Convert or Die?
No, that isn’t a quote from Ann Coulter’s latest jeremiad against the Muslim world or Liberals. It comes from a right wing blogger at Blogs for Bush by the name of Mark Noonan riffing off this post by the ubiquitous Mark Steyn at The Corner at National Republic Online:
At least 23 babies have been killed so far this year, many of them beaten to death or strangled by their mothers before being dumped on wasteland and in dustbins. […]
Germany has one of the lowest fertility rates in Europe, net population loss, and a rapidly depopulating east that’s economically unsustainable. Thirty per cent of German women are childless, 40 per cent of female university graduates are childless, and its last election offered voters what Americans would regard as the statistically improbable choice of a childless man vs a childless woman. Meanwhile, the last gals in the country still in the procreation business have to be offered E-Z-trash drop-off bins in order to stop them tossing their bairns out the apartment window.
By the way, look at the first word of that report, from The Times of London: “Desperate” mothers. Why, in a land of socialized health care and lavish welfare, are mothers so “desperate”? Feckless boyfriends seem to play a part. But then Germany has one of the lowest marriage rates in the developed world.
It’s getting harder not to conclude that parts of Europe are evolving into a kind of post-human society.
“Post-human” in this context sounds remarkably like sub-human, doesn’t it? A rather remarkable charge to make based on 23 cases of infanticide in a nation of over 80 million people. An even more remarkable statement to attribute this post-human society to welfare and socialized medicine. I wonder? Are all the recipients of Medicare in America slowing becoming less than human because of their exposure to socialized medicine? Are our military veterans becoming less than human because we subsidize their medical care through programs administered by the Veteran’s Administration?
And what does Mr. Steyn really mean when he claims Europe, or at least those parts infected with the virus of socialism, are turning into less than human societies? What exactly is the point he’s trying to make when he remarks upon this “rash” of 23 infanticides in Germany?
Well, that’s where Mark Noonan rides to Steyn’s rescue (metaphorically speaking), by spelling out exactly what Steyn was too craven to make explicit when he labeled Europeans part of a post-human society:
[O]ur society has degnerated quite a bit until, as Steyn points out, parts of it are becoming post-human. Remember, in Germany there are three interesting cases going on – the case of a brother and sister who have had children together wanting the State to recognise their marriage; the case of a man who says he killed and ate a man at that man’s request; and now the case of the murdering mothers. Do you see a pattern here? Things which would shocked and revolted the whole world 30 years ago are just more hum-drum news these days. And don’t think I let off the United States on this – we’re not nearly as depraved as parts of Europe, but we’ve got our shop of horrors to go through as well.
There are two things which can stop this slide into barbarism and death: the conquest of the west by people who believe in something, or the revival of a west which has returned to its moral and intellectual roots. Those are the choices – be conquered by Moslems (who at least believe in something higher than themselves and their personal pleasures), or become Judeo-Christian. Death or conversion, take your pick.
Isn’t it odd, how Noonan sees our modern dilemma? It isn’t the problem of secular, democratic societies faced with challenges from an extemeist religious authoritarian ideology willing to slaughter innocent people in order to force their peculiar beliefs on others. No, the problem isn’t the most extreme form of fundamentalist Islam for which Noonan actually professes a grudging admiration (they do believe in God after all, even if it isn’t the right God).
For Noonan, and Steyn as well (though he’s too cowardly to come right out and say it), the problem is everyone who doesn’t believe in the God in which they (Noonan and Steyn) believe. Let me clarify what it is that they oppose so vehemently:
It’s the idea of tolerance of differing viewpoints. It’s the idea that society should care for its poorest and weakest members as well as it does for its strongest and wealthiest. Its the idea that all men are entitled to believe what they wish without fear of oppression of harm from their fellows for professing those beliefs. It’s the idea that your sexual behavior, so long as it is carried out between consenting adults is no one’s business but your own.
It’s the guiding principles established by the Enlightenment. The moral force behind the elimination of slavery, the extension of civil rights to women and minorities, and — yes — the government programs that provided educational opportunities to literally millions of Americans, that funded the eradication of terrible diseases, that built the highways, dams and electrical power grid, that cleaned up polluted waterways and helped make the air we breathe a little less toxic. This is what Noonan labels barbarism.
Astonishing isn’t it? No wonder Noonan’s solution to our all our nation’s problems involves either conversion to Islam or to fundamentalist Christianity (and no, dear Unitarians and United Church of Christ adherents, I don’t think your faith qualifies as a properly Christian one for his purposes). Conversion or death.
This is the world view of the modern conservative movement in a nutshell. If you’re a Buddhist, a Scientologist, a liberal, a socialist, a secular humanist, an agnostic or — God forbid — an atheist, you are a barbarian, and you are part of the post-human world which is destroying our country. You deserve to die. It’s really that simple.
I guess we should thank him for being so forthright as to tell us what he really thinks. Better to know what the Devil is planning for you, than to remain ignorant, eh?
For more discussion of this topic, go read Dave Neiwart’s post, “Post Human” at Orcinus, and also this post by Chris Floyd, “Death Cult: The Violent Vision of the Radical Right” at Empire Burlesque. They are far more eloquent in denouncing these rancid manifestos by Steyn and Noonan than I can ever hope to be.
One more thing. This is not an April Fool’s joke. I only wish it were.
Also posted at My Left Wing and Daily Kos
Corrected link to My Left Wing
Post Human??? Ya see- it is garbage like steyn and appologists like noonan that are the post humanists!
Why waste anyones’ time posting shit like this. Stop giving these post humanists additional platforms. They have enough platforms allready.
I think we need to be aware of what they are saying. These are views, after all, which are held by millions of our fellow Americans. Ignoring a danger to our country is not wise imo.
Here in the US of A, the most Christian nation in the first world, there were 558 infanticides in 2004, the latest available year, according to the Justice Department. Over the past 20 years the rate has fluctuated between about 500 and about 800/yr.
Maybe what the US needs is to convert to socialism?
PS: Steven, you didn’t attribute the quote in the last box. Who wrote that paragraph? Obviously not Noonan.
I bet most of them happened in red states too.
The statistics for the red states are pretty infamous for just about anything, most cop killings, most divorces, most wife beatings/murders, most churches and so on…that good old heartland scares the crap outa me.
I wrote it.
Quoting yourself unattributed, that is… lol jk
I just wanted to highlight it a little bit.
The barbarism that Steyn decries in Europe, and the “answers” he and “Nooner the Male” propose require a leap of logic that is so laden in personal arrogance that one is left breathless, for the roots of America’s ho-hum attitude about terrible events is in direct proportion to the level of burnout we feel when confronted with the horrors of Bush’s Republican enabled imperial daydreams.
Steve, I will give you two examples, one is an “op/ed” posting by Nimmo that troubles me, and the other is a Dahr Jamail video clip that left me ashamed to be an American.
First the posting, From Kurt Nimmo I don’t think this is an April fooler.
Second, the video, From Dahr Jamail Warning, GRIM.
But Steve, that’s not all. The world is becoming nauseated, but not by bizarre goings on in Germany, but by atrocities and insanity in the Middle East. Steyn and Nooner the Male are trying to change the subject into some sort of religious argument when the reality is so much more cut and dried.
Here are a couple of things off the beaten track to look at, The Arabist take a scroll through this, your hair is going to slowly change color and not for the darker or more blonde. Read some of that, and then look at Steyn’s flea circus of a column.
Want some more? Try out the leftist viewpoint on the above, from Lenin’s Tomb Not very comforting is it?
See also Cenk Uygur’s latest diary
Steyn and Nooner the Male are fresh out of ideas and plum out of talking points, so it’s on to elimination-ism and authoritarianism for them. Steve, we got troubles right here in America, but it ain’t religion, or social behaviors, but rather reaction to the barbarity of the leaders, and if we want it to stop, we had better change the leaders, and soon.
Well as one of those barbaric atheists I guess I should be ordering up some chianti and fava beans any day now.
Noonan and Steyn are fascists, pure and simple. And there are millions more like them just waiting to ethnically and religiously cleanse the rest of us. They are the soldiers of the new American fascism which glorifies corporations, which idolizes Trump and uber-rich like him, and which is fueled by right wing Christian ideology. What is so terrifying about American fascsim is that the rght wing Christian ideology spewed by the likes of Kennedy, Dobson, Robertson and Falwell gives meaning to millions who are disaffected by what they are told are the excesses of the Enlightenment. But in reality they mistakenly support the very forces that have created the world they so vehemently despise, namely capitalism and Christianity.
When a citizenry becomes stupid and scared (and to create just this citizenry has been the agenda of the right for the past forty years) then fascism becomes possible.
Booman, you referred to Mark Steyn as “ubiquitous.” I think that’s the wrong word. “Ubiquitous” means “everywhere.” i think the term you’re reaching for is “batshit fucking insane”.
hey!! Read the byline buddy.
Maybe Steven should have said ‘the ubiquitiously batshit insane Mark Steyn.’