You’re more generous with your firewood than we are — if the dogs are cold they can come snuggle with us (thought it’s got to be at least down to the teens before Giddy thinks it’s anything but balmy out).
We’re in the process of building a new fence (to give Luna a bigger area to roam). We’re currently using the old fence posts as firewood, which means we’ve got lovely, exceptionally dried wood, to spare.
Wouldn’t make any difference to us — we’ve firewood hoarders. We generally like to have a season and a half on hand so that we’ve always got wood that been dried for at least a year.
Yes, I’ve seen your house, and I can see why. We, otoh, live in a more temperate climate, and in a very small single-story house (about 900 sq ft.). Thankfully, we can get through the winter on a fairly small firewood alotment. Also, we have a lot of standing dead wood. And an exceptionally efficent Norwegian stove that we installed last year.
So, we can afford to be a bit generous on Albert’s behalf.
The last one (which came with the house) needed a high-holy conflagration to produce any heat, and then you had to open a few windows because it got too hot.
Then I installed our Jøtul. The installation wasn’t a lot of fun (our flue pipe passes through the roof), but the end result is devine. Albert loves to lie under it all winter long.
It’s just under 1300 sq ft. but we definitely have cold weather. (And I should give a big pat on its chimney pipe to our 26 year old, still excellent vermont castings stove.)
Umm, given the size of your place, is that extra bed in a closet? 🙂
Nope, we have three (tiny) bedrooms, a small living room/dining room, a microscopic kitchen, a laundry/storage/Albert’s room, and a bathroom (currently under renovation). It’s a good size, actually.
What I really need in terms of more space is a studio, and we’re working on that.
The guest bedroom is about 12 x 12 ft and has it’s own broadband connection, TV antena , and entrance, which is not too shabby (our previous house mate was a entertainment maven).
Plus, we’ve got over 600 sq ft of sheds and out-buildings, so we’ve got plenty of storage and roofs for rain water catchment.
It almost 10pm. Luna is asleep on the couch and Albert is in his room. I think I’ll follow suit and bit you all goodnight.
Good morning, Andi.
Above vista is much better than my new one.
Spent 4 hrs with tech support yesterday – apparently, the Vista is incompatible with my new modem/router. New one coming without charge, but what a mess + on-line withdrawal for several days.
My sympathies on vista — one reason I haven’t been whining at my company for a new laptop is that my current one is Win2k — I’m happy to avoid the obnoxiousness of both win2003 and vista.
Good morning, FM.
I’m trying to restrain my feelings on Vista.
Apparently, there are already several ‘patches’ that have to be installed (as per the tech support guy), but without internet connection you can’t get it!
He came through the surgery yesterday fine, and he’ll probably still be in the hospital for a couple of more days. The doctors said everything is looking fine and he’s progressig normally.
Our weather down here is starting to suck. It’s supposed to be in the 90’s today. I can’t see turning off the AC for awhile.
Currently, Albert is marking the firewood next to the stove (rabbits have a gland under their chin that they use to “claim” things as theirs). He does this to anything in the house that comes in from outside. “Mine, mine, all mine,” would be a fair translation of bunny behavior.
If the light wasn’t so low, I’d get you a photo. As it is, you’ll have to use your imagination.
We have half days yesterday, today, and tomorrow…it’s so silly. But it’s nice to have a few full afternoons to spend with the guys, so I’m not going to complain too much. 🙂
I enjoy the extra time, too.
Vacation is slowly sorted out and nothing exiting for me – 2 weeks at the cabin on the coast, then a week in Oslo & environs. After that, the kids will probably go to camp in Norway for another 3 weeks. Oldest asklet is planning the final month of summer in Ethiopia with one of her aunts.
Actually, I’m not good at being away from home for lengths of time (and Jim’s even worse) — I like going but I like coming home, too. We’ve found that 10,11 days is about our max.
It’s a futon, with six inches of cotton, 2 inches of foam in the middle, and an optional foam “egg crate” layer on top. In other words, nice and firm without being too ascetic. Imogen’s mother likes it and it’s essentially what we sleep on (and I have a very fussy back).
Given some of the extremely surreal southwestern landscapes I’ve seen, that one doesn’t seem to out of the ordinary but I guess taken in isolation it does look a bit like a bunch of disparate parts jumbled together.
Life has been a bit crazy so haven’t stopped in…many apologies.
FM, sorry to hear your brother was in the hospital, but glad to hear he’s mending.
I was going to go do a session on the exercise bike, but too dang lazy — I’ll get in a good neighborhood walk this afternoon sometime, maybe even tackle some laundry. Also need to change the bed — with a queen-sized mattress, that’s a lot of exercise.
Spouse needs to get moving to get over and get his BP checked — hoping this is the last time and he’ll finally pass! I’m getting extremely frustrated with the situation — fortunately we’ve only got about 4 more years of this; under his return-to-work agreement he’s going to have to retire when he turns 55 — he’ll get pension and medical benefits, but we’ll have to come up with something to cover me…maybe by then President Edwards or Obama will have the universal health care plan in place. 🙂
Okay, time to actually have breakfast and get stirring…have a good day everyone… 🙂
Good afternoon y’all! Weather is nice here in the Hudson Valley. I think that my old WinME tiny 3 pound laptop finally bit the dust. Fortunately, I have a newer but much heavier one. I’ll miss the tiny one.
Ah, the desert southwest of the US, how I miss thee.
Another fab photo Andi.
We’ve lit our wood stove for the first time in probably six months and Albert is warming his bunny buns with unalloyed glee.
Luna, just a few days ago, started to sleep inside overnight. It must be Autumn.
It’s an addictive place — if we don’t get out there once a year, I suffer terribly from withdrawal.
Got cold already? Usually in fall, we don’t need the stove until we’re at least a month in.
I think we’ve lit the stove mostly for Albert’s benefit. 😉
You’re more generous with your firewood than we are — if the dogs are cold they can come snuggle with us (thought it’s got to be at least down to the teens before Giddy thinks it’s anything but balmy out).
We’re in the process of building a new fence (to give Luna a bigger area to roam). We’re currently using the old fence posts as firewood, which means we’ve got lovely, exceptionally dried wood, to spare.
Wouldn’t make any difference to us — we’ve firewood hoarders. We generally like to have a season and a half on hand so that we’ve always got wood that been dried for at least a year.
Yes, I’ve seen your house, and I can see why. We, otoh, live in a more temperate climate, and in a very small single-story house (about 900 sq ft.). Thankfully, we can get through the winter on a fairly small firewood alotment. Also, we have a lot of standing dead wood. And an exceptionally efficent Norwegian stove that we installed last year.
So, we can afford to be a bit generous on Albert’s behalf.
Hi keres,

I suspect it is one of these:
from Jøtul.
Great stoves.
That’s the exact one!
The last one (which came with the house) needed a high-holy conflagration to produce any heat, and then you had to open a few windows because it got too hot.
Then I installed our Jøtul. The installation wasn’t a lot of fun (our flue pipe passes through the roof), but the end result is devine. Albert loves to lie under it all winter long.
I think I could use one of those here at Chez Cabin.
It’s just under 1300 sq ft. but we definitely have cold weather. (And I should give a big pat on its chimney pipe to our 26 year old, still excellent vermont castings stove.)
Umm, given the size of your place, is that extra bed in a closet? 🙂
Nope, we have three (tiny) bedrooms, a small living room/dining room, a microscopic kitchen, a laundry/storage/Albert’s room, and a bathroom (currently under renovation). It’s a good size, actually.
What I really need in terms of more space is a studio, and we’re working on that.
The guest bedroom is about 12 x 12 ft and has it’s own broadband connection, TV antena , and entrance, which is not too shabby (our previous house mate was a entertainment maven).
Plus, we’ve got over 600 sq ft of sheds and out-buildings, so we’ve got plenty of storage and roofs for rain water catchment.
It almost 10pm. Luna is asleep on the couch and Albert is in his room. I think I’ll follow suit and bit you all goodnight.
Ouch. And good night, keres.
Good morning, Andi.
Above vista is much better than my new one.
Spent 4 hrs with tech support yesterday – apparently, the Vista is incompatible with my new modem/router. New one coming without charge, but what a mess + on-line withdrawal for several days.
My sympathies on vista — one reason I haven’t been whining at my company for a new laptop is that my current one is Win2k — I’m happy to avoid the obnoxiousness of both win2003 and vista.
Good morning Andi, keres and ask.
Andi that’s a great picture. When are ya’ll going to put up a post for this years pictures?
keres I’d love to see Albert warming his bunny buns by the fire.
ask how do you like vista on your computer?
Good morning, FM.
I’m trying to restrain my feelings on Vista.
Apparently, there are already several ‘patches’ that have to be installed (as per the tech support guy), but without internet connection you can’t get it!
That’s one thing about the patches and so forth that I’ve never liked. If you don’t have internet you just out of luck.
What’s the latest on your brother?
He came through the surgery yesterday fine, and he’ll probably still be in the hospital for a couple of more days. The doctors said everything is looking fine and he’s progressig normally.
Our weather down here is starting to suck. It’s supposed to be in the 90’s today. I can’t see turning off the AC for awhile.
Currently, Albert is marking the firewood next to the stove (rabbits have a gland under their chin that they use to “claim” things as theirs). He does this to anything in the house that comes in from outside. “Mine, mine, all mine,” would be a fair translation of bunny behavior.
If the light wasn’t so low, I’d get you a photo. As it is, you’ll have to use your imagination.
Great picture AndiF…I bet you wish you were still there!
Sorry about Vista, ask. they just released that recently, and already there’s a bunch of patches you need?
Glad to hear your brother is recovering, FM.
I think I need some chocolate in my cappuccino this morning.
One more day till spring break! I can’t wait to sleep in all week.
Hi CG.
Sleeping all day does have it benefits. 🙂
I don’t know, it looks like sleeping all night had some too… 🙂
Good morning, CG.
Spring break is already on here – and they have one more week coming!
We have half days yesterday, today, and tomorrow…it’s so silly. But it’s nice to have a few full afternoons to spend with the guys, so I’m not going to complain too much. 🙂
Got any vacation plans?
I enjoy the extra time, too.
Vacation is slowly sorted out and nothing exiting for me – 2 weeks at the cabin on the coast, then a week in Oslo & environs. After that, the kids will probably go to camp in Norway for another 3 weeks. Oldest asklet is planning the final month of summer in Ethiopia with one of her aunts.
Actually, I’m not good at being away from home for lengths of time (and Jim’s even worse) — I like going but I like coming home, too. We’ve found that 10,11 days is about our max.
Happy almost spring vacation to you and the CBs.
10 or 11 days will still get you to Tasmania and back. 😉
Did I mention we have a new mattress on the spare bed?
If we ever get down there, we’ll take longer. We took 16 days when we went to Hawaii.
(Is it a really firm mattress?)
It’s a futon, with six inches of cotton, 2 inches of foam in the middle, and an optional foam “egg crate” layer on top. In other words, nice and firm without being too ascetic. Imogen’s mother likes it and it’s essentially what we sleep on (and I have a very fussy back).
I remember that now…9 days + travel time. 🙂
I’m usually good for a week, but that’s it. Too relaxing or something.
Speaking of sleep, George had me up a 2:00 am, so I think I’ll nap for awhile.
See ya later.
Andi, I’m loving that photo. It sort of looks like a Dali painting which has some deep hidden meaning – so deep that it escapes me.
Given some of the extremely surreal southwestern landscapes I’ve seen, that one doesn’t seem to out of the ordinary but I guess taken in isolation it does look a bit like a bunch of disparate parts jumbled together.
Life has been a bit crazy so haven’t stopped in…many apologies.
FM, sorry to hear your brother was in the hospital, but glad to hear he’s mending.
I was going to go do a session on the exercise bike, but too dang lazy — I’ll get in a good neighborhood walk this afternoon sometime, maybe even tackle some laundry. Also need to change the bed — with a queen-sized mattress, that’s a lot of exercise.
Spouse needs to get moving to get over and get his BP checked — hoping this is the last time and he’ll finally pass! I’m getting extremely frustrated with the situation — fortunately we’ve only got about 4 more years of this; under his return-to-work agreement he’s going to have to retire when he turns 55 — he’ll get pension and medical benefits, but we’ll have to come up with something to cover me…maybe by then President Edwards or Obama will have the universal health care plan in place. 🙂
Okay, time to actually have breakfast and get stirring…have a good day everyone… 🙂
Good afternoon y’all! Weather is nice here in the Hudson Valley. I think that my old WinME tiny 3 pound laptop finally bit the dust. Fortunately, I have a newer but much heavier one. I’ll miss the tiny one.