This is simply horrible news:
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — One person has died following a shooting Tuesday at the CNN Center complex, in what Atlanta police called a “domestic situation,” according to hospital spokeswoman Denise Simpson.
A woman was shot and the gunman was then shot by a Turner Security officer, Maj. Lane Hagin of the Atlanta Police Department said.
The man and the woman were taken to Grady Memorial Hospital. Simpson did not say which had died, citing the need to notify next of kin. The other is in “extremely critical condition,” the hospital said.
A witness who is a CNN employee saw the man shoot the woman twice in a street-level lobby area at the northeast end of the building.
Horrible is a terrible thing that is unexpected.
I no longer find shooting rampages horrible. That’s because I expect 2-3/day, and so I just ignore them.
In today’s world, the NRA wants plenty of guns. So, we have plenty of guns, and plenty of nuts with them, and with grudges against others.
So, these events are not horrible. Just run-of-the-mill exercizes of the 2nd amendment rights of the gun owners.
Expect more of these. More school shootings, more mall shootings (there was one in my local mall on Sunday).
This is the future.
I respect your viewpoint. But it’s still horrible to me. Even more horrible was Rush Limbaugh making a joke about it yesterday on his radio show.