For Christmas one of my friends gave me a daily calendar with Bushisms. Today’s made me want to laugh, scream and cry all at the same time.
“The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the–the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice.” – Washington, D.C.; October 28, 2003
and we had our rain gear with us so it wasn’t a problem. It actually only rained hard for about 15 minutes. Could’ve done without the lightning though.
maybe we should check for missing Germans — we met a German guy going up to Wasson Peak as we were coming down and we tried unsuccessfully to convince him that going up to the highest point around during a thunderstorm wasn’t the best idea.
As you can guess, today has been an emotional roller coaster. LOL Hope everyone had had a great day!!!!! Miss Andi I hope you and Jim are having a blast on your vacation.
Here is the first of many Elizabeth designs to come. LOL
Hey everyone!
Looks like an empty lounge at the moment.
Just back in from happy hour; happy, happy, happy!
And dada bringing us the required accessories – a great evening.
Ugh, I am so full of good food at the moment. The Fs were great to meet in person and contrary to what they would have you believe, they are not the second most boring couple in the world. They are exciting, adventurous people who know how to live life to its fullest by exploring nature and sharing fellowship.
you are gonna have a heck of a time getting back on a sleep schedule when you get back home. Especially if your ears are still ringing from the live mariachi music 🙂
Here`s a contribution for the beaver looking thing with the suction hose.
It should keep all the greenies happy for a while, before the urge for chocolate fudge brownies, kicks in.
Just feigning ignorance, alluding to consumption of the contribution, before commenting.
I knew it was some kind of marmot [a very good kind, I`ll add]
Having seen many & heard the whistles they comunicate alarm calls with,
I was also amazed at how much grass they consumed. Most, more than myself. They are called “Sifleux” [?] in french, which means, whistler.
The left coast is adorned with a cresent moon with the darkside in earthshine. It was chasing Venus a few hours ago. Venus won. It`s about 70 degrees out at this hour.
I love the heavy base on the disco lightning. It`s quite rare that we get thunder & dancing on the coast, but I remember it well when I lived in the Catskills & in Canada. The scariest & rare is during a major blizzard.
What’ll it be?
and contraband is required…
don’t be Bogartin’ that pipe, dude
about doing a hookah lounge, since it has been awhile but I won’t be around this evening. I’m having dinner with the Fs (!)
How goes it, dada? Finally thawing out?
dinner w/ the F’s….as in andi and jim?….outstanding!
say hello for me….hope their vacation is going well
weather here’s been gorgeous….60’s and low 70’s….things budding….but, there’s still the potential to get hammered…and not in a pleasant way.
When I lived in the mountains, the kids had a snow day on May 22nd! That was just cruel as far as I was concerned.
it can get real nasty now thru the first part of May….cpl yrs ago we had 3′ of snow on about the 5th of may…..ugly
we’re actually getting some rain, shocking as that can be. i’ll make sure to say hello. We’re going to a place that makes the salsa tableside. yum!
Mmmmm. You’re making me veddy hungry.
For Christmas one of my friends gave me a daily calendar with Bushisms. Today’s made me want to laugh, scream and cry all at the same time.
“The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the–the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice.” – Washington, D.C.; October 28, 2003
Come to think of it, we did noticed some rain on our hike.
See ya in a little bit, Manny.
you were warned! 🙂
Desert rain is my favorite smell, hands down.
Have you shared the trail with any critters or creatures? It’s snattle rake season
and we had our rain gear with us so it wasn’t a problem. It actually only rained hard for about 15 minutes. Could’ve done without the lightning though.
No snakes, no scorpians, lots of lizards.
i heard the thunder and wondered if i was going to have to check the news for any hikers sporting Einstein haircuts.
maybe we should check for missing Germans — we met a German guy going up to Wasson Peak as we were coming down and we tried unsuccessfully to convince him that going up to the highest point around during a thunderstorm wasn’t the best idea.
and hiking alone too, eh? not smart.
I’m off from work now, see you soon!
cleansing the gene pool
I know you’re nearsighted but you really need to tweeze some of those facial hairs.
I’m nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other — so I do just fine on the other side.
As you can guess, today has been an emotional roller coaster. LOL Hope everyone had had a great day!!!!! Miss Andi I hope you and Jim are having a blast on your vacation.
Here is the first of many Elizabeth designs to come. LOL
Elizabeth Edwards For First Lady
Jim and I are having a great time (there are some more pictures in last night’s welcome wagon).
And now we’re off to go have dinner with Manny — an even bigger blast!
Hey everyone!
Looks like an empty lounge at the moment.
Just back in from happy hour; happy, happy, happy!
And dada bringing us the required accessories – a great evening.
a real happy hour?
In fact, I think the very same stool you sat on a few months back when in NY.
With a colleague visiting from Sudan and another just leaving us.
Happy=Incomplete sentences.
Ugh, I am so full of good food at the moment. The Fs were great to meet in person and contrary to what they would have you believe, they are not the second most boring couple in the world. They are exciting, adventurous people who know how to live life to its fullest by exploring nature and sharing fellowship.
Anyone awake around here?
was had by all….just about to call it here….been a long day in the foothills.
glad you guys got together….
catch ya on the flip…
cya around the pipes 🙂
You can’t say ugh when you are full of such very good food. Thanks for introducing to such a great place.
And right back at ya on the admiration (but we’re never giving up the honor of being the 2nd most boring couple in the world).
you are gonna have a heck of a time getting back on a sleep schedule when you get back home. Especially if your ears are still ringing from the live mariachi music 🙂
Great to meet you and Jim, Andi!
and tell Jim that he was right, I was thinking about hedgehog cactus earlier. You were definitely attacked by teddy bears. Got my animals mixed up
he loves being right. 🙂
(I can’t believe I’m still up either but I’m going to bed right now. Night.)
night and a great rest of your trip. paz
Here`s a contribution for the beaver looking thing with the suction hose.

It should keep all the greenies happy for a while, before the urge for chocolate fudge brownies, kicks in.
Marmotdude will gladly accept your contribution to the party even though you called him a beaver 🙂
how’s life on the left coast?
Just feigning ignorance, alluding to consumption of the contribution, before commenting.
I knew it was some kind of marmot [a very good kind, I`ll add]
Having seen many & heard the whistles they comunicate alarm calls with,
I was also amazed at how much grass they consumed. Most, more than myself. They are called “Sifleux” [?] in french, which means, whistler.
The left coast is adorned with a cresent moon with the darkside in earthshine. It was chasing Venus a few hours ago. Venus won. It`s about 70 degrees out at this hour.
our skies are seeing an insurgency of over-saturated clouds that are in the mood to provide some disco lighting for ambiance. We needed the rain here.
I love the heavy base on the disco lightning. It`s quite rare that we get thunder & dancing on the coast, but I remember it well when I lived in the Catskills & in Canada. The scariest & rare is during a major blizzard.
Here`s a shot I took during a storm on the coast here. I hope I sized it.

what a sight to behold. The power of nature is something that I constantly enjoy seeing (especially within an encased bubble)
Sorry about the previous size error.