promoted by BooMan:

What a week – the justice department laid an egg and boy did it smell rotten when it cracked open!

Al Gore was on the hill telling them how the cow ate the cabbage (although he didn’t say much about land based methane, just methane in the ice at sea.)

Bush is going back to stonewalling and we find that they either do not use government email servers, preferring to use RNC servers instead, or just do NOT use emails because they anticipate suits!

The dems seemed to have found some cartilige and are calling for subpoenas from both houses.  Now we will see whether packing the courts and DOJ has paid off for the Bushites.
So what changes have you felt?  Spring?  New corners turned?  I find myself completely retired and totally unsure how to deal with it.  Yes, I have plans, but really most of them seem to involve a person I am not (housecleaning? UGH)!

So how are your stress points these days?  Where do you see changes either coming or going?  New job?  New home?  New place?  How is your health?  Are you just hanging on or are you ready to do a tap dance?

What’s your predictions?  Will Bush feel the heat?  Will Gonzo go?  Will Rove find the door hitting him on the butt on his way out?  Will there be some courage on the part of the repubs to throw off their yolk and come into the light?  Will we get a raise!  Or just a rise out of Tony Snow? Will we be able to do something to save our hides re global warming?

You know how the stress point counter goes:  you get one for moving, one for buying a new home, etc.  Well add a stress point for each scandal you are following!

Cross posted at Dkos