchising millions of minority voters across the United States, including African-American soldiers serving in Iraq.
Others appearing include Congressman John Conyers, Jr.; attorneys Cliff Arnebeck, John Bonifaz, Robert Fitrakis, Joseph Geller, Peter Peckarsky and Susan Truitt; President/CEO of Common Cause Chellie Pingree; computer science expert Professor Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins and Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D., the leading public-advocacy investigator of voting fraud in the 2004 Ohio presidential election; statistical expert Professor Steven Freeman, Ph.D. of the University of Pennsylvania; consumer advocate against electronic voting Bev Harris; Franklin County, Ohio Director of Elections Matthew Damschroeder; and Ohio poll workers, concerned citizens, and community activists.
In addition to the RNC’s nationwide campaign to disenfranchise American citizens from targeted minority groups, several other clearly fraudulent activities are identified: 3,600,780 votes were cast for president but never counted; in Ohio, forensic evidence has been uncovered of ballot switching in selected rural precincts and of double punched ballots used to invalidate legitimate votes in specific urban precincts; and there is strong statistical evidence that as many as five million votes nationally were shifted, subtracting five million votes from Kerry and adding five million votes to Bush to produce a swing of up to ten million votes in the officially reported result.
The outcome of this series of sickening schemes is that the wrong candidate was sworn in as President of the United States. The evidence presented in this documentary, “Commander ‘N Thief,” should be seen as a warning that our democracy is now in peril and that ordinary citizens must act quickly and forcefully to restore honesty, transparency and verifiability to the American electoral system.
The documentary also cites the absence of any comprehensive or sustained media investigation or coverage of the evidence of serious election-day problems and, with the notable exceptions of Greg Palast (BBC, Guardian/Observer) and Keith Olbermann (MSNBC), there has been no significant attention paid to this unsettling story in the national media.
Former U.S. Senator, Ambassador and 1972 presidential candidate George McGovern provides a powerful closing statement for the documentary pointing to the need for citizen action to insure a transparent, accessible, easy-to-use and entirely verifiable voting system that will protect and preserve our democracy over the long future.
This coming Saturday is the Nat’l Day of Action for Impeachment. Brad over at Bodies Count is up to 600 people signed up for another Beach Impeach event, if you’re in the Bay Area click the link and sign up!
Luna spent most of the afternoon at the vet getting her throat looked at. She’s been having trouble eating for awhile (she will only eat soft food in small bits), so the vet knocked her out to have a look-see. Nothing out of the ordinary showed up, and it wasn’t til 7pm that I finally got a very drugged dog home. She’d fallen half off the back seat and onto the floor of the car and getting her out was challenge of both strenght and kinesiology.
Thanks Alice. She’s actually never been a big eater, and she doesn’t seem to feel poorly now – which has the vet and us a bit flumoxed as to why the change in eating habits.
Thanks. I’m off to retrieve her from the front yard where she staggered to about ten minutes ago. I thought she might need to pee or get some water, but she just laid down on the dirt.
Same chairs, same dirt on the floor, same dirt on the minds, but less maintenance. Sounds like my kinda place.
How about something new of something new for some place new.
Andi called me after she’d left the REI store. She wanted to try on some boots but they didn’t have the ones she wanted. If that’s your idea of galivanting, then yes.
The dogs are taking care of me and only they eat leftovers usually.
It was your absence that nearly dried up the frog pond and forced the transplantation of it here. 🙂
The oaks are almost ready to turn green. After that bitter cold snap, it’s amazing that they’re just about on schedule. I wonder what kind of acorn and nut crop the trees will produce this year.
We planted three dwarf blueberry bushes three years ago and I think some of the berries survived the cold – at least enough to garnish a bowl of cereal.
I have been busy and recovering from bladder surgery. Everything is fine but it was a real scare for me. Anyway, glad to see you and hope everything is going well from you.
Nope. Not me. Everyboy got on the school bus this morning, and I am enjoying some peace and quiet…there’s only 6 more weeks or so of school, ya know. 🙂
new open/world thread.
April 28th is gearing up to be a National Day of Action for Impeachment. Click the link for info on events in LA, San Diego, the Bay Area, New Orleans, Atlanta, Miami, Boston, Minneapolis, New York City, Greensboro, Cleveland, Allentown, Bryn Mawr (alot of places, you get the picture). 😉
Republican Election Fraud new
Best reason to impeach-BUSH WAS NEVER ELECTED
From: OpEdNews
Original Content at
April 8, 2007
“Commander ‘N Thief”- Explosive new documentary presents evidence of fraud in 2004 election
By Press Release
Explosive New Documentary Presents Evidence of Fraud in 2004 Ohio Presidential Election
Investigative journalist Greg Palast, author of the current best-selling Armed Madhouse and of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, introduces the documentary and also provides staggering information in the body of the film about the RNC’s purposeful and targeted strategies for disenfranchising millions of minority voters across the United States, including African-American soldiers serving in Iraq.
Others appearing include Congressman John Conyers, Jr.; attorneys Cliff Arnebeck, John Bonifaz, Robert Fitrakis, Joseph Geller, Peter Peckarsky and Susan Truitt; President/CEO of Common Cause Chellie Pingree; computer science expert Professor Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins and Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D., the leading public-advocacy investigator of voting fraud in the 2004 Ohio presidential election; statistical expert Professor Steven Freeman, Ph.D. of the University of Pennsylvania; consumer advocate against electronic voting Bev Harris; Franklin County, Ohio Director of Elections Matthew Damschroeder; and Ohio poll workers, concerned citizens, and community activists.
In addition to the RNC’s nationwide campaign to disenfranchise American citizens from targeted minority groups, several other clearly fraudulent activities are identified: 3,600,780 votes were cast for president but never counted; in Ohio, forensic evidence has been uncovered of ballot switching in selected rural precincts and of double punched ballots used to invalidate legitimate votes in specific urban precincts; and there is strong statistical evidence that as many as five million votes nationally were shifted, subtracting five million votes from Kerry and adding five million votes to Bush to produce a swing of up to ten million votes in the officially reported result.
The outcome of this series of sickening schemes is that the wrong candidate was sworn in as President of the United States. The evidence presented in this documentary, “Commander ‘N Thief,” should be seen as a warning that our democracy is now in peril and that ordinary citizens must act quickly and forcefully to restore honesty, transparency and verifiability to the American electoral system.
The documentary also cites the absence of any comprehensive or sustained media investigation or coverage of the evidence of serious election-day problems and, with the notable exceptions of Greg Palast (BBC, Guardian/Observer) and Keith Olbermann (MSNBC), there has been no significant attention paid to this unsettling story in the national media.
Former U.S. Senator, Ambassador and 1972 presidential candidate George McGovern provides a powerful closing statement for the documentary pointing to the need for citizen action to insure a transparent, accessible, easy-to-use and entirely verifiable voting system that will protect and preserve our democracy over the long future.
April 14th is a National Day of Action regarding Global Climate Change – Step It Up 2007. Events and other Action Items at the link.
This coming Saturday is the Nat’l Day of Action for Impeachment. Brad over at Bodies Count is up to 600 people signed up for another Beach Impeach event, if you’re in the Bay Area click the link and sign up!
Just testing to see if curly threw you out of bed to go check for a good morning in this thread. 🙂
How are you and diva dogs this morning?
LOL we are okay. I am busy working on a design. I see old habits are hard to break.
LOL…it’s really a part of the morning routine, isn’t it? Get coffee, say good morning to everyone online.
Good morning, Andi (and rf)!
Hehe, a bit long distance for that. I’m at my own place this morning.
And so my effort to get curly the bed all to herself wasn’t needed (but you can tell her I made the good effort).
Nice to see you this morning anyway. 🙂
HI ask
Good morning, andi, ask, and refinish!
Morning CabinGirl
Maybe this should be renamed the Open to the World FBC thread.
Hi retired froggies.
Luna spent most of the afternoon at the vet getting her throat looked at. She’s been having trouble eating for awhile (she will only eat soft food in small bits), so the vet knocked her out to have a look-see. Nothing out of the ordinary showed up, and it wasn’t til 7pm that I finally got a very drugged dog home. She’d fallen half off the back seat and onto the floor of the car and getting her out was challenge of both strenght and kinesiology.
dear Keres, I’m sending love and healing energy to you and Luna, praying she’ll snap out of it and regain a huge appetite.
Please tell her that all her worldwide fans need her up and frolicking vigorously. And you need her hopping in and out of the car.
Thanks Alice. She’s actually never been a big eater, and she doesn’t seem to feel poorly now – which has the vet and us a bit flumoxed as to why the change in eating habits.
I hope Luna feels better soon and I hope your backs survived getting her out of the car.
Thanks. I’m off to retrieve her from the front yard where she staggered to about ten minutes ago. I thought she might need to pee or get some water, but she just laid down on the dirt.
There are new regional threads this morning.
is a picture posted in it and I just happen to have a sunrise shot.
that we have to stop meeting like this?
You’ll have to take that up with your employer.
LOL Morning to you two!!!!!
Yeah, aren’t we just too cute — when we get the act refined, we’re going to take it on the road. Oh, wait ….
Morning Miss Andi!!!! I will look for the how in a comedy club soon. LOL
Get a room.
Good morning, guys!
Hope your trip is going well, Andi.
I’m considering playing hokey today, it’s so beautiful outside.
… this is where you guys are hanging out eh … 🙂
Good morning world
and off to work I go.
but at least the windows on side of the building overlook a marsh.
It looks much more homey up there at the top, doesn’t it?
I thought you said it looks more horny up there.
:::coffee in hand, wanders in:::
Hellllooo? I’m lost….anyone here?
Good morning, SN!
I think Andi went to work, the others – I dunno!
I feel sort of discombobulated. Morning to you, ask. It’s supposed to be 92 today! Yuck.
That’s just too hot. We hit 80 yesterday, but it will only be high 60s today. It should be a perfect spring day.
I was in Montana over the weekend to see my family. 84° and sunny the whole time I was there. Completely unnatural for April, sez I.
Now I’m back in Seattle and they’re forecasting rain and 57° for today. Aaaaaaah . . . that’s more like it. Feels like home.
I’m sure the pasty skin was in shock the whole time you were in MT.
It was nice to get back out here to the land of liquid sunshine so the webs between my toes could be properly hydraged.
this is the new place, huh?
(looks around)
It needs some artwork. I gotta think about that.
Same chairs, same dirt on the floor, same dirt on the minds, but less maintenance. Sounds like my kinda place.
How about something new of something new for some place new.
beautiful fuzzy baby oak leaves! (?)
Right you are.
So, Andi is out gallivanting around the big city and you’re home alone eating leftovers and taking care of the dogs?
Andi called me after she’d left the REI store. She wanted to try on some boots but they didn’t have the ones she wanted. If that’s your idea of galivanting, then yes.
The dogs are taking care of me and only they eat leftovers usually.
w/ the superlens?
Sheesh! I leave for a couple of days and there goes the neighborhood pond:(
Glad BooMan gave us another spot to splash around.
It was your absence that nearly dried up the frog pond and forced the transplantation of it here. 🙂
The oaks are almost ready to turn green. After that bitter cold snap, it’s amazing that they’re just about on schedule. I wonder what kind of acorn and nut crop the trees will produce this year.
My first year in NC, 2002, the acorn crop was so huge that they’d fall on the car and set off the alarm at night.
The first roof on our house was a tin roof. Think about how the acorns sounded on that at 2 a.m.
There’s nothing cooler than rain on a tin roof – but acorns might be a big much.
Our last home was a reconstructed barn with a metal roof. I always enjoyed listening to the amplified raindrops.
We planted three dwarf blueberry bushes three years ago and I think some of the berries survived the cold – at least enough to garnish a bowl of cereal.
Well I think this is great, perfect, good job Booman, even changing the name on the panel.
Hi diane101,
I have been busy and recovering from bladder surgery. Everything is fine but it was a real scare for me. Anyway, glad to see you and hope everything is going well from you.
Taken 4/28
You get to go tomorrow, right? Early flight, I hope.
Erm. Why do I keep thinking today is Thursday?
Wishful thinking!
Good morning!
her wishful thinking could make it so.
Good morning, ask.
Good morning! We’re having another gorgeous day here… did you play hookey yesterday?
Yup, and funny how my stomach still feels funny…
Hmmm…must be one of those 48-hour bugs. 🙂
to be the weekend.
Nope. Not me. Everyboy got on the school bus this morning, and I am enjoying some peace and quiet…there’s only 6 more weeks or so of school, ya know. 🙂
I have a ready resource for the exact number of days till the end of school.
I have a ready resource…=Jim?
I knew you did…when’s his last day?
May 31
You are so lucky. Ours ends in June.
But will I be so lucky n Aug 13 when I head back to the classroom?
to be swept up.
Morning (or evening) folks.
Good morning, Andi!
Yes, it’s getting a bit messy here.
Okay…get ready…