Good morning to you late comers to the day. Our day is almost done.
Tomorrow we’re going to a protest rally against a pulp mill that the Tasmanian Government, in its finite wisdom, decided Tasmania would get whether Tasmanians want it or not. Oh, and since it doesn’t meet our environmental and other standards, the Labor Government just rammed through a bill specifically to exempt the mill. This, after promising us for the last three years that the mill would only be approved if it met “world’s best practice” standards.
It’s as dirty a deal as you can imagine. And, like most of the big projects (this mill is expected to gross 2.5% of the entire states revenue) endorsed by the Tasmanian Government, it will be guarenteed to ruin the environment, and to shift most of the operating costs onto the taxpayers while continously bailing out the mostly out-of-state investors.
Oh, and just to make the farce that more farcical, the name of the corporation that wants to build the pulp mill is “Gunns” and their CEO’s name is “Gay”.
Good morning, Andi.
It feels like one glass of wine too many, last night.
But bright and clear outside.
Fog in your head for open skies outside — sounds like a fair trade.
Ha, I guess it is.
Good thing it’s not too bad, I need some energy when the asklets come over.
Good morning to you late comers to the day. Our day is almost done.
Tomorrow we’re going to a protest rally against a pulp mill that the Tasmanian Government, in its finite wisdom, decided Tasmania would get whether Tasmanians want it or not. Oh, and since it doesn’t meet our environmental and other standards, the Labor Government just rammed through a bill specifically to exempt the mill. This, after promising us for the last three years that the mill would only be approved if it met “world’s best practice” standards.
It’s as dirty a deal as you can imagine. And, like most of the big projects (this mill is expected to gross 2.5% of the entire states revenue) endorsed by the Tasmanian Government, it will be guarenteed to ruin the environment, and to shift most of the operating costs onto the taxpayers while continously bailing out the mostly out-of-state investors.
Oh, and just to make the farce that more farcical, the name of the corporation that wants to build the pulp mill is “Gunns” and their CEO’s name is “Gay”.
Good luck. I hope there’s a huge group and that you give the government much grief.
For those who want to see more of our Tucson vacation, click here photo album.
After just a quick glance, I’m loving the cactus flowers.
How are you this morning? I see I have your yesterday’s weather…slightly overcast.
Just fine, other than the fact that we have 90% chance of thunderstorms today.
Oh, that reminds me…I want to get some photos printed. Do you usually do that through an online mail order service or what?
No, we always go to the same place because we’re pretty fussy about how they get printed and we’ve worked out with them the right settings.
Great photos.
curly remarks that the March 17 Sunsets look like Turner paintings.
Heh, Jim said the same thing when we were out there taking them — maybe I should photoshop a boat into one of them.
I’m partial to the big sky and dark clouds sweeping overhead. Gorgeous.
Good morning froggies! As Andi mentioned, its a rather soggy day in our corner of the midwest.