He did it again. Just being a complete asshole about things. This time, as Pennsylvania’s junior senator, he has come out to vote against stem cell research. A friend told me about the news over dinner Monday night and I read about it in this Kimberly Hefling AP story.

Casey, who is Catholic and opposed to abortion, said in a statement released Monday he doesn’t support the bill because “I remain opposed to federal funding for research that involves the destruction of living embryos.”

“I have listened carefully, especially to those whose loved ones are suffering from serious diseases and disabilities and who disagree with my position,” Casey said. “I deeply respect their views and hope they can come to understand mine.”

Casey’s position counters that of his Republican colleague, Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, who has been one of the Senate’s most vocal supporters of embryonic stem cell research.

Listen you no talent ass clown, these fucking embryos are GOING TO BE THROWN AWAY OR FROZEN FOREVER.

If you’re doing this as a Catholic, where would you like me to start quoting the Bible to point out your hypocrisy? If you’re going to legislate by the Bible (separation of church and state anyone?), live by it you dipshit.

I hate you.

A post on the Huffington Post on the bill this asshole favors. From the article:

Another bill, S. 30, introduced by Senator Norm Coleman, R-Minn. and co-sponsored by Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) will be voted on after S. 5. The Coleman-Isakson bill is a Trojan Horse bill which will kill any federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research utilizing excess IVF embryos or any funding for the derivation of stem cell lines utilizing SCNT technology. Ironically, the short title of S. 30 is the “Hope Act.” For the millions of Americans suffering from disorders potentially curable from the future application of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research, this act represents anything but hope.

You can always call his office and leave angry voicemails as a constituent. They keep a tally of all calls for and against everything (and emails and letters and faxes).