Well, we went hiking and boulder climbing and creek swimming (and picture taking…I’m still playing with my new camera) this morning for a few hours, goofed around this afternoon, and spent the earlypart of this evening washing fire trucks at the fire house. A busy day, but mostly fun. We’re trying to decide what tomorrow’s outdoor activities will be, since it;s supposed to be in the 70s again, and then lousy weather the rest of the week.
I’m hoping they fall asleep soon.
What’d you do today? Take HJ to the dog park or anything?
I was up half-the-night with a sick dog, and at the vet first thing this morning. She’s got a sore throat which the vet suspects is the start of kennel cough.
At the vet, whe got an anti-inflamatory injection and antibiotic pills, plus a script for some cough supressant.
Right now I’m making her scrambled eggs and soaked kibble for breakfast. At times like this she’s just a big furry child.
Not unless she has developed a sweet-tooth. I suppose she could have stock if she needs to be encouraged to drink more fluids. Of course, I only have vegetable stock.
Just popped in to say HI! and see if you all are enjoying the very real promise of Spring. Over my 26 years here in Idaho, we don’t usually have Spring, but this is the second one in a row and this seems even lovelier than any other. . .maybe cuz it’s the one I have, eh?
Any way, love and hugs to ya.
Got a genuine craving for a nice beer, but alcohol gets the old ticker racing these days. . .wish the non-alcohol versions of brew had better taste. Anyone know of one that has some substance to it?
If not I’ll just Pledge the floor and go sliding around here in my socks!
Hey, SN…How are you?
Lazy! How are The Boys enjoying vacation?
Well, we went hiking and boulder climbing and creek swimming (and picture taking…I’m still playing with my new camera) this morning for a few hours, goofed around this afternoon, and spent the earlypart of this evening washing fire trucks at the fire house. A busy day, but mostly fun. We’re trying to decide what tomorrow’s outdoor activities will be, since it;s supposed to be in the 70s again, and then lousy weather the rest of the week.
I’m hoping they fall asleep soon.
What’d you do today? Take HJ to the dog park or anything?
That is so nice of you guys to wash the fire trucks!
Ben had his ingrown toenail cut off at the podiatrist. That’s the excitement for the day. I got to watch.
Sounds like you need a hobby, SN.
I was up half-the-night with a sick dog, and at the vet first thing this morning. She’s got a sore throat which the vet suspects is the start of kennel cough.
At the vet, whe got an anti-inflamatory injection and antibiotic pills, plus a script for some cough supressant.
Right now I’m making her scrambled eggs and soaked kibble for breakfast. At times like this she’s just a big furry child.
You’re a good mom. I guess flat ginger ale is next. 🙂
Not unless she has developed a sweet-tooth. I suppose she could have stock if she needs to be encouraged to drink more fluids. Of course, I only have vegetable stock.
Good evening, ladies.
We’ve just finished a simple seder with curly’s brother/sil and another couple. Dishes done and time to kick back.
I love it when the dishes are done. It happens so rarely around here.
Happy Passover to you and curly!
Good when those are done, but there’s too much good stuff to snack on here. Calorie-shock!
Hi everyone!
Just popped in to say HI! and see if you all are enjoying the very real promise of Spring. Over my 26 years here in Idaho, we don’t usually have Spring, but this is the second one in a row and this seems even lovelier than any other. . .maybe cuz it’s the one I have, eh?
Any way, love and hugs to ya.
Got a genuine craving for a nice beer, but alcohol gets the old ticker racing these days. . .wish the non-alcohol versions of brew had better taste. Anyone know of one that has some substance to it?
Thanks for stopping by, Shirl. It’s a bit slow these days…:)