We’ve lit the fire again. This time for more than just Albert’s sake. Although, he seems to be making the best use of it, stretched out as he is in front of the wood stove.
We used to do our own but we reached a point (or, more precisely, decrepitude) where neither one of us wanted to go up a 28 foot ladder to get on the peak of a roof with a 12-12 pitch.
From the photos I’ve seen of your house, I wouldn’t want to be on the roof either.
You must be using a roof pitch system different than the one I’m used to. The one I know is based on an inch rise per foot scale. So that a one pitch roof rises an inch every foot, a two pitch roof rises 2 inches for every foot, etc. A six pitch is a 45 degree angle, and a “12” pitch would be vertical (which is more correctly called a “wall”).
I’m really not fussed about being wrong. I got over that one years ago when I decided that the only way to be right all the time was to never take risks.
Besides, I remember everything I once got wrong even better than I remember everything else.
The three types of volcanos? Rhyolitic, Andesitic, and Basaltic. I got that wrong on a pub quiz night about three years ago.
The unofficial state fish of Hawai’i (there is a bill to reinstate it)? The Humuhumunukunukuapua’a. Sadly no one has ever asked me about this fish.
My daughter recently told me that cats have fixed eyeballs so they have to move thier whole head to see things. How did I become, er…39 without knowing that?
the half-n-half sage continues…I forgot that I had cooked with most of it this week so I only have enough for one cup of coffee this morning. It is the best cup….ever. Damn well better be.
I gave up coffee for a year once and then I figured ‘wtf? it’s my only real vice and I love it’ so I drink it again. I guess you didn’t grow up drinking warm milk from a mug to help you sleep like I did. 🙂
Nope, no warm milk. And horror of horrors for a chocoholic, no hot chocolate, as I don’t even like that. Strangely, I do like hot milk on shredded wheat.
Have I mentioned I’m a bit picky about food? I’m much better now than when I was younger and I wouldn’t eat anything that had a squishy texture, or anything bitter, etc.
Well the Mr. took the redeye back from SF and will be home shortly, so I want to give the appearance of not being a slug. And I have a sinus CT scan at 11 – so no going back to bed today. 🙁
I’m convinced I have a massive brain tumor that they’ve been humoring me about for a year with my headaches, bleeding sinuses, sore throat, crackling sound in my ears. I just finished a month of prednisone and augmentin and it didn’t do a thing.
Keep those desert pictures coming.
We’ve lit the fire again. This time for more than just Albert’s sake. Although, he seems to be making the best use of it, stretched out as he is in front of the wood stove.
I figured I do another week or so of them — there’s certainly nothing much going on in the woods to take pictures of.
And on the other side of the world, the chimney sweep is coming on Tuesday which makes the end of the heating season official.
Our chimney sweep look an awful lot like me up a ladder.
We only have about 14 feet of flue, so it’s not really that hard.
Albert is toasty warm to the touch, and loving it.
We used to do our own but we reached a point (or, more precisely, decrepitude) where neither one of us wanted to go up a 28 foot ladder to get on the peak of a roof with a 12-12 pitch.
From the photos I’ve seen of your house, I wouldn’t want to be on the roof either.
You must be using a roof pitch system different than the one I’m used to. The one I know is based on an inch rise per foot scale. So that a one pitch roof rises an inch every foot, a two pitch roof rises 2 inches for every foot, etc. A six pitch is a 45 degree angle, and a “12” pitch would be vertical (which is more correctly called a “wall”).
I believe JimF wanted a structure to house the Wicked Witch of the Midwest, so it needed a highly pitched roof.
Sorry, Andi…you in no way resemble her…I’m just running low on jokes.
You’ve misunderstood how it works.
More info here.
You’re right, I confused myself. It must be because it’s almost bed-time and my brain beat the rest of me to bed. 😉
I’m glad that your house is not two-dimentional.
Nice diagram, btw. Very helpful for us visual types.
I’m sure you wanted to give me an opportunity to be right just once.
I’m generous that way.
And I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t happen too often (I probably won’t have to try at all).
I’m really not fussed about being wrong. I got over that one years ago when I decided that the only way to be right all the time was to never take risks.
Besides, I remember everything I once got wrong even better than I remember everything else.
The three types of volcanos? Rhyolitic, Andesitic, and Basaltic. I got that wrong on a pub quiz night about three years ago.
The unofficial state fish of Hawai’i (there is a bill to reinstate it)? The Humuhumunukunukuapua’a. Sadly no one has ever asked me about this fish.
Yeah and sharks are the only fish that can blink. I’ve been waiting since 1969 for someone to ask me about blinking fish.
Cool. I’ll store that one away for future non-usage as well.
And now, it really is past my bed time, even for a Friday night.
See you all tomorrow.
My daughter recently told me that cats have fixed eyeballs so they have to move thier whole head to see things. How did I become, er…39 without knowing that?
Good morning, ladies.
From clear, cool NY – only 40 this morning.
Good morning, ask. It’s chilly here too.
It’s 65 here so a warm-up is probably coming your way.
I hope so. I’m looking forward to the week off. Hopefully it will be somewhat relaxing. 🙂
Any exciting plans for the weekend?
Morning Ask.
the half-n-half sage continues…I forgot that I had cooked with most of it this week so I only have enough for one cup of coffee this morning. It is the best cup….ever. Damn well better be.
Cool and clear heading toward 75…yum.
I was wondering about the “sage.” Sage, as in wise, or sage as in herb, neither made a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, I’m not that terribly sympathetic for your saga – I hate coffee and the idea of milk products in warm beverages makes my toes curl.
I gave up coffee for a year once and then I figured ‘wtf? it’s my only real vice and I love it’ so I drink it again. I guess you didn’t grow up drinking warm milk from a mug to help you sleep like I did. 🙂
Nope, no warm milk. And horror of horrors for a chocoholic, no hot chocolate, as I don’t even like that. Strangely, I do like hot milk on shredded wheat.
Have I mentioned I’m a bit picky about food? I’m much better now than when I was younger and I wouldn’t eat anything that had a squishy texture, or anything bitter, etc.
some of my favorite foods are squishy – and contain milk now that I think about it. Mac and cheese, rice pudding…
I would have guessed the picky eater part. 🙂
to save you from making jokes before you’re awake enough to do good ones. 😛
What can I say – I’m just out of fresh ones.
Nah, you should just refrain from jokes until you awake enough to bring the body parts on the wallpaper into sharp focus.
i am usually so funny. Maybe I need to go back to bed to replenish my humor stores.
I dunno. I’m probably agnostic about the existence of sleep-induced humor as well. But I do have faith that your funny will out.
Well the Mr. took the redeye back from SF and will be home shortly, so I want to give the appearance of not being a slug. And I have a sinus CT scan at 11 – so no going back to bed today. 🙁
Going to get checked out for polyps?
I’m convinced I have a massive brain tumor that they’ve been humoring me about for a year with my headaches, bleeding sinuses, sore throat, crackling sound in my ears. I just finished a month of prednisone and augmentin and it didn’t do a thing.
I’m excellent at going for the worst possible outcome — glad to know I have company.
But seriously, getting the CT done is a really good thing. I’m glad you’re doing it.