There’s a dirty little secret in Florida, and like a lot of political intrigue, it involves a two way road paved with cash—yours and mine–and a lot of Republican shenanigans.
Have you ever participated in an effort to “Save the Everglades?” Follow the fold to find out what you’re buying–and whom.
The destruction of the Everglades began 50 years ago, but accelerated as Cuban exiles moved in to establish lucrative sugar businesses in the former ‘glades lands.
It’s been a good game for the owners; but it’s a game that is going to end soon.
The former Everglades soil is turning to organic concrete, and the owners know it.
What’s sustaining this industry? Your tax dollars and hope—that Castro will die soon and the owners can take the money they’ve made in Florida back home.
An 8 billion dollar program to buy back the land from them–at highly inflated prices–to “restore the Everglades” was enacted by the Republicans, and heavy donations from this sector are intended to keep that plan on the table until they can take that money offshore. (While the majority of Florida Cuban donations go to the Republicans, there are some Dem (Clinton) supporters in West Palm Beach, as well.)
For all the bluster of the Florida Cubans (a group that has even reserved a stadium for the “celebration” of Fidel Castro’s death) there’s every possibility that the emigres will be received with the same level of “smiles and flowers” that Chalabi got! After all, for 40 years Castro has been telling his people that all of their economic problems are our fault due to the embargos. He’s been telling them that without his protection they would be taken over by the Yankees. And the minute he got sick, our very diplomatic chief diplomat, Dr. Rice, announced: “Hold on, Cuba…we’re coming” showing that her understanding of Cuban politics is as out-of-date as her expertise on the USSR. Why can’t we understand that at least some Cubans will be saying: “Yes, he was a dictator–but he was OUR dictator!”
Bush’s antagonistic attitude toward Latin America displays a lack of understanding that parallels his attitude toward the rest of the world. But this time, he’s using the guise of an environmental movement to finance the moves.
I’m hoping the next president wins by so much that they can tell the Floridian Cubans to go screw themselves and re-open full relations with Cuba.
It won’t be necessary for the younger generation. Many are world-wise, and don’t make their judgments by “Bay of Pigs” logic. But it’s important to realize that there is a very real, financial scheme going on, and some very real reasons why they want to keep Republican control until they can get big money for their ‘glades property and go home.