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Question for everyone:
what’s your favorite cheesy joke?
what’s your favorite cheesy joke?
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While you’re at it, say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond
My answer to the question: Where do you find a turtle with no legs?
Right where you left it.
David’s blog Orcinus, which Steven D highlighted on the frontpage, really is one of the best. His work on the Minutemen/vigilante/hate group web is outstanding. It’s good to see him sign up here.
Excellent. I believe I’ve cruised over there in the distant past. I shall click on over.
I have been there as recently as last summer, I remember reading Sara’s series on the authoritarian personality and reading reviews of David’s book Strawberry Days.
Excellent Stuff.
I didn’t hear of Ornicus until today.
de veras? you’ve obviously been neglecting my blogroll at LP 😉
sad but true..maybe you should feature a
“Bud endorsed blog, every Friday.”
Getting close to 5ooo Man E… Maybe we ought to get ready for a celebration?
Oh yeah! Welcome to the pond David.
Hi ManE, nc, newbies and lurkers.
Here’s one from back home, including a healthy dose of bigotry:
Why was it impossible for Jesus to have been born in Sweden?
‘Cause they could not find 3 wise men and a virgin.
ha – is the original joke told in the mothertongue? I’m trying to remember some of the spanish ones I heard as a kid, but they translate horribly to english.
Here’s another: Two parrots were sitting on a perch. One said to the other, “It smells fishy around here.”
Hehe. Now, I wonder what the Swedish version of that joke is… 🙂
Most of those jokes work both ways.
Not this one though, the Swedes have (had?) a reputation for free sex and promiscuity that was not as pronounced for Norway.
And to ManE – yes, they come in the original language(s).
This site has the best politics, best music links…and the absolute worst jokes in the world…
we aim to please! unlike this guy:
Yay! A big froggy welcome hug to David. It will be great to find his postings here at the pond. I had no idea it was big enouigh for a whale. Must be kinda like the Brits calling the Atlantic a pond.
I googled ‘cheese joke,’ hope you like this one, Manee:
Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
A: Nacho Cheese
good one, Alice. Now I’m hungry!
Google frog jokes
How deep can a frog go?
Knee-deep Knee-deep!
“Story of my life” I was a biologist who suddenly got promoted to administration. My friends kept giving me frogs to remind me that I needed to remember that I wasn’t that important!
So this is the perfect site!
This is one of my favourites …
What do you call a mushroom who buys everyone drinks and is the life of the party?
A fun-gi.
What do you call it when worms take over the world?
Global Worming.
mushrooms always seem to liven up a party, don’t they? 😉
Mmmm, ‘shrooms.
These seemed to be all the rave in my youth (probably still are):

The vikings had an affinity for these:

Consume plenty, was down with even more mead – now you’re ready to go berserk.
A bit of ethymology:
When Diva was here in Tucson, I took her to a 50s diner the night before she left to her program. I ordered something with mushrooms, can’t remember what exactly. Anywho, she had never eaten one in her life because they are only known as poisonous dirt-dwelling fungus in her culture.
She ended up trying one from my plate, even after I tried explaining to her that mushrooms taste like…..mushrooms. Couldn’t think of anything similar. They got a semi-thumbs up.
Ranch dressing, on the other hand, she became quickly addicted once here in the States.
We should send barrels of ranch dressing to Iraq as part of our hearts and minds program.
Baghdad can be the newest site of the Hooters Empire?
Fit right in.
to know anything about shrooms livening up a party;)
I say nothing :-X
Hi NDD! Are you borrowing Family Man’s helmet in his absence? hehe
might be a good idea before
Maxwell’sOlivia’s silver hammer comes down upon my ‘ead!Hammer only required for the other direction … 🙂
Three women, two younger, and one senior citizen were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound. The young woman pressed her forearm and the beep stopped. The others looked at her questioningly, “That was my pager,” she said. I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.”
A few minutes later a phone rang. The second young woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished, she explained, “that was my mobile phone, I have a microchip in my hand.” The older woman felt very low tech and not to be outdone, she decided she had to do something just as impressive.
She stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom. She returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her rear end. The others raised their eyebrows and stared at her. The woman finally said, ” Well, will you look at that….I’m getting a fax!!!!
LOL, Cali!
From Raising Arizona:
“Raising Arizona” is one of the finest films ever made. I have a copy for repeat viewings, along with a majority of the Coen Brothers’ oeuvre.
… for a vacation interlude.
You may now return to your previously scheduled lowbrow activity.
Are those saguaros?
Does that mean you’re in Arizona?
and I am in Arizona. That is Bear Canyon in the Santa Catalina Mountains outside of Tucson.
I thought you couldn’t travel in the Winter. And don’t go telling me that Arizona isn’t a foriegn country. I’ve been there.
Canyon de Chelly, in Navajo country in the Northeast is still one of my parts of the state.
Once we don’t need to keep the woodstove going we can travel.
I love Canyon De Chelly — you can’t beat gorgeous sandstone, beautiful ruins, and a deep canyon (and Spider Woman Rock).
We usually hike in southern Utah but this year we decided to go some place where we knew we wouldn’t get any snow.
I’m glad you’ve got a chance to travel. Arizona is a fine place to visit. There’s a Hummingbird/Bird observatory in Bisbee that I always wanted to get to but never did.
I don’t think it’s too far from where you are now if you wanted to check it out.
They have a really nice hummingbird aviary (among the many very nice things they have) at the Desert Museum in Tucson so we probably wouldn’t go all the way Bisbee.
Get me some good Hummer shots. 😀
and jim got several good shots. This is my favorite.
That is amazing!!!
That was with my new lens. Other than some slight vignetting in the corners, I really like this lens.
Do you find that a problem (i.e., shaking) … and I think Andi said it has VR?
That’s a wonderfully expressive little face you captured … 🙂
It is heavier than the 18-70 it replaced, but there are 16 pieces of glass in this new lens. It is about as heavy as the old 28-200, but it feels much more solid.
I think she was bothered by all of the people with cameras getting too close to her. I took that shot from about 2.5 meters.
Que bonito!
I liked the way that this one was posing for the camera. “I’m ready for my close up, Mr. deMille.”
OK, we’ll call her “Gloria.” 😉
(Knew I had this somewhere on my computer.)
One time we were there, there was a Navajo family at Spider Woman Rock and as we were walking by them, the mother was saying “so you’d better behave.”
That’s great.
When I was last there, there was an old woman with her collies on the path to the Whitehouse ruins looking for her sheep. She didn’t speak engish and I certainly don’t speak Navajo, but we managed to “talk” anyway, with me eventually pointing her to where I’d seen some sheep earlier.
I see Manny! Isn’t that him, behind the rock, right next to the cactus?
hmmm, don’t think so — unless he snuck off from work. But tomorrow …
I picked a different cactus today to take a nap against 🙂
With your tequila..no? 🙂
you spying on me again? 😉
No, but I requested that Andi give you a hug from me (and she’s not a hugger) and check out if you really have no ass.
i could’ve provided you with proof ages ago if you only would’ve asked. [insert devious smile here]
Hi Andi! Beautiful shot. I can’t wait to have dinner tomorrow night!
Bear Canyon was just gorgeous.
We’re really excited about tomorrow night too (well as excited as people who can barely keep their eyes open can be).
THat sounds like my sex life.
it’s pretty much my life all the time
I’m off to take my poor tired, battered body to the couch for some serious recuperative relaxing.
Buenos Noches e sueños.