Most of the people that read and participate on this blog are not interested in the fights between bloggers, blogsites, and blog participants. It’s interesting, at best, in the same kind of way that the National Enquirer is interesting. And it’s pretty pathetic that political blogging sites have spawned a new genre of sites that are dedicated to digging up dirt on people, mocking their writing and their ideas, concocting conspiracy theories, etc. I call them the ‘papazazzi’ because they are so obsessed with the bloggers that they can tell you what date I got my hair cut or put my dog to sleep. They actually know more about what I’ve written that I do. But that doesn’t mean they are honest about what I write. And it’s not just me. But I’ll start with me.
Referring to Sen. Dodd appearing on this site (compilation of a thread):
‘Sucking up and kissing Kos’s ass has it’s priveldges…’. It is just obvious that Booman’s kissing ass during the derolling blogrolls… has been rewarded. Why else would Dodd out of the blue come to a two bit uninteresting site like Booman’s unless he was not “directed” there by Kos. BooMan is a tool. I think his behavior through all this is typical. I don’t think his blog is an independent entity, he’s more like the manager of a subidiary branch, and the delinking was both a demotion and a warning that the store might get closed if he doesn’t clamp down over at Froggy’s Bottoms. Booman is a liar, he mouths all the PC rhetoric but his actions speak louder… there was not a more pro Casey supporter in the entire blogosphere than Booman. There was not a more pro “let the states decide” on abortion (a.k.a. repeal Roe) than Booman. There was not a more pro Democrats for Life supporter than Booman (look up the “Abortion is Immoral” diaries). Booman and his brother (who writes DLC articles on how “librul women” are dying out because they have abortions)… are well versed and highly skilled in turning right wing rhetoric into progressive speak. I wish that Booman’s interview with Dodd goes well and I hope that he finds this a better means of getting “hits” than writting flaming FP lies against the cuntbitchwhoreharpie du jour. And you are right I have heard that Booman has not been upfront about the “founding” of his site. Poor Martin… in o ne post he barely knows anyone, then when dropped from the blogroll and wanting to suck up, he says how wonderful kos was to help him set up his scoop site. It’d be funny if it was other than predictable.
Anyone that has read this blog for any amount of time would howl foul at the all of that crap. The parts that aren’t just mean or spiteful are libelous baseless allegations, or 100% opposite of ‘what they damn well know’ to be the truth. I don’t need to rebut this crap because it is so transparently bogus. What isn’t transparently bogus are the people that participate at these sites. I haven’t banned every participant at these paparazzi sites. In fact, I’ve banned very few. And they like to show up here and in the other blogging communities and be real nice to people. But they are not nice people.
They wrap themselves in being more liberal or more progressive than thou. If I create a neologism that might mean something sexist in Portuguese, they’ll spread around the rumor that I am a sexist, even though I don’t speak Portuguese. If I say that the armed forces aren’t likely to give up sexist and homophobic language in basic training, they’ll say I’m a homophobe. And then, they’ll turn around and write things like this:
98. marisacat – 22 March 2007
People need to read the deluded women, all of them in that Nonpartisan diary. Armando dined out on that sort. OVer and over at Kos.And now embarking on the same thing at TL. I can promise you.
A trio most of the time, DH Armando DD with their maids and waitresses. A cadre of really nasty gay men as well that got off on being nasty to women. JamesB3, Musing, GregNYC. And there were others.
The place was utter infestation. A suppurating pus filled mess.
*****104. supervixen – 22 March 2007
Yes, MCat- I remember those vicious gay guys, too. Big old slurpy-slurp up the big cock, oh how funny! I see and I don’t forget
When they’re not calling women ‘maids’ and ‘waitresses’ they’re taking on the childrearing decisions of Maryscott O’Connor:
Yet, people are expected to keep mum about her family when she allows a major newspaper to write a characterization like that? Why?
Don’t tell catnip to keep mum about someone’s family.
You write it (or allow it to be written about you), you own it.
These sites will use any information they can find to get someone fired, to make sure a google search of their name brings up derogatory, and often false, information. Almost all of the participants on these sites do not even profess to be Democrats, but something much purer. Frankly, I’m glad most of these people are no longer regular participants on any of the blogging sites. But they do do drive-bys. And they have their unwitting recruits.
They really have only one purpose now, and that is to disrupt and discredit blogging communities by any means necessary. And they are pretty good at it.
If you like what we do here and you enjoy the diarists here, don’t pay attention to these people. They aren’t principled anti-warriors, or true-blue feminists, or gay rights activists, or free speech absolutists. They’re just trolls. Disruptive, sexist, homophobic, spiteful, mean trolls.
Well, they do.
As someone with an M.A. in psychology, one might think I’d come up with better than that, but there you go.
until you put them up. I figured Catnip out a long time ago, same with MCat. Too much flat out cold mean hatred in their writings for there to be anything of honest value gleaned. I don’t care about these people. They have no definable soul. I don’t read them. Why are you?
Like they say in my native Wollof “chai fitna”.
The sole purpose of those sites is to show hatred towards bloggers that they don’t like. Just like SBVT was a hate group with the sole purpose of smearing John Kerry. They’re not interested in working with people — they are interested in pushing their own vendettas. In other words, they can wrap themselves up in the mantle of feminism or whatever, but that cloaks the fact that they are angry, vindictive people.
If they took half the energy they expend on denigrating other bloggers that they disagree with, and expended it instead on publicizing the “real killers” (that is, the Bush misAdminstration), who knows where we’d be right now? And at the very least, they might be able to sleep a little better.
I’m a firm believer in you get out of this world what you put into it. Most of the folks they mention have never been rude to me…but that’s probably because I’m not rude to anyone who doesn’t deserve it (true trolls are another matter). But if I find someone putting out a lot of negative energy, well, I just try to avoid that particular circle — I’ve got enough shit in my life without adding someone else’s to it.
I usually don’t follow what’s going on in the wars of Blogtopia (tip o’ the nib to Skippy). I pretty much avoid any diary that mentions Kos in the title. But when we’re trying to bring a semblance of sanity back to this country and keep it from totally falling off the abyss, it’s a shame that so many people have to waste their energy in telling the rest of us to STFU…
Way back, before you appeared on my screen, I used to think these trolls had a plan. Now I know there’s no plan, just attacks of whatever you say, ‘sky blue, nah you dumb shit it’s brown’. As long as they can engage any of us in the attack they have won and I notice they are having to get nastier just to get anyone’s attention. Their words are cruel, meant to stop one in one’s tracks – and they do from time to time.
Since these people have a herd mentality and Pew tells us folks are swinging Dem I can only hope these trolls are left behind standing in the swamps. As my sister often says, “I’ve been looking over my shoulder all my life every time I hear someone light a match.”
They`re called “Bloggerazzi” & even in some cases “Bloggernazi”
Been awhile since we’ve run into each other here. 🙂
I hope you`re insured.
How`s everything with you, & “Shreddy Butt”. Ha, that`ll make em think.
I saw the longest fight in NHL history the other day, & thought of you.
Strange association game.
Any time anyone does something in public, others think it is their right to denigrate it.
I just don’t get it.
And by the way I was unaware of when you last got your hair cut.
For the record, it was around noon today. 😉
Wheew. Thanks for the update. Maybe it should be a front page story!
But it’s already been done. 😉
Any time anyone does something in public, others think it is their right to denigrate it.
ain’t it the truth
it just goes to show that blogs are big enough to be worth attacking, or at least some of them are
Ironically, the DelawareDem/Marisacat affair is what brought me to BT, and I saw Marisacat as being unambiguously in the right. I even visited her blog and made a friendly post. Back in the old days, she was one of my favorite posters at dKos. But now she seems to have gone of the deep end.
It’s interesting that there isn’t an analogous term for misogynist, meaning someone who doesn’t like men and/or sees “patriarchal” conspiracies everywhere (like seeing dKos, myDD, and BT as being a Hydra-headed monster).
The closest analog to “misogynist” would be “misandrost”. Somehow, that doesn’t work for me. But one can go the “phobe” route with “androphobe”. A Google search reveals “androphobe” is a word in French, but not English. Maybe that will change.
The word you’re looking for is misandry.
oh goody! gasoline on the fire!
Stepping away now, carry on.
hahahhhaaha. Huge laugh on that one.
Umm, yeah.
I agree.
I never pay attention to trash being done about a site I like to read and post on.
If I personally don’t like a site I don’t go there and if I do I read it.
Other people’s problems with or attitude toward does not sway me. Just like with politics. I know my candidates and what they are about and if someone tries to change my opinion, too bad.
I think for myself.
These people really need to get a life.
Sheesh. I know people don’t like some of the male Kossacks, but that was way over the top.
As for attacking Booman? What the hell?
…the (legit) complaint used to be that there were no women bloggers on the Front Page at Daily Kos. When some were chosen, the totally rancid complaint was that these weren’t real women but nothing more than male-identified, anti-feminist suck-ups. Real women, real feminists are only those so labeled by those who call anyone with an opinion different than theirs “Blogmaids” and worse.
I would like to see a link to some evidence for that claim, because I, for one, I never gave two shits about who was selected for Front Page.
My concern, often expressed, was about women who pretended to be feminists but were in fact fakes – who would undermine any discussion of feminism which they found threatening to the status quo, who somehow miraculously never showed up at the “feminist panel” at Yearly Kos and then never wrote about it, who inevitably sided with the Fratboyz and defended their behavior and attitudes. In short, women who weren’t serious about feminism AT ALL. Fratboy Apologists – Pie War Apologists – Sexism Apologists. Yes, “male-identified anti-feminist suckups”, or, in my more felicitous phrase, Little Sisters in the Frat House.
This is a very serious problem and I won’t stop talking about it. I spent a long time at DKos quietly watching this happen, and finally I’d had enough. Feminism is too important to me, too crucial a foundation of my life – I won’t sit idly by and see it destroyed by women (or men) who are: 1) clueless, 2) sucking up to the male establishment for their own aggrandizement, and/or 3) political operatives stealthily trying to push the discourse to the right.
If you don’t like that, too bad. Your opinions regarding feminism and women’s issues of are no interest to me anymore. I’ll keep talking and stating my opinions, and you can go ahead and keep supporting the Frat status quo – it’s collapsing of its own weight, pushed by activists like me who won’t be silenced – and when it finally goes, you’ll go with it.
what exactly defines a little sister of the frat house?
i ask this because i consider myself a feminist….a front line feminist to be exact….but i often am criticized because i happen to LOVE porn, think prostitution should be legal and i engage in power exchange relationships.
i also enjoy pie.
…all the women who are Contributing Editors now – mcjoan, SusanG, Plutonium Page, Georgia10, BarbinMD, MissLaura – are “Little Sisters,” “Blogmaids,” and anti-feminists? Fake feminists? They’re all, as has been said at various times at OG&P, wearing out their kneepads and popping loose their hipbones, in service to their lords and masters? Demeaning themselves, kowtowing to the oppressor? It’s amazing to me how some of the most intense woman-hating comes from a cohort of those who claim to be feminism’s only true torch-bearers.
and can’t think of an occasion before this when I have disagreed with you, and I am only doing so in part now, to whit:
There are some front page women kossacks who are patently ignorant and demonstrably so when it comes to feminism, yet can’t bear to be told so in any form (nice or nasty). It became amply evident during the discussions that raged after the complaint about the pie ad. They very clearly sided with the ‘frat boy’ side of the argument, defended reprehensible behaviour (that was far, far worse than the ad in question) and generally acted appallingly as well.
This was not a conclusion I leapt to. I’ve been around on Kos since pre-scoop days. In fact, it was quite devestating to have a very large, painful penny drop when some of my favourite writers (male and female) revealed themselves to be appallingly ignorant at best, and wilfully ignorant at worst when it came to the misogynistic crap they indulged in as part of the pie fight. Plutonium Page was one for me, sadly. SusanG has always seemed to me extremely well-intended and intelligent, but again her weakness is femninism – she doesn’t get it (although I don’t accuse her here on anywhere else of bad behaviour during the pie fight). I remember being disappointed too with McJoan. I can’t honestly remember where and what the others said.
I’m not sure if you were around during that time, but I suspect if you were, given I’ve certainly seen enough of your writings to think you an educated male feminist, I can’t help but think you would have been forced to the same conclusion.
Please note I’m not using extremist or inflammatory language. I don’t think the female front pagers of Kos can be judged en masse, and I deplore terminology like ‘blogmaids’ etc.
But it is my consistent, and sadly, consistently proven right, concern that Daily Kos is largely a profoundly feminism-ignorant place, with some members most certainly feminism-hating; and some of the most prominent female posters there have supported both these positions, and continue to do so.
I don’t accept that any one person or faction can claim to speak for what feminism is, anymore than, say, any one person or faction can speak for what revolution or gayness is, although many have tried to cover themselves with the mantle of the only true torch-bearer.
To say that there is a good deal of ignorance about feminism at Daily Kos is, of course, quite true. Some of the comments during the original pie fight – and other fights – were incredibly sexist. Sexist and heterosexist remarks can be found in this or that Diary or the comments every day. One cannot respond to every one. But when I see words like “cunt,” “bitch,” “pussy,” et cetera, used as epithets, or other verbal violence directed at a poster because of her gender, I object strenuously. There are scores of such examples of such objections to be found at various Web sites where I have posted, including Daily Kos. Some of the very few times I have Troll-rated someone have been because of such behavior. This is not to say that I oppose strong language when it is deserved; but gender-connected words of this sort ultimately say, in my opinion, that the speaker of them disrespects the views AND the person being spoken to.
Any man who gets into the discussion of who is a true feminist is just asking for a drubbing; he has no business there, as I have been told for decades by numerous women, whose advice I have taken to heart – except when the discussion goes from what is and is not “feminist” and devolves into savage personal attacks.
I bristle when somebody tells me this woman or that woman who self-identifies as a feminist isn’t really a feminist, or is a self-hating woman, or implies that she is wallowing in the kudos she gets for being “male-identified” – just as I bristle when a woman is told (by a man or other woman) that her concerns about male domination, sexist imagery, reproductive freedom, social and sexual autonomy, the effects of pornography, the gender wage gap, and other such matters are peripheral. I especially take umbrage when broadbrush and false accusations are made against close personal friends, a category three women FPers at Daily Kos fall into.
I came of age at a time when women I respected said a man can’t be a feminist, he can only be pro-feminist, and I believe that. I think my role as a man is to educate men against sexism. To raise my voice against male violence – including verbal violence – against women. To speak out for women’s rights and women’s autonomy in the political, cultural and social realm. To challenge when I can, institutionalized sexism. And I do, although it surely can be said of me that I don’t do it enough. When the “women’s issue” in question isn’t whether this woman or that woman is a “true” feminist, I don’t hold my tongue. If you get someone who can still access Daily Kos to check out my comments on Markos’s dreadful “sanctimonious” piece – the commentary that may be said to have started everything – you will see that I was not gentle in my responses to that putdown.
I will reply to your email MB. Thanks for taking the time.
LMAO, wow. What a pile of crap that blog is. It’s nothing constructive or interesting, it’s basically gossip. It’s like a snarky version of People Magazine, except they only cover bloggers. How boring is that??
I’ve been here practically from the beginning. And though I don’t comment very often anymore (busy w/ grad school), I still visit the site daily because I enjoy it.
I’ve never had any occasion to question your integrity, Boo. And even if I did, what the fuck business is it of mine? It’s your site, after all. Do with it what you will.
And I’m really disappointed in the crap Mariscat is writing; not just because what he or she is saying is wrong, but because it demonstrates clinically paranoid behavior.
We should feel sorry for these people. They need help.
…mixed with a little personality disordering.
It would all be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
I know who my friends are, Booman.
please tell me Marisacat’s post of last week “Sins of Omission and Commission” is about gossip. It is every bit as searing as Iraq War Daily witness.
the blogs that get ad payments are in such a tizzy over a few free souls with free word-press blogs.
now I understand why you never responded to my asking permission to put you on my blogdrool at Je Blague. Why risk association with those unpopular types?
Ah well, I will still bear witness.
I didn’t see your request – email or comment thread?
If you still want to, please do. If you do, thank you.
As for Mcat’s stuff – I was referring to the objects of this diary. It’s odious. I otherwise don’t read her.
I don’t think the skuffle has anything to do with ad payments, and being a “free soul” doesn’t have to include also being an asshole.
I do not consider Marisacat an asshole, so we differ in that respect.
nonetheless, you will be on the ‘roll
for putting me on your roll.
I’m also glad for the chance to hear your voice. I plan to visit JB on a regular basis.
As for the comments and folks that are the subjects of this thread, I wonder – what’s the purpose? Whose needs are being met?
There’s a certain mean-spiritedness to it all, and it’s a mean-spritedness that either a) takes effort and intention, or; b) comes easily.
The answer can also be c) both.
Then again, and not as an excuse, I spend time daily at Sadly, No! and TBogg, two sites among many founded for the sole purpose of ridiculing wingnuts and wingnuttery, where humor and disdain are the guiding principles, and where every wingnut is fair game, but where specific wingnuts qualify for special treatment.
It’s not just for good fun – the folks who participate, me included, believe that we are on a mission from God (the large-footed God of Monty Python, that is).
If the Sadly, No! site was responding better, I’d point you to my contribution to the recent Glen Reynolds/Robot PhotoShop contest, along with all of the others. Since it isn’t, here’s my entry alone:
Are my posts any different, in spirit, than Mcat’s, etc?
I think they are, but perhaps mostly in the sense that I disdain wingnuts and respect Booman and the others that Mcat targets.
And, of course, there’s much more to me (and Mcat) than what we post in our weakest moments of indulging our respective mean streaks.
That being the case, call me a pot. Now, where’s that kettle again?
They seem to think I am antifeminist and a whore. I just think they are jealous.
“They seem to think I am antifeminist and a whore”
No, there is no such thing as a whore. But this doesn’t exactly bolster your claims to feminism.
It does, actually. Read the comment I attach to the image. Why is my desire, my feminine desire, so threatening to you and all those 1980s, second wave feminists at Marisacat?
Welcome to the third wave. I guess we let you and your krewe in the pond.
I have no crew, and was here in this pond long before you arrived. I left of my own accord and have resisted temptations to comment on different things until now.
You desires, feminist or not, threaten me in the least. But I’m fairly certain that there are more than a few women, women I know quite well, who would question your interpretation of how any woman should present themselves to any object of their desire. Especially an object as habitually abusive to women as Armando has been..
As I mentioned in my comment regarding this post at Marisacat’s blog, I’m disappointed to see you doing this.
Allowing women to pole-dance?
Um…weren’t women pole-dancing BEFORE Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, et al?
I just read a book that addresses this phenomenon of “my hoochieness is my liberation”: “Female Chauvinist Pigs” by Ariel Levy. Highly recommended.
And what, pray tell, are the other women “jealous” of, Louisianagirl? That remark is most puzzling.
Maybe you should read all the texts surrounding the pornography debates of the 1980s and 1990s. I think you would understand the theoretical force of my argument much better. A gender studies course at the local university may also help you comprehend the foundations of the words i type.
None of the books have a chapter titled, “Pole-dancing empowers women”.
Maybe we read different books? Mine were from the university library.
Feminism major as an undergrad.
I also recommend you read Freud on sadism and masochism.
Well, nothing wrong with that. Different shoes for different feet, as Saul Bellow once wrote.
You say that these women are “jealous” of you?
What is the source of their jealousy?
The imaginary.
The imaginary?
Um…anybody else want to answer my question? I didn’t understand that one at all.
Shucks, ma’am, I’m just a country boy. You’re going to have to spell it out for me.
See, in my mind, when one woman says that other women are jealous of her, the first thought that leaps into my mind is, “They hate me because I’m smoking hot.”
Now, since smoking hotness is in the eye of the beholder, there’s no real objective standard for it, but I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if that is, in fact, what you are claiming.
If you mean something else, please expound for those of us who are don’t understand what “the imaginary” means.
…that everyone else here is jealous of me.
Because yes, I am smoking hot.
I look exactly like Brad Pitt in all my photos. Even Angelina Jolie can’t tell the difference.
So I’m going to have to go with “they’re jealous because I’m smoking hot” as my final answer.
Or rather, “They’re jealous because they imagine I’m smoking hot.”
I love the blogs.
I think that louisianagirl has the following feminist theory in mind here:
Luce Irigaray
I’m still confused.
In an earlier comment, louisianagirl wrote:
“Desire” is a technical term in Lacanian theory, and Irigaray is heavily influenced by Lacan. Since in our society the imaginary is male, (feminine) desire is not understood, and hence suppressed.
In a later comment responding to you in the same thread, louisianagirl wrote:
So what we are dealing with here is a debate between two different feminisms, a moralistic, American one which is obsessed with banning pornography, and a playful, French one that sees the anti-female bias in our society as lying at a much deeper level than pornography, so that agitating against pornography is a complete waste of time. In other words, the problem is much worse than the mere “objectification” of women.
I didn’t follow the debates of which louisianagirl speaks closely and it’s been a while since I dabbled in this literature, but I think I’m getting the gist of it right.
Exactly, although I disagree with the notion that the imaginary is always male. For women are also regulated by the phantasmatic logic of the imaginary, as they too formulated an Ideal-I at the specular moment that Lacan says occurs at approximately eight months. The feminine as it is defined by Irigaray is plural, flexible, pliant. I have my problems with this conception also, but its unintelligibility and invariable metonymy is one I do uphold.
Regarding the 1980s feminists at Marisacat, I must say they are trying to resurrect the bankrupt “positive images of women” debate, which presumes their is a transhistorical ideal of woman. Knowing, of course, that woman is always an image, the notion that it is positive or negative, whatever that means, becomes moot, for all images of women are laden with ideology.
But back to MacKinnon, one must also remember that MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin ended up colluding with the neoconservative movement in the 1990s, as both endeavored to regulate pornography and other articulations of desire. This collusion exacerbated the split that already existed in feminism, and it exposed the bankruptcy of MacKinnon’s position.
I enjoy the flexiblity of my body, its pliancy, its ability to be molded into anything to which its firm and tight surface will yield. Undulating, gyrating, pulsating with its unrestrained desires, its silhouette will never be captured by the phallicizing logic of the white, heteronormative gaze. A scotoma in the field of vision, my desiring body resists all forms of rationalization.
All those girls dancing at the Rhino Spearmint club are actually Lacanian theorists who are subverting the dominant paradigm?
What the hell is a “scotoma”? And how does it undulate?
I did not realize how out of touch you were with Lacanian feminism. And by the way, many of my friends and I did pole dance and lap dance our way through college. So perhaps they are Lacanians at the club.
Re your 1st paragraph: I didn’t mean to imply that the imaginary is always male. (But my understanding of this concept is rusty, since it’s been a while since I’ve read this stuff.) I was just following the argument of the quotation I gave earlier from an encyclopedia article.
Re paragraphs 2 and 3: I agree completely.
Re paragraph 4: What you write reminds more than anything else of that scene where Brigitte Bardot dances to jazz music in Roger Vadim’s Et Dieu… créa la femme. What I am saying is that although what you write doubtless expresses “the feminine”, it might also to a certain extent be specifically French. (The French would perhaps argue that this understanding of the feminine is objectively valid: it is just that the French were the first to understand the feminine.)
But this is just my subjective view point. I have always held that feminist theorists are under no obligation to respond to criticisms from men. That is because the argument can be made that the male and female experiences are incommensurable: that there is always necessarily going to be a gap in comprehension. I believe the male/female difference is unique in that respect. That is, you can’t make a corresponding argument for differences in race, class, or national identities.
You are right. I learned my feminism from a professor whose erudition was very French, not Anglo.
Whether your professor was very French-oriented or not doesn’t say anything one way or another as to whether Lacanian feminists have a special insight into the feminine.
Maybe we should make the discussion less abstract. What kind of culture would one expect to be better at allowing a female point of view to get across? One which values above all “decisive action” and “results”, and in which the national obsessions are sports like football and baseball? Or one which values ambiguity, prefers an unspoken shared understanding to the stating of the obvious, and in which the national obsessions are the play of language, cooking, and seduction?
Which of these two kinds of culture would make more fertile ground for the development of good feminist theory? (I’m watching Chabrol’s Merci pour le chocolat right now, so I am in a French mood.)
How about some simple fuckin language for a change?
I have two daughters, okay? I’ve been struggling to help them see and rise above the culture that measures their worth in how they look and what level of desireability their bodies offer to the powerful, i.e., men. Louisianagirl can dress a pole dance in all the Webster’s language she wants, but in the end, she reduced herself…and my daughters, to a naked woman willing to do “anything” to keep a man (not in my book) posting.
With the utmost sincerity…fuck that…and anyone who condones it.
I see the same thing with my female students, Supersoling. They think they HAVE to be Paris Hilton or no guy will want them.
It’s sickening and sad. And people like Louisianagirl dress up male oppression in fancy-schmancy language.
Let’s get this clear: The definition of a feminist is a woman who has enough self-respect to NOT have her entire being reduced to her sexual allure.
A feminist is anyone, man or woman, who insists that women be treated like human beings.
Louisianagirl might be a pretentious poseur who owns an unabridged dictionary, but a feminist she ain’t.
But the simplistic way I see it is that you can be smoking hot or plain jane, but the key is being comfortable in your own body and with your own sexuality.
And owning and controlling your own sexuality and expression thereof.
Different strokes for different folks I guess I’m saying.
And gives you or anyone else the right to judge my desires? What standard are you reifying as you adjudicate the legitimacy of my desires? Are you now a panegryist of (hetero)normativity?
I said nothing about the legitimacy of your desires, did I? Desire is not the issue. Objectifying yourself to anyone, let alone to a serial abuser to a serial abuser, is the issue. Use some more big words, will ya? It can’t cover the very simple fact that you narrowed your plea to him down to a pole dance.
Are you going to take that lying down?
I don’t know what a “panegyrist” is, but it sounds pretty bad.
It’s pretty damned bad.
I’m not a heteronormative.
More like a heteroabnormative, really.
Stop fucking piggybacking on my comments alright? As I said above, I have two daughters and this bullshit is serious to me. I didn’t want to comment here…at all.
…then why did you?
I will comment whenever and wherever I please, Supersoling.
I can reply to whomever I please, in any manner I like.
Got that?
Please forgive my canned response to you. I failed, miserably, in alerting my staff to the inevitability of you piggybacking onto the comments of someone other than yourself.
So you have a sense of humour, after all.
I was worried about you.
Have your people get in touch with my people. We’ll coordinate our online times so there’s no possiblity of us posting on the same blog at the same time.
I call Wednesday afternoons!
And according to the writers at Marisacat, I am an operative for the DLC.
I thought everyone here should know that.
I mean this is in the best possible way, but doesn’t it kind of suck to have someone accuse you of being a member of the DLC when you are not?
From their Open Thread.
The diary that ‘I deleted’ is here and quite undeleted.
I don’t think posting a person’s screen name is outing them, especially in a group photo. In any case, the issue isn’t the linkage of Delaware Dem to his real name. The issue is digging up how many times he took the bar exam, listing his clients, listing his dating preferences, and making sure any google of his name will link him to their guttersniping and his work.
It threatens to make him unemployable, and that is what we mean by ‘outing’.
They will say it is his own fault. I will say it is their fault, too.
Yes, it does.
They object to my support for John Breaux for Governor. Too bad they do not understand Louisiana politics. And too bad they do not know who I will vote for in the open primary. But I will write this: the open primary field has to be diverse if we are to hold Jindal below 50%.
Wow. There’s about a Manute Bol’s worth of space between that comment and how high it flew over her head.
Actually, adam, I understand it completely. and i apologized to you in a different thread.
Saw it (after I posted this). We’re fine.
Would you mind removing all the troll ratings?
i cannot remove them, but i changed them to 3s. i hope this helps.
…of “Booman Tribune”.
We’ve titled this, “The One Where AdamB and Louisianagirl reconcile.”
It was a very special episode.
Come Monday, I’m going to encourage all of my female students to become pole dancers. Including the one who got accepted to West Point and the other one who got accepted to Harvard. They’re wasting their time there; they need to undulate their Freudian scomata so that the patriarchial heterowhatsit doesn’t…something…but I remember that pole dancing and lap dancing is IMPORTANT.
They think that if you don’t agree with them, that you are somehow one of DHinMI’s buddies (I’ve disagreed with him more than I’ve agreed with him), or a DLC operative, or a neocon. I know the type. They do not wish to be confused with the facts. I offered to write five diaries over at Kos in a row slamming the DLC, and she would not take me up on it because she was afraid that it would disprove her theory.
Don’t worry, you’re in good company…apparently Carnacki is an operative too…who knew?
Maryscott too.
I guess I’m weird. If someone tells me “They’re trashing you over there”, I tend not to go over there. I mean, yeah, one is curious, but you know that ultimately no good can come of it. You’d read, feel compelled to respond, waste valuable hours of your life… And just be left with all this anger and nothing constructive that you can do about it.
They are after me, Renee. This should get interesting. Why do they think I am an easy target? I guess they have never seen a Cajun girl fight before. It’s not pretty.
Keep it Up. While I’m not a major blogger or even commentor, one of the reasons I came to Booman Trib is that it seemed that even though we all expressed a lot of different opinions, we all tried to keep in mind that we shared a common humanity and that that humanity was centered in experience more than just what opinions we happened to hold. I hope we’re not losing that here. What you express needs to be heard.
BooMan, it’s your call, but I can’t understand why you care what Mcat writes, and why she cares what you write. You will each write what you choose, and it’s likely that nothing will change that. But perhaps I’m just being typically obtuse and/or naive. My .02
There are a lot of reasons. The majority of the email I’ve received recently has been about privacy concerns. Maryb is gone because no one stood up to MCat and the people that went after lawyer’s clients. A sizable group of users are silent now because no one stood up to these people when they decided it was okay to post people’s clients, when they started going into people’s non-political dating profiles and mocking them, when no one stood up to them and said anything. It started with catnip and spiderleaf stirring up problems with me personally, lying about me, linking to pictures of me and my girlfriend, lying about talking to me, getting others to lie about what they talked about, smearing me, making me look like a liar, never correcting the record, never acknowledging a mistake….
It’s my reputation. My name is public. You’ll notice they never call me BooMan anymore. Always my real name, attached to things like ‘no one was a bigger Casey supporter’. I don’t only want to stick up for myself, I want to stick up for all of you.
I don’t care if you act like a jerk, that doesn’t mean I have to stand by and watch someone list out all your clients and dating habits next to your real name, so that you’re boss might fire you or you might never get another job at another firm.
It’s their right to do that, but it’s time for people to speak out because it hasn’t just hurt this site, it is hurting all sites. People need to know these people are not our friends, not friends of anything we believe in (despite their pretenses)…
I don’t care if they post pictures in the cafe. A troll is a troll. spiderleaf was a troll, so is catnip, so is marisacat. Go and read, and you will not have any remaining doubts.
People are really crazy sometimes. I’ve been reading this site (and sometimes commenting) for a couple of years and I still don’t know your real name. I think I saw a picture of you once, but I wouldn’t know you if I saw you.
And, you know what? I don’t care what anyone’s real name is, what they look like, who they date, etc. I can’t imagine why anyone else would care either. Sick, sick, sick.
No fucking way am I going to let you get away with that shit.
First off, BooMan, you are absolutely right that this post was beyond belief. I was going to get all huffy about what shit MCat said, until I got to this post and I could read no further until I responded.
BooMan, this attack on Spiderleaf is absurd. I just can’t even believe you are still dragging up this paranoid crap. Arggg.
She noted that you might give your girlfriend’s friends more leeway. Big fucking deal. It was true. You did give her more leeway than anyone else. You know it and admitted that since she was a friend, you wanted to try harder. That you were dating was also known and no big fucking deal either. I like both of you and am stoked for you. Look how long Kos put up with Armando! It is simple that some people get away with more because they are friends of the owner. There is no shame in that. It shows you stand behind your friends.
I am just so sad that you continue to malign Spiderleaf, who drove hundreds of miles to meet us. She didn’t out you, she probably thought she was stating the obvious. You blew it up into something ridiculous, and you gave your detractors something to really sing about. You are just so way off base here.
This shit that Marisacat posted is just plain nasty and wrong. I’ve read just about every word you have written on line and I am a pro-choice fanatic…I’ve never seen you actively anti-feminist or anti-choice. I would have left had I seen anything like that. I have thought you ignorant, but you have learned a great deal from your posters. You are much more attune to women’s issues than you were when you started this blog, and for that I thank you.
I’m not against you at all, but I do think you did the wrong thing in the whole Spiderleaf/friend fiasco and that that led to your decreased views. You really made many who loved you, rethink their participation here and lost many people.
There is no reason to get all weird and paranoid. No one is stalking you or any of your users. People may talk shit, but that is all it is.
You’re right that the shit Marisacat posted is plain nasty and wrong (and for the record, so is what spiderleaf wrote about me, but that is history). After watching so much nasty shit like that get posted about people we’ve met/know IRL go unchallenged, or worse, be lauded as brilliant writing, you get sick of it.
And this week, when Marisacat went after a 7-year-old and his father (who obviously cares very deeply for his whole family and sticks by them) because she doesn’t like MSOC, it was foul, disgusting, and way over the top. I honestly wonder how many people who defend or actively participate in that genre of blogging would appreciate having any of these things done to them, and no one speaking out in their defense?
And now I’m off to enjoy a gorgeous and sunny spring day, hope you are too.
Right, so where were you when Armando was calling me mentally ill and claiming I was lying about having a husband?
Where was the public outcry when Miss Laura (now a Front Pager) and cookiebear were insulting the fact that I’m a Reiki master?
Sorry, but the truth is that the “Insult Comedy” genre of blogging was perfected at Daily Kos, by people deep within the power structure over there, and spread by its acolytes to its spinoff blogs. Marisacat isn’t an evil monster – she’s using the tools of the oppressors.
I didn’t even know who you were when you had problems in orange. Why would you ask where I was when it happened? And obviously you can’t get around a banning by repeatedly creating new accounts.
Sometimes I feel like no one is noticing what that psychotic is doing.
Thank you.
You can think I did the wrong thing if you like.
But I knew that catnip and spiderleaf were trolling. I knew that they had done everything in their power back in July to fan the flames, including sending around the information about who I was dating as a way to make a totally baseless and frankly insulting argument. Once again, look at how I treated Brinnainne and look at how I treated Tracy. One was my friend, one was not. They both got angry, they both broke the rules, they both got suspended, the both got banned. But all the people that were angry with me for banning Brinnainne were angry at me for not banning Tracy fast enough for their desires. The idea was the I was showing favoritism to Tracy, not because she was my friend, not because she was a long-time user, not because of her huge contributions to the anti-war effort, but because my girlfriend was asking me to show her favortism. If I wanted the identity of my girlfriend to be posted on the internet by my ‘friends’ I would have let them know that. If I wanted it emailed all over god’s green earth, I would have told them that. They denied doing it, vehemently. They acknowledged that it would be a shitty thing to do, if they did it. They never said, ‘you should be more private if you don’t want that type of thing to happen’.
The truth did finally come out. I was absolutely right that spiderleaf had discussed it with supersoling and other tribbers and that they had brought up this theory. I was right that spiderleaf had sent the information around and started this theory. I was right that she was lying to me, to my face, and calling me a liar. I was right that supersoling was lying to try to prevent her from gettnig banned (he admitted it).
And now you can see catnip’s true colors for yourself in the seetghing hatred she has for me and this site. And it all started because Susan pissed her off. And, ironically, I took catnip’s side in that. But it didn’t matter. When she got a chance to pounce, she pounced. She did it in every controversial thread we’ve had here until she was banned. And spiderleaf was with her from July on. I knew it. And I proved it.
So, think about whether or not I had a right to call her out for being in league with catnip, and then to respond angrily to her lies and smears. Because they don’t just go after me. They go after their own. Now I hear they are calling supersoling a fag. But they are champions of gay rights. Right?
Go read the product they are producing. If that is not trollish, then I don’t know what it.
I’ve read all the threads at MoBetta since you banned spiderleaf and I really can’t agree that you’ve proved anything of the things you claim to above.
Perhaps some links to the specific comments and context?
That’s remarkable.
How about I give you a small one.
The dispute started with a simple question. When did you develop this theory about my girlfriend.
She lied.
Then she had her friend lie to cover up her lie.
Then her friend confessed that he had been lying.
Seems like you can start there and it will follow through to each and every thing that followed.
As for another piece of it, it was my contention that catnip was not a ‘concerned member of the community’ as she claimed. But she was shit-stirrer. You’ve read the links now, right? Any confusion remaining on that score?
I’m not going to rehash everything. Suffice to say that I was very disappointed in a lot of people that spread lies about me and when confronted with the truth, made excuses and refused to correct the public, for all time, record.
Booman, very sorry to hear about all this spitefullness. You created a great site were we could find one another to dicuss Plame, voting machines, Iraq, and a million other subjects and your thanks is vicious personal attacks.
My business information was posted in the comment sections of two different Virginia blogs during last year’s primary. That sort of thing is very painful.
Somehow we need to find a way to deal with online thugs. But you are correct, in the end you just have to tell yourself not to let them get you down.
But it really stinks.
If you don’t want the “paparazzi” to get you down, why are you going out of your way to read the “paparazzi”?
As Manny said, pouring gasoline on a fire.
Why bother with the vile bile?
As noted above – they need a life. It is borderline pathetic (beyond, really) to witness people expending energy on creating such crap.
Boo, I had not stumbled onto your site when this was going down before but, I do remember reading somewhere about someone outing another blogger. Was this you. It was some months ago. I don’t remember much except other bloggers were really concerned about the outing. Revealing a blogger’s identity can cause harrassment, ect. I thought of Valerie Plame.
I don’t know if you are male or female and can care less but, If this is you, take a page from Valerie. Be better than your enemies. Give them a lesson on class in the face of sliminess.
…Although there are a few very good commenters who I genuinely respect appearing on said sites, the majority of them would have been right at home with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had those two been planning to exterminate some bloggers instead of their classmates. While they occasionally hit the mark in their criticisms – as would naturally be expected of anyone who claims leftist and/or feminist beliefs – their devotion to vicious personal attacks makes them as valuable to the cause of social and political change in this country as a fart orchestra. All stink, no substance.
People who are criticising Booman–whether fairly or unfairly–are now literally the equivalent of the psychopathic Columbine High shooters? They are, in fact, mass murderers?
That’s an interesting hypothesis. Allow me to file it under “B” for “Bullshit”.
…for all I care. I didn’t say they were mass murderers. I said they were wannabes. Not the same thing. But of the same ilk. Verbal serial killers. None of us is above criticism. But their game isn’t criticism; it’s the more-“revolutionary”-than-thouism that did so much to splinter and ultimately wreck the New Left. If someone wrote about them on a daily basis the way they write about others, they’d be filing class-action suits.
well, apparently I am a part of this so-called cult. not exactly sure what/who you think I “wannabe”–maybe you could provide a few suggestions.
as for this “having a life” thing. well, i work full-time, am a part-time art student, I have some very wonderful colleagues, friends. I have a family of origin and a dog. I laugh a lot and make other people laugh.I am never bored. I can’t read enough.I’m always getting knocked out over the beauty of both the ordinary and extraordinary. I hate mediocrity. And I constantly struggle to find type H vaccum cleaner bags.
have at it and tell me what’s missing.
Although there are a few very good commenters who I genuinely respect appearing on said sites …
you are intelligent enough to know Marisacat is the superior wordsmith.e.g.:
“Oh I love all of the diaries these days. With petulant screams of “whiner” vs “sell out”.
Pass me a drink. A Volvic water on ice will do. Dribble some blood into the goblet.
Had either side of that turgid diary, tossed earlier today like a basket ball into the hopper euphemistically called Recommended List… had either side read thru the years – other than madly reading (another euphemism) each other… Perhaps it’s enough to note that the exchanges today were devoid of real energy. Monster wannabes have spent their spew…”
If you like excellent writing-which I think you do-you must admit her gifts. Her site is filled with language junkies for that reason. Much better than reading FAQs and refining “troll-rating”, eh? And don’t tell me the others are all “activists” I can’t see aravia dirtying himself with any grass-roots activity. he believes he is owed a place in The New Punditry. As does the impish kos and the self-described “gifted actress”
It’s not that I don’t understand, “A Chorus Line” being one of my musical bibles:
“Give me somebody to dance for
Give me somebody to show.
Let me wake up in the morning to find
I have somewhere exciting to go.
To have something that I can believe in.
To have someone to be.
Use me, choose me, God, I’m a dancer,
A dancer dances!
Give me somebody to dance with.
Give me a place to fit in
Help me return to the world of living
By showing me how to begin.
Play me the music,
Give a chance to come through.
All I ever needed was the music
And the mirror and a chance to dance for you.
Give me a job and you instantly
Get me involved
If you give me a job
Then the rest of the crap will get solved.
Put me to work, you would think
That by now I’m allowed.
I’ll do you proud.
Throw me a rope to grab on to,
Help me to prove that I’m strong.
Give me the chance to look forward to sayin’
‘Hey, listen they’re playin’ my song.’
Play me the music
Give me a chance to come through,
All I ever needed was the music and the mirror
And a chance to dance–
Play me the music!
Play me the music!
Play me the music!
Give me a chance to come through!
All I ever needed was the music and the mirror
And a chance to dance– “
but clearly we are in America and many of us are without gimmick. And not particularly inclined to jump hoops.
People always tell me how much more money I could make, have a better job, etc. And though the economic thing proves to be quite a bitch sometimes, I just wager in the personal freedom thang.
My step-father kicked me out of the house, and I never went back and supported myself thereafter. My siblings still had to do a little bowing to get the cash. years later, step-dad remarks that I am the only one with self-respect. Because I wasn’t going to play a monkey for his money. it was disgraceful that he chose to do fathering on those terms, but it taught me the dangers inherent in relying on a man, asking to be validated by a man. And it’s not like I don’t love some men. But I will not ask anyone-man nor woman to legitimize me.
I’m just here. A lump of 52 years. Lucky that I suffer so little compared to most on the planet.
against my better judgement and my own rule not to feed trolls…..
to me you do seem like you are playing a monkey….just for a different kind of capital.
apologies all the way around.
I am not familiar with you, as you apparently are with me, given your capacity to make such assessments. Maybe you paid more attention to me than I did you.
However those givens, I am a tad disappointed that all you offer in a substantive way is “you’re a troll!” A term that means jackshit to me, btw.
unless, of course, BMT is imitatively instating “troll hunters” as was done as disneykos. And you want to be the equivalent of nightmarekitty, clonedrone, etc.
the meta drives traffic and that is important to some people. put you pull a dental exam on this gift horse.
the second sentence was the point.
i have no idea what the rest of your reply even means.
…and wrote some fine diaries that I was pleased to recommend at Daily Kos.
…and there are talented others (both in writing and thinking) on the site as well, including you. But as I suggested in my last (for the next few months) post at OG&P, it might be an eye-opener for the talented at the site to pick a month and compare the number/percentage of comments that mock, sneer or attack other bloggers with the number/percentage that take aim at the ruling class. Compare the number of times “George Bush” appears vs. the number of times “MSOC,” “BooMan” or “Markos” appears. Oh, I forgot, among most at OG&P the ruling class now comprises King Kos and his vassals. A view that is very much like that of the “revolutionaries” who wrecked the New Left nearly 40 years ago.
What I find most laughable is that I am zinged for hyperbole (for the Klebold/Harris remark) by posters at a site where hyperbole and name-calling is aqua vitae.
you realize the silliness of comparing posters at MCAT to the columbine killers. I mean, really.
oh we don’t criticize george bush enough. well–look what we have to show for bitching at the bush–he gets his war until he leaves office, and hands it off to hillary. and nancy gets a standing ovation.
like I’ve said, I do not see anything wrong with a little site doing eye-poking criticism at the big sites. who’s going to keep them honest when they are so helium high that they bray that they have changed things forevermore, just because they got attention. Britney and Paris did, too.
there simply must be Menckens & Roykos, small-scale, but there.
that is all.
…you’ve said in this comment except your first sentence. Read it again. It wasn’t Marisacat who I compared, hyperbolically, to the Columbine killers.
As much a cult as anything … (none / 0)
…Although there are a few very good commenters who I genuinely respect appearing on said sites, the majority of them would have been right at home with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had those two been planning to exterminate some bloggers instead of their classmates. While they occasionally hit the mark in their criticisms – as would naturally be expected of anyone who claims leftist and/or feminist beliefs – their devotion to vicious personal attacks makes them as valuable to the cause of social and political change in this country as a fart orchestra. All stink, no substance.
“We’re trying to give the illusion of due diligence.” –Bennett Holiday to Jimmy Pope in Syriana
by Meteor Blades
also–see my comments at OG&P about the lovinghumankindness towards women exhibited at other sites.
She’s a sociopath .
Or a psychopath. I cannot decide which.
At any rate, any talent for writing she might have once had has been blotted out by the venomous putrescence she now spews all over the keyboard and onto the internets.
Her soul is a desiccated shell.
Let it go, MB. She is past redemption.
…has come to…
A sad, barely recognisable shell of his former self, a third-rate thug enforcer for Democratic party wardheelers.
But it’s too late, Blade. Your reflexes are gone, your peripheral vision is shot, you’ve got a glass made of jaw and straw stuffing in your gut. One punch, and you’re down and flailing for the ropes.
Jesus, this is sad to see.
Once, you were somebody. Now you’re just another bully. And not even a particularly good one. There are younger, stronger, nastier thugs in the Kos Kops patrol.
That remark comparing Booman’s critics, literally equating them to, the psychopathic Columbine mass murderers just shows how truly pathetic you’ve become.
I don’t hate you, man. I feel sorry for you, and I’ve got to turn my head away from the sight of you now, because what you’ve become sickens me.
That’s unambiguous.
The majority of them would have been right at home with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had those two been planning to exterminate some bloggers instead of their classmates.
You called Booman’s critics murderers. Don’t try to fucking weasel out of it now. Jesus, what a disgusting remark, and you can’t even be enough of a thuggish Kos Kop to OWN it.
Embrace your inner bastard, Meteor Blades. It’s the only way you’ll be able to sleep with yourself at night. You’re too old to twist yourself into a logic pretzel.
You said it, and there’s no mistaking what you meant.
I think that is going a bit too far in your hyperbole. Frankly, I doubt Eugene was thinking clearly when he wrote this:
He was crazed by the bloodlust caused by the MLW bannings and his enemies’ comments being deleted, probably. I don’t think he really meant that people he hated should be eradicated from the public sphere.
The impulse toward SILENCING every utterance of your critics is the basis of every mass-murdering totalitarian regime in world history. It’s astonishing to see so-called liberals advocating it. Fine, ban those you find undesirable on your own blog – but to make the leap to talking about silencing them in the public sphere? No, surely Eugene misspoke.
“If you like what we do here and you enjoy the diarists here, don’t pay attention to these people. They aren’t principled anti-warriors, or true-blue feminists, or gay rights activists, or free speech absolutists. They’re just trolls. Disruptive, sexist, homophobic, spiteful, mean trolls.”
As one of those you now call disruptive, sexist, homophobic, spiteful and mean, who spent a lot time and a lot of energy contributing my work exclusively to your blog before I wised up and realized how little that means to you, and how little my loyalty and effort meant to you..I have a couple of comments to offer.
First off, above, you tell your people to pay no attention to “us” yet you frontage a whole diary about “us” and how badly we have treated you. Now that makes a whole lot of sense. Not.
What it does, is make you look like a petty attention grabber saying “oh look at poor me and while you at it, please massage my ego some more, will you?”
Hanging on to that juvenile crap of who said what when about your love life all over the place, makes you sound like, well, like you still ARE in junior high.
For those reading these poor me posts who have been sucked into the web of believing you are a totally innocent “victim” of a bunch of wild eyed psychopaths, well, you all get to believe whatever you wish and place your loyalty with whomever you wish. I know I did the same thing here, for a long time: we all want someone to admire and a good place to feel a part of some kind of “commmunity”. This is a pretty good blog and I enjoyed most of my time here. Until the good times came to an end.
Everyone has clay feet, including you, Boo.
Actually, the post was about how BooMan has been mischaracterized as an anti-choice, pro-Casey, anti-feminist Dem who sucks up to Markos so he can get favors from him, using Dodd’s appearance here as ‘evidence’.
Of course, maybe you believe all of that.
I can’t help myself. I have to jump into the shit throwing contest between louisianagirl, supersoling, and the Blogging Curmudgeon about feminism, image and the imaginary, and a whole lot of pompous, graduate student words from louisianagirl which unfortunately covered up what I think is her simple and quite truthful point. Namely………
Women are defined by others much the same way that African Americans and other minorities are defined by others. While members of the majority culture are “allowed” to define themselves as individuals in a way that does not even have to address their gender or race, women and members of minorities must address the issue of being a woman and, for example, an African American first, before being “allowed” to define themselves as an individual with individual desires, dreams, and goals. Why is that not obvious? If it isn’t obvious, then one has need of the political virtue being able to get out of oneself to see the world through another’s eyes.
There is another part to the discussion that the Lakota seemed to know far better than us. Women have Power just as men have Power. That power is different but just as important. Part of that power is sexual attraction. And as much as supersoling may want to not face it, at some point his daughters will have this power. It is the power of procreation and part of the power of pair-bond building and family creation. The denial of this basic aspect of our humanity to women is at the core of the diseased definition of women (and I would argue also of men) of Western Civilization. The objectification of this power through Chrisitanity and advertising unfortunately defines the West.
If I understand louisianagirl, and I may not, the expression of sexual desire is simply a human, not masculine, phenomenon. Why should a woman have to explain that without being accused of being anti-feminine? Can’t a human being who happens to be a woman have the hots and be a good person, a good role model in business or government, etc.? Or do we have to deny that we’ve ever been horny?
In the French Revolution, the Committee to Defend the Revolution began to take out aristocrats, then friends of aristocrats, then anyone who ever saw an aristocrat, …
That’s what’s going on here. The Purity of Thought Brigade is out there, a little mafia of LeftWing Wackos, devoted to ensuring that whatever you say, you are wrong.
I ran afoul of these people. They first proclaimed one word verboten, then another, and the troll ratings were then given because I used a word THEY had called forbidden.
Fuck that mangy shit.
And like a whirling votex, it takes everything down with it.
Don’t feed the trolls.
From BOTH sides.
It’s the only way.
No matter who you are…if you see a set of contradictions in a blogging system, feel free to mention it fairly forcefully.
Maybe twice.
Even three times.
If it does not go away…YOU go away.
Only the strong shall survive.
In blogtopia JUST as in any other part of life.
This endless palaver over “who’s right”?
Meta weakens.
I have nothing whatsoever against masturbation, but too much jerking off is sure to ruin the gene pool eventually.
Like a damaged gene, meta takes the whole organism down with it.
A cursory look at what has become of dKos will tell you all you need to know on that.
Blogger beware.