I have two ratings systems I am toying with.
Since summer is coming I could relate the weekly news in two ways.

One is to describe the height of the horsemanure pile.  Subheadings on this could also include amounts of spin or bias put on things.  The analogy in this is that it could include the aroma factor of said horsemanure pile, number of flies around it and other contributing factors describing how intense is the stench.

The other rating system involves the very source of the horsemanure, the horse’s ass.  This would involve a number count of horse’s asses, one to five or one to ten.  These rating systems would apply to both sides of both parties along with the description of how, as always the American common man looses.

This week we have apparently the Dems cave in on Iran, the “surge” (troops already there).  We have just this morning the nonsense story about some cave dwelling Arab who “confessed” to his role in 911.
Not buying that one for a second.

More indicators of economic disaster in mortgages and Wall Street.

Halliburton goes to Dubai so they can sell death and destruction world-wide with less interference from any “do-gooders”.
Hmmm…That brings up another idea.  Pitchforks.
Yes, pitchforks can also be equated with Satan himself.

Oh well, I guess I’m not really in the mood for this.  Last night it was 70 in New England.  I tacked up the horse and we have a wonderful first spring ride.  He was great.  Then we all had dinner and I played with my grandson.  It felt like a mini-vacation even if it was only a few hours long.
No TV, no “news”, no shills telling me what or how I should think.

Lord, Do we get another summer out of this deal or not!