Dutch large corporations with US ties have donated large sums of money into the political campaign of Republicans during last years Congressional elections. Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad published an article tonight with the headline: “Ideology plays no role by US donations”.
The Center for Responsive Politics in Washington D.C. issued the figures for the Dutch corporations. Hillary Clinton received $26,850 from Shell Oil, LaSalle bank (AbnAmro) and ING bank. A number of Republicans listed: John Boehner (R-OH) $19,000 – Aegon insurance, ING and Shell. Rick Santorum (R-PA) $19,000 from Giant supermarkets (Ahold), Aegon and ING. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) $18,950 mainly from managers ING. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) $15,500 from ABN Amro and Shell. Orren Hatch (R-UT) $14,500 from Reed Elseviers publicers. James Inhoff (R-OK) $14,500 from Reed Elseviers and division LexisNexis ownership Atlanta based Seisint/ChoicePoint.
Major corporations with large percentage donations to Republicans:
Aegon 62%, Shell Oil 87%, Philips Electronics 81%, Reed Elseviers 72% and Arcadis 76%.
Go figure! And this is just the Dutch. How many other countries have done the same thing and not just to the republican party but to the democratic party. It is all abut $$$$$$$$$$ and how much they can get. Whatever happened to we the ppl???!!!! Why is it that we do not have a say, unless we give big donations to the parties? Why can’t we the ppl have a say…the vote is now bought and paid for by the corps and other countries. So very sad to see our country become this way…
Anyhow, it is good to see ya again, my friend. Hope all is well and that new grand-baby is surely growing like a weed…;o) hugs
I thought that it was illegal to accept donations from foreign corporations?
has a national organisation incorporated within the U.S.
Halliburton has moved its HQ to Dubai, the Emirates and Accenture Ltd. (Andersen Consulting) has been incorporated on the Bahamas for tax reasons and less scrutiny by e.g. U.S. congressional oversight. Nice to keep those major no-bid military contracts though!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."