And I’m contemplating how different my life would be if it weren’t ass-cold here today…sigh. After 2 days of nice spring weather earlier this week, this snow/ice is torture.
I bet you’re planting flowers and stuff down there. You are, aren’t you? :::sob:::
Thanks for reminding me how delightful the south is in the summer. I feel beter now. 🙂
I’ve thought of getting the heated waterer, but where would I plug it in? I’d have to get an electrician to come out, it would cost $$$$, yada yada…so much easier to just whine about it freezing.
What are you up to this weekend? The sun just came out here.
I have no idea what I’m up to. My house is a mess and one of the cats peed on Ryan’s bed through no fewer than 6 layers of bedding – so that’s about 3 loads of laundry.
Ry drove to Cle with 3 friends yesterday and I called her last night and they were staying at a cheeeeeap motel in the heart of the porn district – unknowingly. Even though she’d driven 11 hours I told her to use her emergency credit card and move to a better place.
The St. Pats parade is today and her brother is going to show them a good time. But looks like it’s butt-cold as usual, so those southern girls she’s with won’t know what hit them.
Good morning, rf, SN and CG.
Miserable weather here as well. All that frozen rain/sleet/snow mix from yesterday and last night (5.5″ accumulation in Central Park). Indoor day, I think.
am I the only one home today? I had planned to go to a peace rally today but am running a fever of 101 so decided I would be better off staying home. LOL
Hey refinish69, if that`s your image on top, it`s very well done.
I hope you`re feeling better.
It sometimes seems you`re a rolling disaster. Be careful. You seem to be able to do more than time would normally allow.
Happy Saturday folks!!!!
Good morning refinish!
What’s on your agenda this weekend?
I’m drinking coffee and contemplating removing the snow from my car and defrosting the chickens’ water…
I just had one of those moments when I realize how different my life is than when I was up north. Not that I ever had chickens.
Morning everyone. Great coffee graphic, RF – very rich and comforting.
And I’m contemplating how different my life would be if it weren’t ass-cold here today…sigh. After 2 days of nice spring weather earlier this week, this snow/ice is torture.
I bet you’re planting flowers and stuff down there. You are, aren’t you? :::sob:::
I’ve learned not to plant anything that’s not in a pot 6 feet from my door because by June I won’t venture out into the heat to water anything.
It was in the 80s and then we had a cold day or torrential rain and flooding and now it looks like sunny and 60s for the next week.
I think you should invest in an electric chicken waterer thingie.
Thanks for reminding me how delightful the south is in the summer. I feel beter now. 🙂
I’ve thought of getting the heated waterer, but where would I plug it in? I’d have to get an electrician to come out, it would cost $$$$, yada yada…so much easier to just whine about it freezing.
What are you up to this weekend? The sun just came out here.
I have no idea what I’m up to. My house is a mess and one of the cats peed on Ryan’s bed through no fewer than 6 layers of bedding – so that’s about 3 loads of laundry.
Ry drove to Cle with 3 friends yesterday and I called her last night and they were staying at a cheeeeeap motel in the heart of the porn district – unknowingly. Even though she’d driven 11 hours I told her to use her emergency credit card and move to a better place.
The St. Pats parade is today and her brother is going to show them a good time. But looks like it’s butt-cold as usual, so those southern girls she’s with won’t know what hit them.
Yeah, we’re cleaning up and vacuuming and stuff here this morning too. I need to go shopping for a new storm door too. Bor-ing.
It must be awful in Cle, with this cold weather. Oh well, they’re young, they’ll survive. 🙂
Morning!!! I just did a podcast. Taking Texas Back and I have a peace rally I will be attending later today. LOL
I should say the podcast is for Texas Kaos. LOL
Good morning, rf, SN and CG.
Miserable weather here as well. All that frozen rain/sleet/snow mix from yesterday and last night (5.5″ accumulation in Central Park). Indoor day, I think.
Wow, that’s quote a bit of snow…I think we only got 3 inches here, but it’s frozen on top so it’s hard to tell.
CBtY has been asking me when we’re going to NYC again! He liked hanging out with the younger asklet. 🙂
Yes, it’s messy out there.
And CBtY is welcome any time.
Stay warm!!!!!
We had about 6″ of snow last night as well … ugh. :/
am I the only one home today? I had planned to go to a peace rally today but am running a fever of 101 so decided I would be better off staying home. LOL
Here`s some Irish green for the hopping machine.

HI Knucklehead
Hey refinish69, if that`s your image on top, it`s very well done.
I hope you`re feeling better.
It sometimes seems you`re a rolling disaster. Be careful. You seem to be able to do more than time would normally allow.
Thanks!!!! I am feeling a little better but taking it easy today.