Update [2007-3-27 17:26:11 by BooMan]: Chuck Hagel and Gordon Smith voted against Thad Cochran’s amendment stripping benchmarks and timetables from the Iraq War Supplemental bill. That means the amendment failed and it probably means the House Bill, however improbably, is going to pass the Senate.
Mr. Joseph Lieberman is pontificating on the Senate floor right now.
My advice is to turn down the volume and play this Scarlet/Fire from Barton Hall, Cornell University on May 8th, 1977.
It will be much better for your mental health. But, if you must, turn on C-SPAN2.
Listen to Lieberloser? No way, man. If he was confessing his sins and promising to be a good Democrat from now on, I still wouldn’t want to hear him out. Waste of time.
Wow! Realplayer finally works with my 64-bit-executable Linux Firefox browser. Linux has just about caught up on the multimedia front.
well, good for you, a soundboard of this show is the Holy Grail of all Deadhead tape traders, as this was their finest concert ever.
Thanks! I haven’t listened to the Dead in years, since I only have them on LP.
where do I get one?
I found this: Internet Archive
It turns out that tapes of concerts are traded as shorten files, and this concert is available in this format, which is lossless. As the faq for this Web site says:
A better soundtrack to this atrocity would be War Pigs.
Let’s eat cake!
Anybody got one?