Froggybottom Pancake Morning Cafe

Newcomers and Lurkers Welcome
Come on in and meet everyone.
Come on in and meet everyone.
This is an unhosted cafe.
Crรชpes, Pfannkuchen. blintz, or Okonomiyaki also available
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning everyone. We’ve got hot coffee ready and it’s an all you can eat buffet. You name it and we’ll make it. However, on the more exotic breakfast foods you might have to tell us what it is and how to make it.
I’m wondering what kind of exotic foods people are eating for breakfast. I think I’ll have some hash browns this morning.
Good morning, FM.
Sitting here with curly – enjoying her whole wheat, banana-cranberry bread. Yummy.
Had the same for dessert last night – warmed up, with dulce-de-leche ice cream on top.
I’m thinking a Belgian waffle from the coffee house down the street might be a nice change – and so deliciously sinful, too;-)
I was just thinking the same thing…although I have a Belgian waffler here, and all I need is the strawberries. Yum!
Good morning CabinGirl! I usually go out to fetch brunch on Sat. and let Mrs. Dem have a little extra rest. We’re lucky to have several options within a couple of blocks. If we were still out in the country, I’d have to actually work at it myself, like I used to.
Sounds like a great way to start the weekend.
I was fantasizing about living in town this week…restaurants you can walk to, pizza delivery, yadda yadda. You are so lucky! ๐
Here at the Cabin, it’s generally easier to make something at home than head out for it, although today I have the excuse of baseball practice being short because of the weather and the field being halfway to our favorite breakfast restaurant with the pear stuffed french toast with orange sauce (is that exotic enough, FamilyMan?)
Hi CG.
Yep that’s exocit enough for me. I could use some of that right now. ๐
I usually send Mr. Nature to Panera for the spinach-artichoke egg souffle. It’s the least he can do. Really.
Good morning SN! That sound yummy! We’re off for our waffle brunch. Have a great Saturday!
Good morning, all.
How long was the server down?
Just able to get on now, tried since before 7.
Good morning ask – I’ve only been trying for about 45 minutes.
Morning, id!
Good thing there are other sites, but I prefer to start the day here.
Hi ask and curly.
I’m the same as you. This is the first place I stop by in the mornings.
Wow, its a great relief to return here after spending 30 minutes on meta somewhere else this morning! That was no way to start the weekend, at least for me;-)
It looks like we’ve been getting spammed since the wee hours…I shut them down, but deleting the spam comments is a pain.
Your breakfast sounds yummy, btw. Tell curly I said hello!
Is this the one with long, repeat comments in all threads in Chinese characters? I handed out a bunch of donuts for that a couple of weeks ago.
curly says hi back, sitting here reading with me.
Hi everybody! How are youthis morning?
I fell asleep around 8:30 last night, so I am super-rested this morning. What a weird feeling. ๐
Good morning ask, ID and CG.
I think it went down shortly after the cafe opened up. I dozed back off again and just checked back in.
Now the big question. Grits or hash browns for breakfast? ๐
For me it would be hash browns fried in lots of bacon grease, but that was in a previous incarnation…
I’ll have the regionally appropriate home fries, please. ๐
You two have no sense of adventure. Grits with a lot of butter, home cured ham, toast, eggs anyway ya want and lots of coffee. That will get you started or give you a heart attack. ๐
Toast> What happened to homemade biscuit? and did you add a little chicory to the coffee? LOL
You’re right it should be biscuits and since it’s home cured ham, a little red eye gravy to go on the biscuits.
I never have drank chicory coffee unless I was in New Orleans.
Mrs. Dem to server at our favorite restaurant (in snarky tone), “He’ll have the animal fat special”.
Happy Saturday to everyone!!!! I will be having a bagel most likely when I have had some more coffee. LOL Glad the server is back up as I could not get in and went blog hopping. It is tough keeping up with all the sites I have to check in on and just reading the ones I enjoy. LOL I have even set up a profile at The Democratic Party and started several groups and blogging there also. LOL I bet you can guess what my screen name is. LOL If you go over there click on the party builder and set up a profile and of course add me as one of your friends. LOL
The weather looks messy so I will skip the outside concert today and concentrate on podcasting, designing, housework and a conference call and a candidates video conference later today. LOL
Good morning Refinish!
Morning FamilyMan!!!!
Hate to run, but FMom is already up. Now I do have to make breakfast. ๐
Back in a little bit.
No problem. Give FMom a hug from me!!!!
Good morning refinish69! Now see here, with activity like that, you’ll never make it as a Fellow Of The Family Man Academy Of Slackery!
LOL Morning Indiandem. You know I just got not get into the whole slackerdom concept. LOL
Yeah, me neither. I was going to plant pansys today, but its rainy, so will help with Mrs. Dem’s business stuff instead. Maybe I’ll take an hour for the library, though. Its only a couple of blocks from our place.
Slept in today — the phone woke me up though. Hoped it was the dealership with news on the car (got it in for brake work and other stuff), but just a dang telemarketer. Got laundry going (sheets so we can change the bed), and spouse is going to make me a small snack (bagel and cream cheese); we’re going to take the bus over to Fresh Choice tonight.
Was out and about yesterday — spouse and I went to the movies. He saw “Zodiac” and said it was excellent (he wants to get it when it comes out on DVD — thinks I’d like it except for the half hour when the killings are actually shown). I saw “The Last Mimzy” and it was DELIGHTFUL — really want to see it again and take him with me. The two kids were wonderful, especially the little girl, and Timothy Hutton is actually getting MORE handsome as he gets older. ๐ And I’ve got to start watching “The Office” now — Rainn Wilson plays an offbeat sort of hippie science teacher, and I think I’ve got a new crush. LOL
Hope everyone has a great day…