This was originally written as a comment on the excellent Gore Vidal appreciation Reflections on the legacy of Gore Vidal that recently appeared on the front page of My Left Wing. I have been avidly reading Mr. Vidal since his novel Burr first came out in 1982, and whatever his novels may lack in structure and language they certainly make up for in their clear understanding of American history and of human endeavour in general.
What struck me in this post, however, was his faith…hope might be a more accurate term…in the internet as an alternate media, as an awakening tool that might be used to rouse the vast sleeple of America from their 70+ year-old, media-induced trance.
I fear that he is wrong here. Maybe he is too far removed from the mainstream given his age and wealth or maybe he has simply spent too much time in Europe. I am a footsoldier on the ground in America, and I offer my own perspective as follows.
Read on if you find that there is nothing more…attractive…on TV or in the newspaper at the present moment.
Read on.
Pogo: We have met the enemy, and it is us.
Or somewhat more accurately…
We have met the enemy, and it is the media.
Or most accurately…
We have met the media, and it is us.
If after 2 years of pounding the idea of NEWSTRIKE!!! to a mostly unresponsive so-called left I was still stupid enough to believe that something was going to change among the on-the-ground members of the (equally so-called) opposition, I would be a total fool.
I mean, the vituperation I took from the media junkies over at little orange Kosland regarding this idea was beyond belief. Tepid reactions from a few “Well, of course I don’t watch much TV” types notwithstanding, I will venture a guess that almost the entire population of left Blogistan is as hooked on media-hypnosis propaganda as is any other broad segment of the population.
It is the single most effective control system ever invented by mankind.
Massive in its power.
Somewhere deep down inside almost all of us we “believe” in the essential goodness of the media. This is true for all of us who have not experienced the agonizing process of kicking this habit, at the very least. It hurts, babies. It really does. JUST like getting off of junk, only on another level. It will fuck with your life. Believe it. It will fuck with your friendships, your relationships. Suddenly you wake up one day and realize that you are living on the other side of the mirror from almost everyone and everything that you know.
Bet on it.
It hurts!!!
We believe in the media’s goodness…its essential rightness…on a basic, educated-into-us-at-three-years-of-age level.
Believe in SOME portion of the media, at least.
The good guys.
YOU know.
The ones who stand for liberal ideas as opposed to the bad guys like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.
YOU know…
Like CBS and the NY Times.
CBS and the NY Times.
The very outlets that have most effectively…most subtly…opposed the dissemination of the ideas of people like Gore Vidal, Noam Chomsky, Malcolm X and William Burroughs, just to name a few of my own favorites.
The ones who “ARRRRGHED” Howard Dean out of the Presidency.
It has been said that there are no atheists in foxholes.
Wake the fuck up.
There are no independent minds left in this Fox Newshole called America.
Not enough of them, for DAMNED sure.
I mean…here it is, folks, right from Mr. Vidal’s mouth.
But if of course 98% the people who POPULATE said internet…that’s US, folks…still turn on the TV and/or settle into a mindless morning read of our favorite printed fecal matter to get our daily dose of corporate-sponsored socialization, then the game’s up.
Which is about where things stand today.
Even those of us who do NOT suck up our news coverage directly from the hypno-media are hard pressed to avoid the clomp-clomp-clompness of it all.
It is all-pervasive.
Everywhere in the same way as was the Roman Catholic church during the Spanish Inquisition or in the lives of the Irish and Italian working classes in pre-immigration and immediate post-immigration days.
Before it was superceded by a stronger, more effective church.
The Church of the All-Seeing Media Eye.
It is everywhere.
It is the sea into which we are born, the water of life, and climbing out of it onto true land is as potentially vicious a transition as must have been the journeys of the first amphibians up out of the sea.
So…I am not particularly sanguine about our chances of success here.
There will come a time…someday, probably quite far in the future…where this control system will begin to collapse. Maybe it will be FORCED to collapse by outside influences…war, famine, other ecological or economic factors…or maybe a real “”Let’s blow up some buildings” kind of opposition will eventually arise here. But until that/those time(s) arrive, we are pretty well stuck with what we have.
Little baby steps, moderated at all times by the highly conservative forces that run the media.
ALL the media.
Including the internet. Witness the fate of dKos for all you need to know about THAT. From Howard Dean to John Edwards in three short years.
Money talks, nobody walks.
Not enough people to affect things appreciably, anyway.
Go read Joe Bageant’s latest essay.
In the Reign of the One-nutted King
The internet as “Free Speech Zone”.
YOU know…out back behind the parking lot?
An excerpt might be in order.
About that same time last fall a couple hundred American protesters gathered in a Washington D.C. parking lot. Chronic liberal malcontents, they had the gall to ask why our government was slaughtering hundreds of thousands of abysmally ordinary folks in Iraq, people moreover like themselves who, even under Saddam Hussein, whose reign was so infamously marked by his penchant for black velvet paintings and the most sordid kinds of torture, nevertheless managed to do what most common folks in the world do — send the kids off to school every morning, cursed Baghdad’s traffic, and perhaps a little fudged on their taxes. So why are they being wiped out at great public expense, and for no apparent reason?
This being a free republic, the American protesters stood in the parking lot, packed buttock to belly button inside one of our fatherland’s designated Free Speech Zones, a bad case of branding if ever there was one, and though they are no longer called that, the function is still the same. Jabbing their signs upward, the protesters tried to wedge their message into the wavering thicket of signage above their heads. Between rather strangely meterless chants, such as “One, two, three, four, end the war!” the evil librul protestors were left to contemplate just what those the Plexiglas faced squadrons of police ninjas might do, should one of the dissidents make a cautious move toward the Porto Johns, which were placed slightly over the yellow painted line that assumedly marked the outer boundary free speech in America. Was it better to ease over into the Porto John, or to hold it until the “designated hour of disassemblage”? However ineffective state supervised dissidence may be here, protesting is hard going in America. No Dane’s beer wrecked bladder could survive it.
Pity the poor American left, (who would be considered right wing moderates in most of the world, but in America being against any war makes you a far leftist. Any time American leftists start pointing at the root causes of our national disease, they are neatly handed a fresh bloody war to oppose. Each new generation of the left gets its energies sapped, gets locked into the position of continually opposing one war, then another and another. Ever since World War I they’ve been standing on the street corners or in the parks — or more recently, inside the Free Speech Zones way the hell out at the edge of town. At any rate, they can never come close to naming the dark and profitable tumor at the heart of America, the economic system under which we all live. To survive and grow, the American system needs war, making war inevitable. To keep up the pretense of freedom it needs harmless dissent.
They are playing us, babies.
Playing us.
And their playtool?
The all-seeing TV eye.
Bet on it.
Wake the fuck up.
Gotta run. It’s 10AM Holland time…have to go teach.
Back later.
Let’s talk.
looking to the left….WTF is THAT?!?!?!
did something happen?
I am not a number

march on the pentagon: 3.17.07
You keep saying “media” but it appears you are directing you ire mostly towards network television.
There are thousands of newspapers in the United States and they are hardly one coherent “eye”.
Even a newspaper owned by a national company can have local journalists who report on and investigate local stories and do an outstanding job. This same paper may run AP feeds on national and international news which offer no original reporting.
I happen to have had the good fortune of knowing some of these journalists and they are hardly agents of Sauron, who get secret midnight phone calls from the White House on what their agenda is.
As for overseas, I read dozens of newspapers through the magic of RSS and a few bookmarks and there is no way I’m going to believe El Tiempo in Colombia gets the same marching orders as Evenimentul Zilei and Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung and Ekho Moskvy and Blic and Le Monde. It just ain’t happening.
If you want me to agree with you concerning network television then yes I agree fully.
However there are a wide variety of “non-Sauron” television news channels available from NTV to Al-Jazeera to Deutsche Welle to the BBC to RaiNews to RTS to Realitatea, etc. You can get all of these for free or at a low cost on your computer if you can’t get them on your television.
Not to mention the pure joy of watching C-Span, including the morning show, which I really think you should watch to find out there are fewer “sheeple” in this country than you might think. If you’re in Holland, then before your time switches tune in C-Span at about 12-14 your local time and listen to the callers.
Comparing the entire internet to DKos is inherently unfair because DKos is an openly censored, restricted non-free speech zone. It’s in their FAQ for goodness sake!
You may well say that there are…ohhh, say 379 children in a given playground.
But if their average size is 45 lbs and there are three or four NFL lineman-sized freaks in there with them…guess which way the games are going to go.
All a control system has to achieve is control of a working majority to be successful.
In a so-called “democracy” that means control of a working majority of those who vote.
Sine the total voter turnout consists of all those who DO believe in this ongoing fiction (DemRat OR Ratpub) and there are no effective third parties and/or effective militant oppositions advocating change outside of the system…the Church of the All-Seeing Media Eye wins. Whether its places of worship are TV news, right-wing radio, major newspapers/wire services or the Time/Newsweak nexus.
If a working majority of Americans of a certain class…the one that is allowed to get edumacated and is encouraged to vote…still believes that most of the nationally elected members of the the Ratpublican and DemocRatic parties disagree on anything other than which tactics can best be used in order to achieve the economically imperialist strategies of Big Oil and its many corporate allies, then that’s all she wrote, soj.
Game over.
Sure there are people who read alternative newspapers.
But it is the Good Grey Times Lady who decides what is fit to print.
Fit to print in BIG, BOLD PRINT
the kind that gets people’s attention.
The Good Grey Times Lady’s controllers, who also control WAPO, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, etc .
Who’s the <irreal</i> decider?
It ain’t Butcher Boy, for sure.
Give me a break.
Show me the ratings, soj.
THAT’S the ticket.
Show me the ratings.
“We have a free and open society. why…just look at the internet and C-SPAN!!!
But soj…if only 2% of the population pays attention to those outlets while 98% swills down Katie Kutie and the CBS Non-News with their evening TV dinner…then the controllers have GOT IT KNOCKED.
And knocked it has been, since at least the day they allowed JFK’s head to be blown off and then covered it up.
Face it.
Yeah. We have a free info system.
But it is hype and spin that dictates what the sleeple watch and read.
Hype and spin.
And those who are thus hyped and spun? They vote Bushes into office.
Or Anti-Bushes who are just more trees that you can’t really identify for the forest.
So it goes.
Until something real changes.
Vidal once more:
Gonna run a campaign on the internet?
A FINE idea!!!
Have sufficient success…measured in dollars…to the point you really begin to worry the big boys?
First the whisper campaign starts.
“He’s weak.”
“He’s small.”
“He’s a nobody!!!”
“He’s crazy.”
Illustrated, of course.
For those who move their lips when they read.
“Kerry will eat him alive!!! That little mouse!!!”
And then, at the first caught mistake…
“See??? I TOL’ ya!!!’
And there it is.
Small K kerry to the non-rescue, protest pens outside of the convention for the dissenting.02%, and Butch fucks us up even worse.
This is not democracy, soj.
It is mediocracy.
Rule by those who control the dominant media.
Sorry…but that’s the news so far…
Stay tuned.
Britney Spears Goes Ballistic, Blows Up NBC News Headquarters In Orlando!!!
Don’t hold your breath.
If you are looking for hope, and it is hard to find, check out the numbers Bowers put up versus the numbers the Philly machine put up.
A party within a party. Until it gets co-opted…
Hmmm… well all I can say is that the “Grey Lady” has only the power the people give to her. It’s not just some hypothetical “true believer” who cites the New York Times, it’s progressive/liberal bloggers too!
Even when you refute a “media eye” source, you’re still giving it credibility. Do you spend your time refuting alien landing articles in the National Enquirer? Why not?
Call me a democrat with a small d – people in the United States have exactly the government they want, up to and including Jose Padilla and Cindy Sheehan’s son.
I don’t give a crap what the ratings are for C-Span. I watch it because I want to watch it. This isn’t the government or society I want and so I’m gone.
Pax 😉
You prove my point.
I am not “refuting” media sources. I am asking people to stop buying media outlets.
On ANY level.
Stop going to church, stop “buying” the whole deal, and the religion topples.
Snark answer?
They are more believable than CBS stories about “Democratic opposition to the war”. MUCH more believable.
Real answer?
They do not cause much harm
Not in comparison to the way the media maintain the fiction of choice.
No contest.
The question is, soj…what CAUSES them to “want”?
To want ANYTHING in particular, any brand name, from one political party right on down through to the insane desire to eat poison for breakfast or trust the Dr. Big Brother/Big Pharma so-called health industry?
Or despise other races?
This is all learned behavior.
Learned and then constantly reinforced.
And who is the constant teacher?
It ain’t 138th St. Papo, my friend.
It the big eye in the living room.
Bet on it.
Turn that big eye off and/or change its message, and the world would change.
First step in that direction?
Or not.
As you must.
I have known too many junkies. The end of addiction must come from within. You either do it or you don’t. I’m just here making the suggestion. That suggestion is ALWAYS available to an addict. It is everywhere. His Mama wants him to stop. His friends…the non-strung out ones, anyway…want him to stop. Ostensibly, the society wants him to stop. (That’s a whole ‘nother topic, of course.) But one day…who knows why or when…one of those suggestions sinks home, and it’s as good as over. Until then, the only thing that concerned people can really do for that junkie is to continue to make the suggestion. So that is what I do. Continue to make the suggestion.
It’s the only way.
I don’t understand. I just said I don’t watch American network television. Then you said it’s not good enough?
I’m confused.
I honestly don’t have a problem with the way things are.
Yes, soj.
That’s what I said.
It’s not good enough.
Here’s what I wrote in the original post:
You are the poster child for that description.
If instead of TV I was talking about torture in the service of this government…and when you get right down to it, the media do more damage than an ARMY of torturers because they keep an entire society asleep to crimes that are being committed on every level…but if I was talking about torture and someone said “Of course, I don’t torture anybody” closely followed by the statement “I honestly don’t have a problem with the way things are”, how would you react to that?
You say that you do not understand.
That is quite apparent.
We are most of us here on these blogs because of a truly goodhearted wish to see this coountry healed.
But so few of us seem to understand the mechanisms that have led us down this primrose-srewn path to the killing place.
It is the use of the media that has done this. Its control by corporate powers that have nothing but contempt for the human beings that work in that machine.
The Big Lie from the Big Eye.
Bet on it.
Take ACTIION, soj.
Don’t just congratulate yourself that you are not the torturer.
Ask not for whom the voice of the tortured screams.
It screams for thee.
Well I’m honestly still confused.
I guess I don’t see how watching television is torturing someone (other than myself, I mean). I don’t watch television but it isn’t out of some moral crusade but simply because I’m very busy, I don’t own a TV and I get the news I want over the internet.
But if someone else said to me that they liked what’s on CBS or NBC then I’m fine with that too. I know a lot of people who like being entertained by those channels. Who am I to interfere with that?
I’d have to dig up my Mark Twain book but I know he wrote an article or essay somewhere that I agree with – some people like being told what to do, what to think, how to dress, etc. And I don’t have a problem with that. I’m a live and let live kind of person. You do your thing (no TV) and I do mine and my neighbor Joe can do whatever his thing is.
What if tomorrow they did wake up? What a mess that would be. I only wonder how much time we have left.
It would be a mess.
But would it be a worse mess that the one in which we now scrabble?
I think not.
It’s a moot point anyway.
Ain’t gonna happpen.
On the evidence.
Ain’t gonna happen.
What about the difference between what the media coverage would have been and what it in fact was over the last two years?
It’s quite frightening to see how the media wanted to treat a Jeff Gannon in their midst, the Downing Street Minutes, l’affair Plame. The Democratic Party wanted to go on Fox News for their Nevada debate. They still want Harold Ford Jr. to be the most successful candidate of 2006, and not Tester, Brown, Sanders, or Webb.
They want to be for the war as much as Clinton, Edwards et al. wanted to be for the war. The blogosphere has been a relentless truth-telling machine, and it has improved the quality of the media that the people get, even as that media derides us as vituperative and lacking in decorum.
We still need a media, we still need reporters. But we need ALL media. We need MORE media. NEWSTRIKE? How’s that gonna work?
In honor of me favorite holiday.
It’d scare the bejesus out of ’em.
Like the sainted labor leader Mike Quill telling the judge that had just sentenced him to jail for promoting a transit strke in NYC that he could “Drop dead in his black robes.”
It would tell them that the game is UP!!!
That the marks have finally figured out the sleight of hand.
Time to get out of Dodge!!!
Retire to Uruguay with the rest of the Nazis.
Is how it would work.
IF it could be made to work.
Which…on the evidence of the opposition to this ideathat I continually encounter from well-meaning and otherwise truly perceptive people like yourself…is not going to happen.
So it goes.
See you next news cycle.
I agree AG, but think the problem we should be worried about is education. How is it that some of us grow up learning critical thinking, and some not?
The Newstrike is already well underway because a majority of your ‘sheeple’ just don’t care.
It’s too hard to have to think about truth or the government, easier and more entertaining just to give thumbs up or down on the gladiators.
Absolutely nothing will change until the message conveyed by the media changes.
It must be destroyed and rebuilt.
And Ghandi. I just commented on a thread and rightfully said there will be no American Ghandi type figure. There is just no way “media” today would allow it. For all of our “instant” communications it only boils down to someone trying to sell you something. We have ended up with the very real prospect of a tower of Babel with those in control demanding a divided populace.
Are you aware of any patriotic former machine reporters who have participated in this brainwashing, but now speak against it as true patriots of democracy??
What is the real hidden meaning or purpose of the “Skull and Bones” society of Yale that both Kerry and Bush belonged to?? Surely it is a hint to what you are inferring.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Now, consider this statement by George Herbert Walker Bush:
“The world can therefore seize the opportunity (Persian Gulf crisis) to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.”
And again, President Bush at the U.N., February 1, 1992: “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people henceforth pledge their allegiance.”
“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” — Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, July 20, 1992.
“NAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order,” —Henry Kissinger.
“To achieve a world government it is necessary to remove from the minds their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism. and religious dogma.” —Brock Adams, Director, U.N. Health Organization.
“We are not going to achieve a New World Order without paying for it in blood, as well as in words and money.”
—Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., the CFR Journal Foreign Affairs, August 1975.
“A world government can intervene militarily in the internal affairs of any nation when it disapproves of their activities.”
—Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General.
“We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.”
— James Warburg, to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, February 17, 1950.
“We believe we are creating the beginning of a New World Order coming out of the collapse of the U.S. Soviet antagonisms.”
—Brent Snowcroft, Washington Post, May 1991.
“We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world.” — Professor Arnold Toynbee, 1931. a speech in Copenhagen.
“Our job is not to give people what they want but what we decide they ought to have.”—Richard Salant, former president of CBS News
“The high office of the president has been used to foment a plot to destroy America’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of
this plight.”—President John F. Kennedy, November 12, 1963.
“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the fields of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power
somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”—Woodrow Wilson, 1913.
“Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and an increasinly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order, to efficiency of operation, to scientific advancement and the like.” William O Douglas, US Supreme Court Justice 1898-1980
A “newstrike” isn’t going to work because “the media” are, as Booman points out, far too amorphous for any sort of boycott to take effect.
If the intent of the “newstrike” is to break Big Corporation control of the American media–something I strongly favour–then it will be like cutting heads off the hydra. Lop off one and another will appear in its place. We have to get our “news” SOMEWHERE, and if everyone resorts to the Internet, for example, then the Big Corporations will focus their propaganda efforts there.
I don’t think the American public have ever gotten the “whole truth” from mainstream media, but things have gotten far worse because of two developments that have taken place since the mid-1980s:
The Fairness Doctrine, for example:
Just to give one example of the bad aftereffects of the Telecommunications Act of 1996: In its wake, the biased right-wing Clear Channel company acquired 1,200 radio stations around the country.
From Wikipedia:
We ought to be fighting MEDIA CONSOLIDATION. Breaking up the media oligopolies may not make things perfect, but they’ll make it harder for the corporate propagandists to speak with one voice.
Remember this:
But how do you fight media consolidation?
The ONLY way to fight it is by getting representation in the government…adequate representation, by the numbers.
Enough votes so that these laws can be changed.
And how do you elect these people? In the face of a stonewalling media?
You don’t.
Catch 22.
We need a Boston Tea Party.
Not a Demediacratic Party versus the Mediapublicans.
Throw the media overboard.
The Boston Tea Party didn’t throw ALL the tea in China overboard.
Just enough to make a statement.
“No taxation without representation.”
But it worked.
I mean…eventually you have to do something!!!
Or just swim around in little Catch 22 circles until you drown.
Got a better idea?
I don’t.
Well for that matter, so am I.
Saturday an event (not a free-speech-zone-protest, thank God) threw me in with some lefties in discussion.
It was mostly an irate tirade about some unusually bad reporting on NPR.
Of course, I had no trouble agreeing that it was bad. No reason not to be angry, as far as THAT goes. But the idea that NPR is a propaganda outlet is literally unthinkable. Just too scary. Jesus! Fortunately, I know when to keep my mouth shut. But even the idea that NPR represents the “left” wing of the Powers that Be (who ELSE would it represent? But we can’t go there either) was too outre’.
It is like, the US really is the democracy we were taught in Civics Class, and if we are just good people, others will see the light vote out the bad guys and everything will change.
Really, a reason for despair.
These are not folk who just talk. Everyday they are involved with things that are good work. Still.
These days I am trying to understand what underlies the denial. I mean, why would lefties, of all people, need to believe the US right now IS a functioning democracy. Because they do. Need to that is.
I think they are afraid in a way that they are unwilling to face. But I don’t know what that fear is.
Lifelong hypnotism.
Any stage hypnotist in the world can produce irrational fears.
“When I cough twice, you will be afraid of that red pen on the table. You will think that it is a snake.’
“Cough, cough.”
Same shit, different pot.
Bet on it.
but I’m looking for a point of access.