As we learned during l’affair Lewinsky and even during the Scooter Libby trial, it is very difficult to convict someone of perjury because it involves proving their state of mind…that they knowingly lied. Even with a transcript, this is a difficult hurdle. That is the sole reason that Bush doesn’t want to allow Congress to create a written record of the testimony of his senior aides. If they lie to Congress it will be very hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they knowingly lied. There are no other reasons to testify without a record.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
For six years or more, the Bushies have been riding high on their ability to frame every argument into a meme or talking point that made intuitive sense to an uneducated guy on the street. (“Be Fair–give pseudoscience equal time with science” “DOn’t ‘cut and run'” Etc, etc, etc)
But this is a totally losing argument. The guy on the street doesn’t give a fig for executive privilege, for the esoteric arguments he’s offering.
“If they were telling the truth, why wouldn’t they take an oath?” makes sense. Bush doesn’t. He can’t win this one in the coffee shop, which is where he does his best work. It’s already gone!
at this moment in time, the pieces of shit in the wh have only one thing on their collective mind– Jan 9 2009! They could give a shit less about anything else. Once they are out of office, its a new ballgame.
So, regardless of whether or not there is any truth to this bullshit, as long as they can use their well honed skills to cloud up, lie, steal their way to jan 9-09 — in their minds, all is ok.
For the above reasons, it imperative that the leadership of the dems blast the hell out of their lying statements. They should be using the media to give the public all the info that they have. Then, follow it up with media conferences on ahourly or daily basis. Just keep pounding them. If they don’t, they will lose. Simple as that.
The only reason for not testifying under oath is that they are going to lie. They have done it before and they will do it again if they are allowed to.