Pressure mounted on the White House Thursday to fire Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for the abrupt dismissal of U.S. attorneys. More Republicans called for his ouster, and one Republican strategist close to the White House told CBS News that Gonzales is “finished.”
Congressman Dana Rohrbacher became the latest Republican to say Gonzales should go, reports CBS News White House correspondent Jim Axelrod.
“Even for Republicans this is a warning sign … saying there needs to be a change,” said Rohrbacher. “Maybe the president should have an attorney general who is less a personal friend and more professional in his approach.”
Shall we start a pool on when he goes? I think the boy-king will fight his advisors at first with a show of pretend loyalty (remember what happened with Harriet?), but then push his buddy in front of the proverbial train. And the torturing bastard deserves it.
A review of existing computer climate models suggests that global warming could transform the North Pole into an ice-free expanse of ocean at the end of each summer by 2100, scientists reported today.
The researchers said that out of the 15 models they looked at, about half forecast that the sea-ice cover — a continent-sized expanse that shrinks and grows with the seasons — would seasonally vanish by the turn of the century.
“That may be conservative,” said lead author Mark Serreze, a senior research scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo.
One model predicted the Arctic would be ice-free each September as early as 2040, according to the article in the journal Science.
The world experienced its warmest period on record during this year’s northern hemisphere winter, the US government said today.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report said the globally averaged combined land and sea surface temperature for December to February was the highest since records began in 1880.
During the past century, global temperatures had increased at about 0.06C each decade, but the increase had been three times larger since 1976, at about 0.18C per decade, the report said.
The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1995.
(my bold)
Report from the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
March 14th, 2007
Two newsmakers today for those tuned to climate change issues:
* In Washington, academics from MIT issued a major report that examines how the world can continue to use coal, an abundant and inexpensive fuel, without increasing emissions of greenhouse gases. The two-year study, “The Future of Coal – Options for a Carbon Constrained World,” advocates the U.S. assume global leadership on this issue through adoption of significant policy actions. It states that carbon capture and sequestration is the critical enabling technology to help reduce Carbon emissions significantly while also allowing coal to meet the world’s future energy demands. Here is Senate Energy Chairman Jeff Bingaman’s response to this report:
“This landmark report comes at a very opportune time. Its recommendations will carry a lot of weight here in Congress, as we deal with the important issues surrounding the future use of coal. As the report notes, a robust and comprehensive approach towards carbon sequestration is an essential part of future coal technology development and implementation. The Committee will hear from the report’s authors and other relevant experts next week, in what I see as the beginning of a thorough look at one of our most significant domestic energy resources.”
is finished? CNN
Shall we start a pool on when he goes? I think the boy-king will fight his advisors at first with a show of pretend loyalty (remember what happened with Harriet?), but then push his buddy in front of the proverbial train. And the torturing bastard deserves it.
McClatchy has more.
in less than 100 years? LATimes
We’re in big trouble.
World breaks temperature records
what I’ve been thinking about the KSM crap, only better.
This one’s from Feministing.
Report from the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
The MIT report is here.