I was recently attempting to replace a computer with a dead motherboard. The site though lists most of the “new” motherboards as “obsolete”. The reason being that they are not RoHs compliant according the EU directives. While it is good to not generate toxic trash a short search brought up and old enemy.
DRM or digital rights management and it’s other ugly cousins from the minions of Satan software giant Microshaft. There, I have revealed my bias openly.
All of the links are contained in the article and in about a half hour you should be able to get lost in the awesome Orwellian big brother type capabilities and censorship options of this hardwired, you can’t bypass it chip.
It’s a relic of Windows Palladium and later Longhorn, operating systems never released, perhaps, no, most definitely the pipeline directly into NSA headquarters is there. Intel inside, yes, I have seen those stickers with the logo, Satan Inside!
Isn’t that the true advantage of a monopoly!
The Satanic business practices of Microsoft became an IT industry standard. For more information look up the BSA, no, far from the Boy Scouts, it’s the Business Software Alliance.
Do any computers not have this? I don’t really know, I’m only one guy watching the world collapse and while most can’t, don’t want to, or deny it, I have acquired the dubvious talent of discovering Satan’s eyes in just about everything.
Can’t imagine why the Lord hasn’t told me to tack up my Apocalyptic horse.
FWIW I run a Microsoft-free-zone in my office–no MS apps allowed, Linux servers. But if you want to play the best computer games, you have to Windows. And to access many big web sites you HAVE to have horrible Internet Explorer. Clients sometimes act like I’m a barbarian when I tell them I can’t (and won’t) read their stupid .doc or .xls files. A constant battle. Sorry to see Apple slipping into darkness like that.
Right now I’m on a brand new Dell 820. State of the art laptop, “maintained” by the professionals of a large Illuminati global company.
Hey, I have acquired a talent for making computers barf! And it’s less than one month old.