This tiny native orchid apeared for the first time (at least since we’ve been living here).
This is pretty much it’s actual size (around 4 inches tall). There seems to be a whole slew (dozens anyway) of them ready to flower. This is the seventh native orchid we’ve found on our property.
Here’s the close up of the flower with its insect “mimic”.
Wow. Keres, that’s one of the most wonderful natural occurances I’ve ever seen!
Truly. Thank you!
Howdy, all. Not here for long, I’m afraid — just had to seep from the wordwork to lay praise at Nature’s feet (and Keres’) yet again.
Alas, I’m sorta tard on account of shovelin’ much white fluffiness today & I’m bound for bed.
your green or I will have to give you a pinch….of course if you are cute enough or I’ve had enough beer, you might get a pinch anyway. LOL
It’s the day after Patty’s day here, so all the left-over green beer will be getting poured out. Assuming there was any left over.
LOL I bet and hopefully the hangovers will go down the drain as quickly as the left over green beer. LOL
I`m Irish & a Golden Glove fighter.

Anybody got a problem with celebrating St. Paddy`s day.
I didn`t think so.
Happy St. Patrick`s Day
That is too cute!!!!!
maybe not Irish….but a new guitarist, at least to me: Preston Reed
more percussive guitar virtuosity…
heading out for dinner…later
He is fabulous!!! Thanks for sharing this.
Damn, Too cool for school.
I like the way he keeps the drone going.
Hahapypy Sasaint Papatrick`s dada y
This tiny native orchid apeared for the first time (at least since we’ve been living here).
This is pretty much it’s actual size (around 4 inches tall). There seems to be a whole slew (dozens anyway) of them ready to flower. This is the seventh native orchid we’ve found on our property.
Here’s the close up of the flower with its insect “mimic”.
Wow. Keres, that’s one of the most wonderful natural occurances I’ve ever seen!
Truly. Thank you!
Howdy, all. Not here for long, I’m afraid — just had to seep from the wordwork to lay praise at Nature’s feet (and Keres’) yet again.
Alas, I’m sorta tard on account of shovelin’ much white fluffiness today & I’m bound for bed.
Goodnight WW.
I’ve got photos of another orchid, called a Hare’s Ears Orchid, that’s similarly small, that I’ll post when I get the chance.
This is the second year we’ve seen Hare’s Ears. Native Australian orchids do not necessarily flower every year.
The orchid Pictures are graet!!!!