Calitics has a piece on Congressman Pete Stark’s  AmeriCare Health Care Act which would provide universal healthcare coverage and would cost less than what we currently pay.

Some key points:

-It would save households $142.6 billion
-It would save state and local governments $57.4 billion
-It would save private employers $15.2 billion
-The net impact on health care costs would be a $60.7 billion reduction in overall spending and would provide 100% universal coverage

Single payer is ultimately where we are going to end up, but in the interim, we’ll need some stepping stones. The federal government has advantages due to the size and the national economy that make these things more workable there.  That’s why Rep. Stark’s plan is so important.

The press release from Congressman Stark’s office

U.S. Representative Pete Stark (D-CA), Chairman of the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, today introduced the AmeriCare Health Care Act. This straightforward legislation would provide universal coverage by building on what works in today’s health care system – Medicare and employer-based coverage….

AmeriCare has been endorsed by a broad coalition of organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, AFL-CIO, Center for Medicare Advocacy, SEIU, NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, United Auto Workers, National Association of Community Health Centers, Families USA, National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems, AFSCME, Consumers Union, American Federation of Teachers and the Communication Workers of America.