Jay Rockefeller stirs from his slumber:
The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is questioning whether the CIA’s secret prison program – which he fears has become a black eye to the United States – should continue.
Gee. Maybe not?
“The widespread reports about secret prisons and torture, whether accurate or not, have damaged the United States’ reputation around the world and hindered counterterrorism efforts with our allies,” he said.
You think?
In a confidential report that has not been publicly distributed, the Red Cross said the 14 prisoners described highly abusive interrogation methods, especially when techniques such sleep deprivation and forced standing were used in combination. None of the detainees’ accounts has been verified.
Upwards of three dozen CIA officers are wanted on charges in Germany and Italy. Do you think that is good for morale and retention?
“At the end of the day, the director – any director – of the CIA must be confident that what he has asked an agency officer to do under this program is lawful,” [DCI] Hayden wrote in a September memo to employees.
Yeah…that’d be nice.
Our country is sooo screwed up.
As an American who spends a lot of time in Europe (circumventing our nonfunctional health care system) I’m tired of being ashamed to show my passport. When do we wake up? When do we get some ethics? Yeah, we need to close those prisons…and Guantanamo… but where will we put the Bushies when the war crimes trials start?
Guantanamo would be an ideal place. My sugestion would be to evict everyone there and prepare it for the bushies as future guests.
You said it. It’s so true.
On the other hand, at least we have forums like this one. Not all is lost. As long as the Sidecar is still in operation, and Booman Tribune can still post, I refuse to give up on this country.
Peace out.
I cannot believe Rockefeller is awakening, considering he was one of a handful of Democrats who voted for the following on September 28, 2006:
He’s a Torturecrat, which is one of the reasons we’ve been holding his feet to the fire on the torture issue at West Virginia Blue.
I don’t know if I had anything to do with it or not (most likely not) but I’m claiming credit for Senator Rockefeller waking up on the issue of torture
Abu Ghraib and West Virginia
Rockefeller: Senate failure on intelligence bill ‘inexcusable’
Red Cross: Prisoners were tortured