Valerie Plame was the CIA’s operational officer in charge of counter-proliferation. Which means, she tracked loose nukes. So when Bush said, as he once did, that his absolute number one priority was preventing terrorists from getting loose nukes? Okay, that’s what she worked on. That’s what she devoted her life to, staying under cover for 20 years. Maintaining two identities every g*ddamn day. This is extraordinary service to your country! Valerie Plame was the kind of real-life secret agent George Bush dreams of being, when he’s not too busy pretending to be a cowboy or a fighter pilot!
Click here for the video of Maher’s “New Rules” segment, which ended with the new rule that traitors don’t get to question his patriotism, and here for the rest of the transcript of that segment.
Just fyi, the image above is actually a bumper sticker.
I do like the bumper sticker! Bet the folks over at Langley would appreciate it too…
Thanks for the link to Bill Maher — he condensed the whole story and the relevant issues down very succinctly. He was great! (Then I spent the next two hours cruising YouTube looking for more Bill Maher links, because that one was so good! I don’t think I’d ever actually listened to him before. Glad he’s on OUR side…)