For the past several weeks we have been trying to figure out how we should do the blogroll for our  netroots political site BlueSunbelt.Com Since there has been a lot of discussion in the blog world in recent weeks about blogrolls (and lack of inclusion thereon) we have been trying to think of a fair way to do ours.

What we have decided to do is to have a blogroll that includes (a) reciprocal links and (b) to also include all of the sites that are part of our hosting company Soapblox which is building a network of excellent progressive blogs in all 50 states.

We feel this method will help other similar progressive sites in search engines as well as be beneficial to our site. Some Soapblox sites have already added links to us and we hope others will do so in the future. Non-Soapblox sites who would like to exchange reciprocal links can contact us to be added to the blogroll.