Relaxing on Saturday before Easter. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and staying warm. I am working on 3 different podcast shows and taking it easy. LOL
I love fried matzo — we eat it year round, though Jim claims it took him about a decade to acquire a taste for matzo. When I used to keep passover, I always made matzo meal pancakes and matzo meal buns both of which I really liked but somehow never think of having now.
Just back from walking in the woods — the cold snap definitely seems to be killing off just about everything that is green, except for the greenbriars (natch).
another shot of winter’s wreaking havoc here this w/e…21ºf, freezing drizzle, mist and fog, everything’ coated w/ ice, and lots of stuff, early fruits esp, were starting to blossom…
I see now why I got a new coffee pot. I forgot the old one leaks out of the top and coffee grinds and coffee goes everwhere. I’ve got that cleaned up and trying to make another pot of coffee.
Relaxing on Saturday before Easter. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and staying warm. I am working on 3 different podcast shows and taking it easy. LOL
I am working on 3 different podcast shows and taking it easy.
Haha! The rf-version of an easy time.
curly is preparing brunch – matza brei. Then out for a quick visit to the Met and an afternoon movie – The Lives of Others.
I love fried matzo — we eat it year round, though Jim claims it took him about a decade to acquire a taste for matzo. When I used to keep passover, I always made matzo meal pancakes and matzo meal buns both of which I really liked but somehow never think of having now.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, you didn’t expect me to do nothing did you?
Heading out for breakfast shortly — got afternoon hockey down at the HP Pavilion; last game of the regular season. Should be a great time. 🙂
Check in with you folks later…
Have fun!!!!!
Just back from walking in the woods — the cold snap definitely seems to be killing off just about everything that is green, except for the greenbriars (natch).
another shot of winter’s wreaking havoc here this w/e…21ºf, freezing drizzle, mist and fog, everything’ coated w/ ice, and lots of stuff, early fruits esp, were starting to blossom…
stay warm
Good morning everyone.
I see now why I got a new coffee pot. I forgot the old one leaks out of the top and coffee grinds and coffee goes everwhere. I’ve got that cleaned up and trying to make another pot of coffee.
Hope everyone’s doing is going well.
Hi, FM.
We’re heading out now.
Enjoy your coffee!
Enjoy ask and everyone.
LOL Poor FamilyMan!!!! That is why I always have at least two coffee makers in the house at all times.
broke the carafe spout on my french press this am, FM…so I sympathise w/ the messy bit…add another item to the to-do list today.
stay warm yawl…it’s still winter in the foothills
yep, major bummer, but still used it…gotta have the caffeine hit to get started…:{)
wuzzup in the gwn?
like you all (yawl) trying to stay warm — ’twas snowing a bit ago, but nothing staying on the ground thankfully.
got a big hockey game tonight … leafs vs habs … for a chance to get into the p-offs.
and you wouldn’t have that mess … just sayin’ … 😉
Happy Easter!!!!
Some great music a little politics and Easter memories.
1 show down and now I still have to edit two interviews and get them up on their respective podcasts. LOL