Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomers and Lurkers welcome and join the fun.
All drinks are on us!
All drinks are on us!
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May the 4’s be with you
Come one, come all the beer is flowing.
Morning FM.
It’s a beautiful day Downunder. Imogen’s back from her business trip and right now is outside picking tomatoes in the garden. I haven’t decided what’s for breakfast yet, but I suspect that tomatoes will be involved.
Hi keres.
It’s been raining and thunderstorms here today.
Fresh tomatoes sound great. I haven’t tried to grow any in years.
We had an exceptionally dry Spring, so all of the tomatoes we first planted didn’t grow much. Because they were so stunted, I bought more, and we planted those in amongst the others. Then we got rain and all of the plants took off, which means we have twice as many bushes as we’d intended.
We’ve been giving them away and/or swaping them for other fruits and veggies with friends who have different gluts.
The swapping sound like the perfect idea. FMom has a friend that used to grow a gigantic garden and always called us to come and pick up tomatoes and other veggies. She’s gotten to old to do it now, but FMom always says they were the best around here.
I’ve pulled out the backpacks and the luggage so I’m starting to feel like I’m really going on vacation.
I like tomatoes but not for breakfast.
Hi Andi.
You know we’re expecting pictures.
There are very few certainties in this universe but that there will be pictures when Jim and I go on vacation is one of them.
I should had know better than to even ask. 🙂
LOL and glad to hear it!
Grilled tomatoes with scrambled eggs and toast is a traditional English breakfast.
This morning’s harvest.
I could use those for lunch or supper, but I’m not sure about breakfast. Beautiful veggies BTW.
but I still don’t want them for breakfast. And I’m just about as un-English as you can get — the grandchild of Eastern European Jews transplanted to the midwest.
I don’t think a hearty Southern breakfast is for everyone. Then again, who doesn’t like biscuits with home made jam.
Biscuits with jam — good. Redeye gravy — no.
I’m equally un-English (and boy do I stand out of a crowd here). Three of my grandparents were German and the forth was Danish. All of them were fair, and two exceptionally so, yet somehow I got very dark olive skin to go with the scandinavian cheekbones and german farm-stock build. I suspect some viking ancestor brought home an Italian wife and the gene just hung around ’til it hit my father and myself.
I’m an outlier in my family too — the only one that anybody can remember with green eyes and blond hair (well it’s darkened enough with old age that it’s more a light brown now). My sister used to always claim it was because my mother “nitch-nitched” with the milkman.
My mother always said that my father was the milk man. Unfortunately for that arguement, I look more like my father than I do her. And as proof that my mother didn’t bring the wrong kid home from the hospital, we do have the same birthmark.
I split the differnce eye-color wise. My mom has skyblue eyes and my father’s were very deep brown. Mine are hazel green. My hair was honey blond until my late teens, and has since settled into a light brown. My sister, damn her, got the rich thick chestnut hair. Of course, she’s a beautician, and can never leave it it’s natural color.
One of the striking things about living in Tasmania is the small gene pool in which British, Irish, Scotish, and Welsh features still breed true. We probably have more red-heads per capita than anywhere else on earth. There’s even a genetic reasearch center here just to capitalize on the gene puddle and study all of the expressed resessive traits.
So the tasmanian devil is really the stereotypical angry red-head?
Scrambled eggs and sliced fresh tomatoes is one of my favorite breakfasts. I love those yellow ones, too.
We don’t have bread to make toast, so I’ve been pressed into making homefries to go with the eggs and tomatoes.
We like growing different varieties of tomatoes. We’ve got Mellow Yellow, Black Russian, Green Zebra (which are dark- and light-green stripped when ripe), Tigerella (red with pale green stripes), Tommy Toes (cherry tomatoes), Romas and Grosse Lise. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a variety or two.
principe borghese – a lovely oval shaped italian cherry tomato variety. Very prolific.
A fry up is a ‘traditional english breakfast’ – fried eggs, bacon, tomatoes (cut in half and fried on each side), possibly baked beans and mushrooms.
In Scotland you’ll get sausages rather than bacon, although you do get sausages in some parts of england as well.
Never ask for baked beans in Scotland with your breakfast – that’s english
Scrambled eggs are for wimps, and therefore very popular as well. 😉 A little tobasco sprinkled on your morning scramblies on toast is common.
is the ubiquitous english ‘HP’ sauce – a brown sauce, something of a cross between tomato and worsteshire. Place on anything and everything. Literally.
Damn I’m hungry now.
I just ate and now I’m hungry again.
and I can hardly wait :p
Well from the sounds of the english and scottish breakfasts I think I would like them. But I like just about any food. 🙂
Tasmanian vittles.
How’s it going?
and even better, everything (‘cept the little bit of olive oil for cooking) came from our garden / chooks.
I am now satiated.
British cooking tends to be very heavy on the fat, so I prefer ‘englsih breakfasts’ not cooked in england, if that makes sense.
Scotland is the home of truly horrifying artery-clogging fare. They deep fry everything. Mars bars. Those incredibly rich chocolate cream-filled eggs you get around Easter. Scotch eggs, a ‘traditional’ recipe, is hardboiled eggs, then wrapped in a layer of fatty mince, then dipped in batter and deep fried.
I’m sure haggis would be deep fried if they had had deep fryers back in the day.
I think the only reason most Scots survive their diet is they’re preserved with whisky and beer. It’s a weird and wonderful place.
Down here we fry everything too and heavy gravies. A Southern diet is not the most healthiest.
From top to bottom:
Green Zebra
Black Russian
Mellow Yellow
Pinciple Borgesa
Tommy Toes
Not bad for a dry spell. We’ve had the least rain in recorded history here in Los Angeles.
Sorry to hear that. I first grew tomatoes in California, where they just loved all the sun and the clay soils.
It looks like the end of August and its only March. Very disappointing! Not much hope for another rain storm, either. But still… always a chance.
Just a bit under the weather so taking it easy today.
Hanging out till “Countdown” comes on — I’ve taken on the fun task of blogging the daily broadcast for one of the Olbermann fan sites. Heck, I’m watching anyway so might as well…
Hope all is going well for everyone… 🙂
Hi Cali.
Hope you get to feeling better.
Feel better soon!!!!!
Hi RF.
How have you been feeling?
this is funny. We’re number two.
Booman you know how to draw the crowd. 🙂
what precisely were you googling when you found this????
it was an incoming link.
I have always known that Booman Tribune always tries harder.
I hope you get to skip the tabloid segments — I can’t stand those.
gotta cover everything — but it’s the tabloid segments that usually get the best Keith-snark.
We’re now trying to figure out what’s up with the glasses — he usually has very light frames (not sure if he’s rimless or just very light plastic), but tonight had on these very heavy dark “academic” (spouse’s term) style frames. Wonder if his usual glasses are in for repair, or maybe getting new lenses (some vision plans cover new lenses every year, but new frames once every two years — of course with his new contract he can afford to pay for the stuff…)
The Edwards Campaign, Getting Involved and Making a Difference in America
The title is slightly misleading as it is not just about the Edwards Campaign. Only a little bit is about the campaign then I go on to discuss Texas politics, bigots and getting involved. Some pretty good music also. Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!
Evening refinish.
Now that the day is over and I’m officially on vacation — it’s an excellent day.
I’ve got to start dinner so I’ll be back in a little while.
Everyone have a drink on me!
Getting called gotta run.