Yes, that’s right. Those who support the politicized theory of global warming have imposed their “politically correct” views on another great American institution: the Supreme Court!

You see, those mealy mouthed Justices on the court caved in the Left’s politically correct agenda when they ruled against the Bush administration last week, holding that the EPA can be held accountable for failing to regulate man made emissions of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, and that states like Massachusetts have the requisite legal standing to sue the EPA for failing to do so. Go look at their damn envirofascist-liberal-leftist-commie-pc opinion (caution: pdf file) and see for yourself!

Or so says Myron Ebell, a “prominent climate change expert” who says the Supreme Court’s decision has paved the way for the Left to destroy Truth, Justice and the American Way!”


Ebell said that the environmental lobby’s assertions of planetary doom are more attributable to political opportunism, left-wing machinations and feigned moral outrage than to hard science.

“This is going to be the next way the Left tries to shut down the economy,” said Ebell, who went on to trace the origins of the “global warming scare” to the decline of feminism and environmentalism in the late 1970s. “I would encourage you to look at their motives as well.”

Oh those devious Big Government Leftists! They may be losing the culture war battles, but in “global warming” they clearly have the most fiendish strategy ever devised by the godless untermenschen of the Left to bring down the foundations of our Judeo-Christian Civilization. And Mr. Ebell, climate change expert that he is, should know — right? I mean, clearly he’s a very smart guy that we all should listen too. Just look at all the brilliant things he’s said if you doubt me on that point:

“The fact is the climate is changing all the time,” Ebell said. “At the rate it seems to be changing, it should be easy to adapt and have few consequences for humankind. It isn’t much to worry about.” (December 16, 2003) Link

“Some alarmists are pointing to the Pentagon report as proof that we face impending climate disaster, but even a brief review shows that that isn’t the case.” “As with past national security assessments, the Department of Defense was presented with a worst-case scenario, not the likely future.” “The Pentagon naturally believes it has to research any possible threat – whether it be an alien invasion, an accidental nuclear detonation, or catastrophic climate change.” (February 25, 2004)(Link

“The public has trouble realizing just how ‘loony’ Mr. Gore is because of his reputation of being so boring.” (January 8, 2004) Link

“The last ice age was a much more extreme event than anything that is predicted for the next 100 years, and yet we didn’t see the same level of extinction then that–that they’re predicting for a little bit of global warming. ” (January 8, 2004) Link

“The US consumes about 25% of the energy in the world, and we produce between 25 and 30% of the wealth created in the world, so, in fact, the answer for the world is not to assume that by cutting back on American production and productivity, that you’re going to get richer, the answer is the emulate the institutions and the policies that the United States has pursued to become as wealthy and as productive as we are.” Link

Sure sounds like he knows more than the rest of us poor, uneducated peons, doesn’t it? And why shouldn’t he? He works for probably the “… best environmental think tank in the country” (according to the The Wall Street Journal), the Competitive Enterprise Institute or CEI. Sure CEI takes a few bucks from Exxon Mobil, conservative organizations like those funded by the Scaife family, and other multinational corporations with a vested interest in opposing the theory of global warming, but I don’t see how that could possibly bias their expert analysis, research and lobbying on such an important issue.

Ebell is also the head of The Cooler Heads Coalition, another very important non-profit environmental policy advocacy group, whose goals and activities are described at their website,

The Cooler Heads Coalition formed May 6, 1997 to dispel the myths of global warming by exposing flawed economic, scientific, and risk analysis. Coalition members will also follow the progress of the international Global Climate Change Treaty negotiations.

But enough about Ebell’s employers. Take a gander at Mr. Ebell’s biographical page at the CEI website, to see how accomplished he is in the field of climate change:

Myron Ebell is director of energy and global warming policy at CEI. He also chairs the Cooler Heads Coalition, which comprises over two dozen non-profit groups in this country and abroad that question global warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies.

Prior to coming to CEI, Mr. Ebell was policy director at Frontiers of Freedom, a public-policy advocacy organization founded by former US Senator Malcolm Wallop. While at Frontiers of Freedom, he worked on property rights, the Endangered Species Act, federal-lands policies, and global warming. He previously served as senior legislative assistant to Rep. John Shadegg, where he helped develop landmark legislation that would reform the Endangered Species Act, and before that as Washington representative of the American Land Rights Association and as assistant to the chairman of the National Taxpayers Union. […]

A native of Baker City, Oregon, Mr. Ebell holds a B.A. from Colorado College and an M.Sc. from the London School of Economics. He also did graduate work at the University of California at San Diego and at Peterhouse, Cambridge University.

Hmmm. Okay, it’s true his academic background appears to be in Economics, rather than Meteorology, Physics, Mathematics, Geoscience, Environmental Science, Paleoclimatology or any of the other disciplines typically associated with the scientific study of climate change, nor is he doing any active research in fields associated with the study of global climate change, but I don’t think we should hold that against him, do you? I mean, he’s been too busy doing far more important stuff like this to dirty his hands with the nitty-gritty of scientific research:

Washington, DC, United States — Did conservative elements in the White House provoke an Exxon front group to sue EPA to suppress a report on climate change? That’s the question that two State Attorney Generals have asked US Attorney General John Ashcroft to investigate, after Greenpeace uncovered a routine email in a Freedom of Information Act request.

In the email, Myron Ebell of the Exxon-funded Competitive Enterprise Institute writes to Phil Cooney, a senior official at the White House Council for Environmental Quality. He describes his plans to discredit an EPA study on climate change through a lawsuit. He states the need to “drive a wedge between the President and those in the Administration who think that they are serving the president’s interests by publishing this rubbish.” He notes his group is considering a call for the then-head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Christine Todd Whitman, to resign, and openly suggests that she’d make an appropriate “fall gal” if the administration is serious about getting back into bed with conservatives opposing action on climate change. […]

According to the two State Attorney Generals, the email obtained by Greenpeace

“reveals great intimacy between CEI and [Bush Administration official Cooney] in their strategizing about ways to minimize the problem of global warming. It also suggests that CEQ [the Council of Environmental Quality] may have been directly involved in efforts to undermine the United States’ official reports, as well as the authority of the EPA Administrator.

We are concerned that the new litigation is an improper product of that close relationship, and we therefore ask that you investigate this.”

I mean, it’s hard work writing emails like that one (which you can read in it’s entirety here) in which he describes a plot to help officials in the Bush administration sabotage and discredit the EPA’s own studies supporting that crazy loon, Al Gore and all those other global warming nutcases. And clearly he was successful in his efforts to help President Bush beat back those lefty saboteurs hiding out at the EPA, like Christy Whitman:

Two days after the memo from Ebell was received, Bush repudiated the report as having come from “the bureaucracy.” This was a further blow to embattled EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman, who announced her resignation in May of this year.

Not only is he an expert at exposing the great global warming hoax foisted upon the American people by the envirowhackos of the Left and their friends in the liberal media, but he’s clearly not a man to be trifled with. When he and his colleagues at CEI talk, President Bush and others at his administration obviously listen. Al Gore may have an Oscar from a bunch of his dippy Hollywood buddies, but Mr. Ebell has the ear of our great and wise President. Who would you rather trust with determining the future of our country’s response to global warming?

I know who I’d choose.