[Sen. Diane] Feinstein said [San Diego U.S. attorney Carol] Lam notified the Justice Department on May 10, 2006, that she planned to serve search warrants on Kyle Dustin “Dusty” Foggo, who’d resigned two days earlier as the No. 3 official at the CIA.
On May 11, 2006, Kyle Sampson, then [Alberto] Gonzales’ chief of staff, sent an e-mail to deputy White House counsel William Kelley, asking Kelley to call to discuss “the real problem we have right now with Carol Lam that leads me to conclude that we should have someone ready to be nominated on 11/18, the day her 4-year term expires.”
Thanks for playing ‘Obstruction of Justice’.
BooMan, you seem to be feeling much better now, that is good news.
at the end of the piece that Schumer says the Democrats would likely support as replacements for Gonzales is interesting — looks like all three interested in going after terrorists (real ones, not the fake ones being held in Gitmo and other places) and corporate crime.
So of course there’s no way in Hell that Bush appoints them. Especially not Comey, since he’s the one who brought in Fitz…
Yes – that list is good strategy from Schumer. My personal favorite is Comey. I would also add Patrick Fitzgerald to that list.
IMHO Fitz should be number one because he is totally apolitical or non-political. He loves the LAW rather than politics-a man who is ideal for either party. Fitz does not seem to have that DC addiction for “Face Time” and being quoted in the Media-he simply focuses laser like in getting a job done.
IF anyone can bring back a truly independent Judiciary, and restore the confidence of the American people in our third branch of Government, I believe Fitz is “da man”.
Thanks for pointing out these final lines, Cali Scribe. I hadn’t read that far down when looking at the article elsewhere. There may be two possibilities other than Comey.
I like the comment I read some-where that every tree the Democrats have barked-up seems to have a cat in it.
I’m really fascinated by all the emails coming out. But can anyone explain, how exactly were they obtained, and who’s releasing them? Is there a web site where you can go and read them all?
Thanks in advance to whoever answers this.
i am not a lawyer, but in a nutshell, as a matter of federal law, any document created in the course of official government business must be retained, and must be provided to law enforcement and/or congressional investigators upon request, under subpoena if necessary. the willful destruction of such a document is considered obstruction.
courtesy of josh marshall’s tpmmuckraker:
part 1 (pdf)
part 2 (pdf)
part 3 (pdf)
part 4 (pdf)
evan thomas – just on imus- this purge story is a perfect example of a “inside the beltway” story! Well, that clears up one thing– Never again buy Newsweek!
No wonder he resigned.