I’ve been having trouble writing this week. Part of it is because Congress is on recess. Part of it is just a general type of fatigue I get when the Bush administration behaves in really atrocious ways. I’ve only had two prior snark-outs. The first was in December 2005, after the Bush administration reacted to the NSA revelations by refusing to apologize or discontinue their lawbreaking, but to actually run the midterm strategy on how great and necessary their lawbreaking was. I was temporarily knocked back on my heels by that. The second was after they responded to the Baker-Hamilton report by surging more troops into Iraq.
In both those cases, and probably in the current crisis over the conduct of the Justice Department, I regained my bearings by calling for impeachment.
Double Impeachment is still the only really sane policy I can advocate. Even a rapid withdrawal of troops from Iraq seems like a dangerous policy if it is not accompanied by a change in leadership to oversee that withdrawal.
But there is another thing bothering me, and that is the presidential primaries. A year from now we will almost definitely know who our nominee is, and I can’t see how that candidate has a damn thing to do with what have all, collectively, been doing on these internets tubes over the last four years. The whole blogroots movement arose in opposition and in a power vacuum. It’s in our DNA to oppose. We don’t know how to support. Sure…we rallied around John Kerry and did a great job for him. But we did it by opposing Bush.
The real positive change coming out of the netroots is going on locally. We don’t really have anything to do in a national campaign except act as a watchdog on the press. It seems like working on a presidential campaign will just be a huge distraction and an energy drain. This is especially true about the primaries, where we will be fighting among ourselves.
I think the real work we should be doing is working on changing the Democratic Party into something different from the Clinton model…something that reflects the era in which we live. I keep thinking of writing about these big issues, but then I can’t come up with a coherent and concise vision of exactly what I’m trying to say. Not in a blog/diary format, anyway.
I just think the blogosphere has reached a point where it needs to transform into an overtly political entity because it deserves actual representatives and a seat at the table. But, that will, of course, totally change what the blogosphere is and will create a new generation of in-kids and out-kids, and purity tests…and all the rest.
But trying to get this beast to come together to support a nominee? It’s not going to happen this time. This time there is going to be a lot of blood on the floor. And, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter so much who the President is. It matters whether we can create a left party in this country that will never bring us or tolerate another Iraq War and another executive power grab.
The battle for the soul of the Democratic Party is the real fight. Which one of the Democrats to pick in the primary? Well…of course it’s important. But it isn’t where we can be productive.
Just some Friday night thoughts to try to blow through the writer’s block.
Happy Easter Weekend. Also available in orange.
It’s frustrating that the flame wars in the presidential race are only going to get worse from hereon out. And it’ll definitely come down to Edwards and Obama in the netroots, where support seems pretty damn split at this point.
On the other hand, I am pondering undertaking an interesting blogging project at the beginning of 2008 with regards to the primaries. Still need to think it over.
Are any Wellstone Action graduates lurking? If so I’d really like to hear your perspective on party building. I’ve been working to find common ground that local Greens, MoveOn members, centrist Democrats, etc., etc. can come together on. Ours is a relatively small community, so person to person contact can be done fairly easily.
We’ve made a good beginning on an tiered e-mail list for information distribution and put up a local party web site about a year ago. We paid to have a link on a local newspaper’s site and were surprised at the hits we were getting last fall before the election. Our goal for the site is to keep current news and information up all year and be a reliable source on local events and issues.
I had the honor to attend Wellstone Action. The sessions I went to seemed to be stuck in the old paradigm that only swing voters were important, and that going after “non-voters” was a waste of time. I think that misses the boat. When the Republicans decided to go after (then) non-voters, aka the religious right, the started a decades long ascent to power.
When I read this post by Booman, I immediately thought of the Wellstone triangle: politics on one side, issues on the other, and good governance resulting as the third side of the triangle.
Some of us progressives are more comfortable with the political side, others with the issues side.
As far as party-building goes, I think the emphasis has to be on areas of agreement around issues. The issue really isn’t which party makes things better, it is how things get done.
There are pragmatic progressives and idealistic ones, and both add to the strength of the movement. We need to keep talking and listening to each other. There will be egos, ambitions, fights. I think Booman is right that this coming primary will be a bloody mess. Hopefully, it will just be part of our growing pains.
Thanks for the comment, Kahli. I’m leaning more and more toward putting my time, effort and contributions into the local party. Our county made a slight move to the left last fall and I want to see that trend continue. I can network with people every day and usually talk politics with everyone I interact with (even in off years);-)
There is just to much for any one person to track. Commenters from Kevin Drum’s Political Animal thread have banded together to do something I think is fairly rare : a group blog with designated responsibilities for covering set areas of the political spectrum. I wouldn’t say it’s the same idea as your geographical allotments, though. The sparkplug is BlueGirlRedState – now
and the gang has set up at
Have a look sometime. There is a chance to do more than just bitch when the job is cut down to size.
I’m spoiling for a discussion of this topic myself. I think it’s important to remember that some of us were REALLY united in our support the last time around. I was part of the Dean camp, and we were definitely FOR someone – not just against Bush and the war.
I think the reason some people don’t get more involved in politics – and I include my incredibly political self in this statement – is that some of us don’t see a clear division between the good guys and the bad guys.
I’m VERY clear that ANY of the Democratic nominees is better than anyone the Republicans have to offer. But I can’t (yet) get excited about any of them, for various reasons. They all have liabilities that damage their chances, to me.
I think — maybe wrongly — that it’s good to be really tough on our own candidates, to grill them, to look closely at them, to truly vet them, so that if and when one of them does become our nominee, there are no further surprises. The candidate who becomes our standard bearer is going to have to reach out to people who aren’t automatically on his or her bandwagon. I think that’s a good thing. I don’t want to see us all congealing around a candidate too soon, when there are so many question marks.
I was talking to a friend recently re why Republicans are so quick to fall in behind a leader while Democrats all jostle to BE the leader. He thought it was a sign of our intelligence. I’m not sure it’s as black and white as that, but I do think it’s important that, when the election is upon us, we all pull in the same direction and not drop out or not vote. But I definitely think it’s too soon to worry about us pulling together. It’s only March. The primaries are still a long ways away, for most people. Only political insiders feel the time slipping away too fast…! π
I agree with most everything you said, except I feel a real reluctance to getting behind some of the current candidates. In particular, Hillary Clinton. I am not interested in supporting a DLC’er who is nothing more than Republican-Lite. IMO. And while you say
I cannot in good conscience support what she stands for. Perhaps you can convince me otherwise. I thing Booman is right about keeping our support local. I got behind John Kerry 100% even though I didn’t like him or his platform, and we all pulled in same direction. Then Kerry threw in the towel without so much as a squeal.
I’m not so sure I am willing to do that again.
Well, I’m not the person to turn to for supportive remarks re Hillary. For me, if she’s our nominee, it will once more be a choice between the lesser of two evils. I don’t trust that she won’t sell us out, but I would probably trust her not to sell us out as badly as whoever the Republicans field. I won’t be out working on her campaign. It takes someone extraordinary to pull me into fieldwork. But she is certainly not the worst person on the planet to lead our country. There are many others who would be much worse.
Sounds like it’s already hit you a bit, BooMan…we’re being forced into focusing on the 2008 elections so damn early, how many of us will actually be alive and upright to cast our votes in November of 2008?
I’ve been doing some work on the Tag Cleanup Project over at dKos; it’s a way to help the community, and it’s something I like to think I’m good at. (Back when I was considering a career in techwriting, one of my instructors said I was just anal enough to be a good technical editor — I’m still not sure if that was a compliment.) I was working on the “2008” tag, checking to see if they should be marked “2008 elections” to be more specific. Anyway, just on a lark, I went all the way back to the first 2008 election diary…and it was written December 5, 2004, barely 1 month after the Great Election Robbery Part Deux. By the time November 2008 rolls around, we’ll have been at this hashing out of candidates and issues for FOUR FREAKIN’ YEARS. (And I wonder who’s going to be the first to write a diary about the 2012 elections…not me, that’s for sure…)
You’ve got a good crew of frontpagers here…clammyc, Steven D, Terrence, assorted others…and plenty of skilled diarists who deserve a promotion now and then. (Not me, I know when I’m well off.) Take a break — hit a Phillies game, if only to boo the Phanatic. The NFL draft is coming up…figure out the top 10 ways the Giants can blow this one, or wonder if marriage might actually settle down Eli Manning and make him a serviceable QB. Or just take a down day, and spend it with any Significant Others you may have in your life right now…find a good escapist movie (The Last Mimzy is good if you like that sort of movie, and Will Ferrell’s latest is brainless fluff), or just sit home and put on some nice jazz. In other words, don’t get so wrapped up in the world that you neglect your own health — physical, mental and spiritual… π
Seems like you’ve spent too much time spring cleaning, or watching cable news.
I don’t see how the next election cycle can be anything like before, unless this community and its broader network begins to circle the wagons and shoot inward. Look at the victory already–look at the numbers of individual donors not the money, for Edwards and Obama. It is such a dramatic contrast to the dollar winners (like Romney) using the old pyramid scheme and thinking they can buy an office, that it must be recognized in the back rooms of power.
It seems to me that, unless one of them takes a major turn in policy, they make an ideal ticket (in either order)–heart and brains–and that we should all be pushing our preference with the clear prohibition against trashing our second choice. (Neither would I encourage anyone to trash Senator Clinton in this medium. Of the three, she has the “balls” to withstand the inevitable mud-slinging.)
The power of numbers is amazing. One example comes to mind–the rapid disappearance of advertisers on Ann Coulter’s website within 24 hours of bloggers’ efforts. It was a little test of power, and it worked.
calvin highly recommends that everyone who has not already done so, read Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States”.
Basically, we’ve always been involved in class warfare. And, guess who has always been the winner. Everybody below the super rich are screwed.
Our two-party system is basically a one-party system. It’s still all controlled by the Big Dogs.
The current HUGE divide between the rich and the rest of us is for them to access the resources that the rest of us won’t be able to afford when the impact of climate change cuts off our food and water supplies.
Bush poo-poos global warming to keep the masses from looking behind the curtain. Our world is headed for big trouble and nobody is driving the train.
I, too, have been feeling a kind of malaise re: reading and commenting on blogs. I’ve been feeling apathetic and bored and couldn’t quite put my finger on why. The DOJ scandal is juicey. Waxman has opened the can and the worms are squirming out. Why do I feel so discontent?
My husband said it succinctly right after the November election, “Now, they’ll impeach those fuckers!” Only they aren’t and I feel that’s the cause of my current detachment.
The primaries are too far in the future and the “soul of the Democractic Party” is in peril NOW. If there isn’t accountability, if there isn’t retribution for the crimes Bushco has committed against our country then nothing will ever be right in the future. I want those fuckers frog-marched! I want to see Bush, Cheney, Rove and all their corrupt, lying cronies go to jail!
If Bush is allowed to complete his term and gets to retire to his compound in Paraguay guarded by Blackwater mercenaries, I will give up all interest in politics. If Cheney gets to officially resume his position with Haliburton and moves to DuBai, it will prove that crime DOES pay. I want justice, dammit!
So, BooMan, start beating the impeachment drum… yet again. Rally the left blogosphere behind a cause we all believe in. We need to organize a barrage of letters, faxes, and emails upon the heads of our Congresscritters; we need to rally and chant until they fulfill the will of the people!
She’s right, Booman. We’re all burned out. Too many events that should have brought satisfaction have passed. We all know the time for resolution has come but we’re feeling a little weak and scared.
Remember the Chambers Brothers’ ‘Time’?
Time has come today
Young hearts can go their way
Can’t put it off another day
I don’t care what others say
They say we don’t listen anyway
Time has come today
Impeach impeach impeach, I know we can make them do their jobs. Just keep repeating it. If you get tired, take a nap. Somebody else will take up the standard.
BTW sjct – I hope all goes well for you now.
Maybe you need to look around at your local community; so often we of the blogosphere tend to consider the world as our community. Perhaps it isn’t just that. There are times to talk and act in our physical local community and breathe the fresh air of those around us. It isn’t always easy but it can keep our feet firmly on local ground.
Although from the UK, we recently bought a lodge in North Dakota. We spend a few months each year up there and have met some real old-fashioned hard-working farming Democrats. Amazing. They work to solve their local problems; all those little actions build to develop the new theories, feelings and motivations.
Go local – build small – breathe the air.
I too having been feeling a malaise about the seeming lack of willingness to use the constitutional tool of impeachment.
Yesterday, I actually took time to step back. Perhaps I am misreading this, but it seems like Leahy, Conyers and Waxman are going for the indict and convict route. IANAL, so I don’t know if this is an alternative route, where the actual impeachment can be done AFTER the Fact. There is an article by John Dean at Findlaw that states there is a precedent for that.
It won’t be as dramatic as Impeachment hearings, but the crooks would be corralled for specific crimes, and the impeachment would only be a house keeping item if that is what they are attempting to do.
WE can hope can’t we?
To understand “what we are doing”, we have to truly understand what we have done.
You write:
A perfectly accurate statement.
And BY that opposition, we have literally changed the world and quite possibly saved this country from extinction. Where we were…a tiny minority…2 and 3 and 4 years ago? It’s where the majority is today, in a broad sense.
Aware of BushCo’s criminality and incompetence, aware of the futility of a massive Middle East War.
CONTINUE to oppose.
If “oppose” is exactly the right word.
Listen…as careful readers of my writing already know, I am not only a politically involved person and a musician, but I have also studied a number of physical and meditational/awareness systems in an attempt to…apply any word you wish to the indescribable. Awaken is as good a word as any.
The greatest teacher I found…someone who did not much like having his name strewn about when he was alive, so I maintain his anonymity after his death…taught me many things. He “changed” me. No doubt.
Here is one of the many exercises he gave me.
Attempt, for as long as you can manage it, to pay attention to what is happening in the so-called present as if it was the immediate past. As if you were living a split second IN FRONT of the wave of the present.
Sound simple?
Try it.
I will say no more about this exercise except to point out that if done correctly, interesting things can happen.
Another thing that I learned is the concept of “As above, so below.” That the laws of the universe pertain equally in the microcosm and the macrocosm.
Now take the left blogosphere’s overall position. It is and has been “living in the future.”
The left blogosphere is nothing less than a prophet. A system that functions as prophecy. All the large and small inputs of literally thousands of sincere and intelligent people…people who are doing real work for largely non-monetary, moral reasons…adds up to a sort of political and social prophecy.
So…what you are feeling?
It is simply the present catching up to you.
As any real artist will tell you, in order to produce real art you must stay on the front of the wave.
In the future.
The fix is now in…Clinton/Obama/maybe Edwards. As God is reputed to have said after He created the Universe “And it is good.”
They done caught up with us.
Isn’t that why we all got involved here in the first place?
To get a majority of the people of the United States to wake the fuck up?
Well…this is about as good as it’s going to get, podna. If EVERYBODY was supposed to be on the real front of the wave…as Lenny Bruce so presciently asked 50+ years ago…”Who will clean the shithouse?”
So…just get on your mental/emotional surfboards, y’all, and paddle on out to where the waves are REALLY breaking.
Do what Real History Lisa is doing. Chronicle the news of what has happened. We need to expose the HISTORY of the PermaGov. The covert ops that have run this country almost into the ground in the name of Realpolitik.
Do what Jeff Wells has been doing over at Rigorous Intuition. Catalogue the unbelievable until it starts to make sense.
Do what Joe Bageant has been doing. What Jimmy Breslin did for 50+ years. Write about the lives of the underclass as a POLITICAL statement.
The great composer and musician Charles Mingus wrote a (highly fictional) so-called autobiography called “Beneath The Underdog.” The fine writer Walter Mosley (who chronicles the struggles of the black population of Omertica in the ’50s through the ’70s in his equally so-called “detective fiction” better than anyone else on the planet) wrote a book called “Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned”. There are ALWAYS people who are living beneath the underdog, people who are always and forever both outnumbered and outgunned. And as that other prophet Whatsisname is reported to have said “The meek shall inherit the earth.”
Translation? (Because I believe that many things were lost in the translation that we generally accept as New Testament “truth”.)
The fire that sustains the flame of civilization is ALWAYS the hottest at the bottom of the pile.
Gandhi understood this as well.
As did Mao Tse Tung and Fidel Castro, Malcolm X and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and any number of others, large and small.
With varying degrees of success.
And now it’s our turn.
Technology has…quite by accident, if the word “accident” has any real meaning in a universe that on all available evidence appears to be endlessly dedicated to evolution…created a mass mind where all of us minor prophets have the possibility of creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
So…carry on BooMan.
Blow your writer’s block right out of the water.
You live in a changing neighborhood of Philadelphia, correct? Right on your own block…I got yer “writer’s block”, right THERE …I will guarantee that there are enough stories to keep you profitably occupied as an observer/writer for the rest of your life if you are so inclined.
Just go out your door, incline left and start writing.
One step ahead of the wave.
You be bettah off.
And so will we.
Gotta run. Trying to teach some kids in Newark how to play jazz today.
There is good work to be done everywhere.
Bet on it.
Now a stand-alone post.
The Blogosphere As Prophecy. Or…Writer’s Block Be Damned.
Please reply there if you are so inclined.
That is really awful. Try giving the tubes a break and blowing out your mind with a non-stop marathon of Godzilla movies! Or watch to Monty Python sketches and Roy Zimmerman’s songs.
I think the real work we should be doing is working on changing the Democratic Party into something different from the Clinton model…something that reflects the era in which we live. I keep thinking of writing about these big issues, but then I can’t come up with a coherent and concise vision of exactly what I’m trying to say. Not in a blog/diary format, anyway.
Try contemplating this. I will soon be attending my local township annual Dem fundraiser/meeting where the local Democratic machine leaders, the county Dem leaders, and maybe some state dem leaders will come together with supposedly local Dem registrants. Here I will sit with my supposed brethren, but are they on my page or still into machine politics?? If many are still into machine politics, who is the real thinking person then (me or them), and is it their job to change me or my job to change them?? Assuming the latter, how best is this done without the bloodbath you fear or without alienating myself. Now that is a post worth writing, IMHO!
Dutch large corporations with US ties have donated large sums of money into the political campaign of Republicans during last years Congressional elections. Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad published an article tonight with the headline: “Ideology plays no role by US donations”.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The federal-style, ersatz democracy of the United States is on track for ultimate failure. It may not happen (or rather, be acknowledged to have happened) in my lifetime (I’m in my late 30’s), but that doesn’t change the basic trajectory of where things are drifting. If you want to contribute in a positive, pro-democracy way to the forces of history, you ought to be spending less of your energy on national political affairs. The 2008 presidential race is a shadow play, a dumbshow, and a time sink. Use your heads, folks. If your gut is telling you that it’s wrong and destructive for such huge amounts of campaign money to be thrown around this early in the game, then listen to what your gut is telling you.
The blogosphere, blog movement, whatever you want to call it, doesn’t seem prepared to intellectually confront this and what it means. (yet) It’s easier to dismiss this sort of thing as crank talk.
If you want to work for the long-term good of Americans (wherever yours might be), you might want to think about this, and consider redirecting your pro-democracy energies sooner than later.
Have you done the homework? (That’s a good word for local blogging: “homework.” Because there is a test coming up at some point.)
It says we are screwed.