There is some breaking news tonight. For example, new documents reveal that Alberto Gonzales was at a meeting where the firing of prosecutors was discussed. This appears to contradict his sworn testimony.
But rather than harp on the criminality of the Bush administration tonight, I thought I’d share the thoughtful letter ‘Huckleberry’ sent to the Reagan Foundation.
An Open Letter to The Reagan Foundation and Library
Please Assuage My Fear
I am concerned.
As I opened my mail–discovering the latest “Coming Events at the Reagan Library” flyer– I was at first comforted by the listing of conservative speakers and family events planned. My eye then quickly fell to the scheduled Reagan Forum event of April 28th with…Senator Edward M. Kennedy?
( )Now then; there are most certainly Democrats of national renown that might be appropriate for this event (Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman?). However, I feel safe in stating that if the entire universe of possible Forum presenters were to be drawn into a list with the most appropriate at the top, the current Senior Senator from Massachusetts would undoubtedly appear quite near the bottom–perhaps just below Jimmy Carter and one or two rungs above Muammar Khdafi (pardon the gentle hyperbole–but the mind reels).
As a long term supporter of both the Reagan Foundation and the Reagan Library I feel entitled to ask who made this decision and why? So often, fine institutions with noble purpose are segued into politically corrected prattlers by time and distance from those who honorably set out their bylaws and courses. It seems far too soon to have such a fate fall upon any institution with the name Reagan attached. Please keep my heart from breaking by defending the Kennedy decision.
I know a lot of important things are going on in Washington DC, and in the world. But I think Huckleberry has identified something critical. The noble purpose of the Reagan Foundation is being undermined and no one seems to care.
More importantly, did you know that PBS used to air stuff, during the Reagan years, that was just as fair and balanced as Fox News, but from the left? It’s true. Ever wonder what a left-wing Fox News would look like? Watch.
this video is an hour and half long, but really enjoyable, and a good refresher of both the Iran-Contra affair and what the media used to be like.
Definitely a piece of history in only an hour plus.
How can I save this flick or is there a link.
Excellent Fri night lesson btw.
…me thinks
Riveting. Thnx Booman. As the woman in the vid says, if more folks saw (and wanted to see) this vid (and maybe a quick read of Perkins’ “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”) …they might get a clue.
orj ozeppi,
Thanks for the link, & it is riveting, definitely.
Outstanding piece of work by Moyers. North and Poindexter were incredible. Just about everyone skated, became a talking head, or later got re-hired. Many of the same re-treads in Congress are letting the same re-treads in the Executive skate on the same policies of the past 60 years. The methods appear entrenched, if only much worse, as if Cheney realized that North’s utter brazenness was the key missing ingredient.