He did it again. Just being a complete asshole about things. This time, as Pennsylvania’s junior senator, he has come out to vote against stem cell research. A friend told me about the news over dinner Monday night and I read about it in this Kimberly Hefling AP story.
Casey, who is Catholic and opposed to abortion, said in a statement released Monday he doesn’t support the bill because “I remain opposed to federal funding for research that involves the destruction of living embryos.”
“I have listened carefully, especially to those whose loved ones are suffering from serious diseases and disabilities and who disagree with my position,” Casey said. “I deeply respect their views and hope they can come to understand mine.”
Casey’s position counters that of his Republican colleague, Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, who has been one of the Senate’s most vocal supporters of embryonic stem cell research.
Listen you no talent ass clown, these fucking embryos are GOING TO BE THROWN AWAY OR FROZEN FOREVER.
If you’re doing this as a Catholic, where would you like me to start quoting the Bible to point out your hypocrisy? If you’re going to legislate by the Bible (separation of church and state anyone?), live by it you dipshit.
I hate you.
A post on the Huffington Post on the bill this asshole favors. From the article:
Another bill, S. 30, introduced by Senator Norm Coleman, R-Minn. and co-sponsored by Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) will be voted on after S. 5. The Coleman-Isakson bill is a Trojan Horse bill which will kill any federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research utilizing excess IVF embryos or any funding for the derivation of stem cell lines utilizing SCNT technology. Ironically, the short title of S. 30 is the “Hope Act.” For the millions of Americans suffering from disorders potentially curable from the future application of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research, this act represents anything but hope.
You can always call his office and leave angry voicemails as a constituent. They keep a tally of all calls for and against everything (and emails and letters and faxes).
well…we knew he’d anger us eventually.
I’m surprised it took this long.
i’m sure he’s got more up his sleeves too.
he’s trying very hard to stay under the radar after being in one of the biggest races in Congress
As most freshman Senators do.
Yes, this sucks, and we knew it was coming, and it’s part of the bargain (at least some of us) agreed to. In exchange, we got an easy win in the general election — far easier than it would have been had there been a contested primary with a broke nominee in late May — and the ability to focus more on Virginia and Tennessee to try to add to the win total.
He’s evolved on gay rights. Hopefully, some day, he’ll move forward on this as well, and limit his sucking to this narrow field.
“Giving someone a low rating simply because you disagree with what they say, rather than as a response to “trollish” or inflammatory behavior, is considered extremely rude and frankly it is also counterproductive for the community as a whole!”
consider it a kiss from the litter box.
Heh. I’m never gaining TU status here, though, and I can accept it. 🙂
I love it…let people who are alive and suffering from diseases in which stem cells may offer a cure go on suffering and dying, to ‘protect’ the ‘life’ of a frozen embryo.
Nice priorities, Bob. Hope you don’t get ALS much.
do these assholes hate disabled people so much?
Fetal stem cells need not come from embryos, umbilical cord blood is loaded with them. Case closed, there should not even be any argument over this anymore.
I really don’t understand the completely irrational idea that these people believe …that doctors will force women to have abortions so they can use the fetus for research…that is what these rabidly irrational people believe and of course is fostered by the fundie crowd who drums this into the heads of the true believers. I just don’t get why they continue to believe this when it’s patently not true or do they really hate science so much that they would rather people suffer and die from diseases that can cured?…
As you said given the true facts this shouldn’t even be an issue even for the fundies really.
call rendell and bitch while you are at it since he is the one who forced this guy down our throats.
Call him and tell him that, in 3 years, another Dem will be running, and PA owes Casey nothing.
You PA folks need to express your wishes with clarity to Sanctimonious Bob. You need to get him converted, or out.
He did his job getting rid of that scumbag Santorum. Replacing one repulsive cretin with another SLIGHTLY LESS repulsive cretin is an improvement but not a long-term solution.
i think its 5 years we have to wait
and unfortunately he will probably run for president and the same asswipes will support him for the “easy” win.
Five years, if Casey doesn’t decide to run for governor of PA before that. Heaven help the women of PA if he ever becomes governor.
I guess we’ll be able to take comfort in his ‘evolved’ opinion on gay rights if that happens.
5 years to the election, 3 years to the start of the race for the election. In 3 years, some progressive in PA will be thinking about Casey and assessing his situation.
Yeah, well…. we knew to expect this from Casey. Can’t say it’s a surprise, after all. There are certain issues where he is not going to be voting the way most Democrates (or even most of his contituents) would want. He has otherwise been sticking with the Democratic caucus pretty reliably. The only consolation is that with any luck and some good issue management, his vote or lack thereof will be irrelevant to the issue.
Hopefully there are some Republicans who are more moderate on this issue. And maybe next time around, Pennsylvania can do better.
The only consolation is that with any luck and some good issue management, his vote or lack thereof will be irrelevant to the issue.
That is a pretty pathetic thing to have to hope for in an elected official, a Senator at that.
I would continue to telephone his office, and I would insist he demonstrate bipartisanship and the desires of his constituents by supporting the bill. His office will cave if enough people call.
We should also contact Norm Coleman, as he is supporting the alternative.
Pennsylvanians have no one but themselves and their shitty local version of Democratic leadership. Thanks for Holy Joe 2. Enjoy it.
I live in PA and I DIDN’T vote for Casey…a lot of people didn’t. I worked on a pro-choice state rep’s campaign, and that particular race wound up being the one that put Democrats in control of the PA state house for the first time in years. We’ll see how that turns out.
Why are you thanking me and telling me to enjoy having Casey for a Senator?? Do you think we all deserve Casey if we happen to live in PA?
that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m not talking about the primaries, I’m talking in NOV. Did you withhold your vote from the Senate line, or did you give in?
Endless lecturing here and in other places about how it’s better to vote for aisle crossers like this hack so that the worthless Reid could be majority leader.
Lefties need to walk away.
If you start streaming streaming Feingold’s hearing on the FBI National Security Letters, you’ll see your wonderful Senator sitting in a committee chair that Bob Casey created for him.
What part of I DIDN’T vote for Casey don’t you understand Madman? Or does that just not fit your “everybody in PA is an anti-woman, pro-life asshole” meme?
When the hell was there endless lecturing to vote for Casey here? Are you confusing this blog with the big orange? Albert’s got FP privileges here, and he worked on Pennacchio’s campaign, and was vocal about it. Nobody tried to censor anybody who was against Casey here. Nobody here was happy about the clearing of the field for Casey, and nobody tried to pretend otherwise.
If some people chose to vote for Casey over Santorum, that’s their business. Many didn’t, and we don’t deserve the smug crap from people in other states telling us how we deserve Casey simply because we live here.
How many more times could I have not voted for Casey? I don’t get it. I had my two opportunities to not vote for him and I used them to their full potential by not voting for him. I’d be not voting for him today, and indeed every day, if I could, but the mechanism just isn’t in place yet. Is there some method of not voting for Bob that I missed? Please advise.
All Pennsylvanians? Other than not voting for Casey, voting for his primary opponent, raising money for his primary opponent, donating money to his primary opponent and, in Albert’s case, actively campaigning across the commonwealth for for his primary opponent, what else would you suggest we had done to prevent our collective guilt? Shot the fucker? You could have done that yourself dude.
So you’re saying that I, as a Pennsylvanian, after volunteering 20-40 hours a week for 3-4 months, driving all over the state, donating my own money, donating my photographic services, getting on the phone and cold calling, standing at polls all over the 135 square miles of Philadelphia, attending forums/debates, writing to my newspapers, writing on my personal blog and the front page of this blog… (the list goes on and on and on) should just blame my fucking self eh?
Don’t blame me. Don’t blame the thousands of people who worked on the primary campaign.
Blame Governor Ed Rendell. Blame Sen. Harry Reid. Blame Sen. Chuck Schumer. Blame the experienced politicians who agreed to step aside locally and let this piece of shit by. Blame yourself.
you voted for Casey, you own him. Live with it.
hey asshat,
i didn’t vote for that asshole. where in my posts have i ever indicated i would ever vote for him? i didn’t.
yes Bob’s an asshole, but we knew what we were getting. Everyone in PA knew that we were trading a strong GOP asshole for a weak Democratic asshole, and that includes you Albert (if this is Albert from dragonballyee, as I assume it is)
I’m not surprised about Bob’s vote. It’s despicable and crummy, and I’ll give him a call, but it’s hardly surprising. And even though he is a big ol smelly dog testicle, Casey is better than Santorum. by a LONG shot.
yes it’s me brendan. it didn’t have to be an asshole in office, but it was all but mandated from the top of the democratic party (nationally and state wide) down and within various local groups who said the asshole was the only way to win. well, they were all wrong. everyone could’ve gotten behind a candidate who actually stood for things and this blue state could’ve blown man on dog out of the water and sent a message to the rest of the USofA.
and now, the candidate i worked for in the primary (chuck pennacchio) is doing more to bring pennsylvanians true single payer universal healthcare than this asshole ever will and rendell cares for.
everything you say here is true. And I’m not denying that Bob Casey is a royal asshole: I voted for Chuck in the primary myself, and he was the only candidate I gave money to). And I’m not defending him either: I’m just saying I’m about as surprised by casey’s dickface vote as I am at the sun rising in the east.
It totally didn’t have to be an asshole in office, and Rendell was a jerk for coronating him. the only good thing I have to say about casey is that he’s not santorum. On labor issues, according to susie madrak, he’s actually OK. Same with the environment.
Other than that, he’s a waste of perfectly good dog food.
would you consider having a hard on for anti-labor, anti-enrivonment Alito a pro-labor and pro-environment stance?
a SCOTUS appointment is for life. i recall being on one of those blogger conference calls with ‘big head’ ed kennedy when he said that voting on SCOTUS appointments was the second most important vote as a senator behind going to war.
fucking asshole this guy is. i don’t forsee him ever getting my vote for anything.