Most of the people that read and participate on this blog are not interested in the fights between bloggers, blogsites, and blog participants. It’s interesting, at best, in the same kind of way that the National Enquirer is interesting. And it’s pretty pathetic that political blogging sites have spawned a new genre of sites that are dedicated to digging up dirt on people, mocking their writing and their ideas, concocting conspiracy theories, etc. I call them the ‘papazazzi’ because they are so obsessed with the bloggers that they can tell you what date I got my hair cut or put my dog to sleep. They actually know more about what I’ve written that I do. But that doesn’t mean they are honest about what I write. And it’s not just me. But I’ll start with me.

Referring to Sen. Dodd appearing on this site (compilation of a thread):

‘Sucking up and kissing Kos’s ass has it’s priveldges…’. It is just obvious that Booman’s kissing ass during the derolling blogrolls… has been rewarded. Why else would Dodd out of the blue come to a two bit uninteresting site like Booman’s unless he was not “directed” there by Kos. BooMan is a tool. I think his behavior through all this is typical. I don’t think his blog is an independent entity, he’s more like the manager of a subidiary branch, and the delinking was both a demotion and a warning that the store might get closed if he doesn’t clamp down over at Froggy’s Bottoms. Booman is a liar, he mouths all the PC rhetoric but his actions speak louder… there was not a more pro Casey supporter in the entire blogosphere than Booman. There was not a more pro “let the states decide” on abortion (a.k.a. repeal Roe) than Booman. There was not a more pro Democrats for Life supporter than Booman (look up the “Abortion is Immoral” diaries). Booman and his brother (who writes DLC articles on how “librul women” are dying out because they have abortions)… are well versed and highly skilled in turning right wing rhetoric into progressive speak. I wish that Booman’s interview with Dodd goes well and I hope that he finds this a better means of getting “hits” than writting flaming FP lies against the cuntbitchwhoreharpie du jour. And you are right I have heard that Booman has not been upfront about the “founding” of his site. Poor Martin… in o ne post he barely knows anyone, then when dropped from the blogroll and wanting to suck up, he says how wonderful kos was to help him set up his scoop site. It’d be funny if it was other than predictable.

Anyone that has read this blog for any amount of time would howl foul at the all of that crap. The parts that aren’t just mean or spiteful are libelous baseless allegations, or 100% opposite of ‘what they damn well know’ to be the truth. I don’t need to rebut this crap because it is so transparently bogus. What isn’t transparently bogus are the people that participate at these sites. I haven’t banned every participant at these paparazzi sites. In fact, I’ve banned very few. And they like to show up here and in the other blogging communities and be real nice to people. But they are not nice people.

They wrap themselves in being more liberal or more progressive than thou. If I create a neologism that might mean something sexist in Portuguese, they’ll spread around the rumor that I am a sexist, even though I don’t speak Portuguese. If I say that the armed forces aren’t likely to give up sexist and homophobic language in basic training, they’ll say I’m a homophobe. And then, they’ll turn around and write things like this:

98. marisacat – 22 March 2007
People need to read the deluded women, all of them in that Nonpartisan diary. Armando dined out on that sort. OVer and over at Kos.

And now embarking on the same thing at TL. I can promise you.

A trio most of the time, DH Armando DD with their maids and waitresses. A cadre of really nasty gay men as well that got off on being nasty to women. JamesB3, Musing, GregNYC. And there were others.

The place was utter infestation. A suppurating pus filled mess.

104. supervixen – 22 March 2007
Yes, MCat- I remember those vicious gay guys, too. Big old slurpy-slurp up the big cock, oh how funny! I see and I don’t forget

When they’re not calling women ‘maids’ and ‘waitresses’ they’re taking on the childrearing decisions of Maryscott O’Connor:

Yet, people are expected to keep mum about her family when she allows a major newspaper to write a characterization like that? Why?

Don’t tell catnip to keep mum about someone’s family.

You write it (or allow it to be written about you), you own it.

These sites will use any information they can find to get someone fired, to make sure a google search of their name brings up derogatory, and often false, information. Almost all of the participants on these sites do not even profess to be Democrats, but something much purer. Frankly, I’m glad most of these people are no longer regular participants on any of the blogging sites. But they do do drive-bys. And they have their unwitting recruits.

They really have only one purpose now, and that is to disrupt and discredit blogging communities by any means necessary. And they are pretty good at it.

If you like what we do here and you enjoy the diarists here, don’t pay attention to these people. They aren’t principled anti-warriors, or true-blue feminists, or gay rights activists, or free speech absolutists. They’re just trolls. Disruptive, sexist, homophobic, spiteful, mean trolls.